We need a mitigation when the an information service is down or degraded.
What are the conventions to interface with another application e.g. heartbeat?
Is there a standard way to proceed with supervision.
Previous work
Supervision was addressed in a SESAR project - on virtual centres
. This presentation summarises the approach used in the project.View file name Supervision of services V1.0.PPTX
ADS-C Common Service (ACS) may also have something
Are technical standards available for this. Check with SWIM-TEC.
See also Use Case 4 - Service Status Monitoring (see section N3.1.1.4) and also N.3.3.5
ADS-C Common service may also have something
Are technical standards available for this. Check with SWIM-TEC.
Then decide
If we would should create a service definition for the service.
cybersecurity - how does this apply to a supervision service?
will the service have a ticketing mechanism to inform support?
each implementation may have a different set of statuses - is it possible to align them?