This page contains discussion on the need for supervision and monitoring of services in . In particular it discusses what is possible to have a harmonised way .
to notify users when a service is down or degraded.
What are the conventions to interface with another application e.g. heartbeat?
Is there a standard way to proceed with supervision.
Previous work
Supervision was addressed in a SESAR project on virtual centres. This presentation summarises the approach used in the project
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Details are also available in the the PJ 16 final report (https://www.sesarju.eu/sites/default/files/documents/projects/FPR/PJ_16 Final Project Report official V2.doc.pdf
See also Use Case 4 - Service Status Monitoring (see section N3.1.1.4) and also N.3.3.5
Then decide
The topic was further discussed at the October Round Table meeting. The participants discussed what the objectives of the task would be. It was agreed that there is no need to create a service definition for
a monitoring and supervision service. In reality, this would be difficult to create. The focus should therefore be on certain best practices.
Topics for best practices
semantics of availability statuses
cybersecurity - how does this apply to a supervision service?
will the service have a ticketing mechanism to inform support?
each implementation may have a different set of statuses - is it possible to align them?