PANS-AIM | Description (PANS-AIM) | AIXM 5 | Remarks |
Type | Type of special activity airspace (See Note 1) | //aixm:Airspace//aixm:type | |
Identification | The identification assigned to uniquely identify the airspace | //aixm:Airspace//aixm:designator | |
Name | The name given to the airspace by a responsible authority | //aixm:Airspace//aixm:name | |
Lateral limits | The surface defining the horizontal shape of the airspace | //aixm:AirspaceVolume/aixm:horizontalProjection | For detailed encoding guidelines see Geometry. |
Vertical limits - Upper limit | The upper limit of the airspace | //aixm:Airspace//aixm:AirspaceVolume/aixm:upperLimit | |
Vertical limits - Lower limit | The lower limit of the airspace | //aixm:Airspace//aixm:AirspaceVolume/aixm:lowerLimit | |
Restriction | Type of restriction or nature of hazard | //aixm:Airspace//aixm:activation//aixm:activity | In addtion AirspaceLayer and AircraftCharacteristic may be used to define the type of restriction in more detail. |
Activation | Information on system and means of activation announcements together with information pertinent to civil flights and applicable ADIZ procedures; | //aixm:Airspace//aixm:annotation/aixm:Note/aixm:propertyName='activation' | For detailed encoding guidelines see Annotation. |
Time of activity | Time interval when the special activity takes place | //aixm:Airspace//aixm:activation//aixm:timeInterval | For detailed encoding guidelines see Schedules. |
Risk of interception | Risk of interception in the event of penetration | //aixm:RulesProcedures//aixm:title="INTERCEPTION_CIVIL_AIRCRAFT" | //aixm:RulesProcedures//aixm:category | //aixm:RulesProcedures//aixm:content | Only required for Airsapce/type = "ADIZ" |