Excel file
The reference set of AIXM 5.1 Business Rules is made available in the form of an Excel file, that contains both the SBVR formulation and, where available, the Schematron encoding of the rule. This Excel file is available here: www.aixm.aero/page/business-rules.
The Excel file contains a pool of rules from which subsets (profiles) are then extracted for various applications. As explained in the Introduction, not all systems apply the same rules, in particular when it comes to minimal data - what is critical for a system might be of no relevance for another system. The error level of a rule may also depend on the profile.
The profile to which a rule belongs is indicated starting from column B. There is a column for each Profile about which information is stored in the tool used to produce this Excel file. Two error levels are used in the profiles ("Error" or "Warning"), which is aligned with the two levels of the diagnostics messages in Schematron.
This profile will contain a selection of AIXM features and business rules that can be used in order to verify the correctness and completeness of Digital NOTAM data sets. This shall be included in the Digital NOTAM Event Specification (starting with version 2.0).
Event_FAA profile
This profile will contain rules that are specific to the Digital NOTAM encoding scenarios of FAA (FNS-NDS) system. Such rules refer to an FAA scenario number.