The limitation (coverage) is not related to the Navaid but the NavaidEquipment class, as each navaid equipment a navaid is composed of may have a different limitation.
Even a navaid may have different limitations for different RadioFrequencyArea.singnalType, e,g. for a TACAN the limitation for the 'AZIMUTH' may be different than for the 'DISTANCE'.
A navaid equipment may have different types of limitations.
For the coding of the vertical extend of a sector at 4 attributes have to may be used:
The CircleSector.upperLimit attribute is used for the uppermost altitude or level that is included in the sector.
For more coding details and rules about vertical limits see topic Vertical Limits [VER].
Coding Rules for Facility Coverage
Coding Examples
The Example below illustrates the encoding of the coverage (DOC) of the VOR Tango (note that the TACAN has other limitations):
The figure below illustrated how the limitations of the VOR Tango look like in regard to the horizontal and vertical limits (drawing is not to scale):
type | lowerLimit¹ | lowerLimitReference¹ | Upper Limit | upperLimitReference | innerLimit | outerLimit | arcDirection | angleDirectionReference | FromArc | ToArc |
COV | 0 FT | SFC | 500 FL | STD | 0 NM ** | 80 NM | CWA | FROM | 045 | 135 |
COV | 0 FT | SFC | 500 FL | STD | 0 NM ** | 60 NM | CWA | FROM | 135 | 045 |
UUS | 0 FT | SFC | 3200 FT | MSL | 20 NM | not coded | CWA | FROM | 125 | 145 |
UUS | 0 FT | SFC | 5200 FT | MSL | 30NM | not coded | CWA | FROM | 125 | 145 |
UUS | 0 FT | SFC | 7200 FT | MSL | 40 NM | not coded | CWA | FROM | 125 | 145 |
¹ As not specified in the source data, the lower limit and its reference may also not be coded.
**As not specified in the source data, the inner limit may also be left blank.
More examples TBD in the scope of the DONLON AIXM AIP data set.