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titleOpen question Navaid components
In case of navaidequipment used by another navaid, e.g. a marker used for an ILS, has the marker to be coded as Navaid as well?



This information is not directly required by PANS-AIM. However, as this class is used to describe navaid collocations (e.g. VOR/DME) and the type of marker used for an ILS it shall be elaborated in the following.

In case the Navaid is composed of more than one NavaidEquipment the NavaidComponent class is used.

It indicates the navigation use of the NavaidEquipment as a component of the navigation service provided by a Navaid.

For example the DME NavaidEquipment is a NavaidComponent of an ILS system. The DME may be collocated with the Localizer and the DME may provide the navigable location for the Navaid service.

The NavaidComponent.collocationGroup attribute is used to describe the collocation of the NavaidEquipment.

All NavaidEquipment that have the same value for this property are collocated together.  For example for a collocated VOR/DME Navaid the VOR and DME navaid equipment will be assigned the same collocationGroup number equal-to '1'.  An ILS might have a Localizer with collocationGroup number equal-to '1' and collocated DME and Glidepath sharing collocationGroup number equal-to '2'.  

The NavaidComponent.markerPosition is a code indicating the position, in a navaid landing system, of the markers situated on the centreline of a runway. For example:  'OUTER', 'MIDDLE',' INNER', etc.

Finally the NavaidComponent.providesNavigableLocation attribute indicates if the navaid equipment used to specify the navigable location of the Navaid when the navaid is used as significant point. For example if you have a VOR/DME that is collocated but does not have the same geographical position, the VOR most likely will be the NavaidEquipment that provides the navigable location.

Navaid Purpose

This information is also not required by PANS-AIM to be provided. However, for the scope of a data set content and publication reasons it may be relevant to code that information.
