All other runway facets are described with respect to a RunwayDirection, for example stopways and protection areas; runway direction obstacles; approach lighting; declared distances and runway lighting.
Runway type
In AIXM, the Runway class is used to code the runway for airplanes but also to code the Final Approach and Take-off Area (FATO) for helicopters.
The runway dimension attributes are used to describe the physical dimension of a runway.
The Runway.nominalLength is the declared longitudinal extent of the runway for operational (performance) calculations.
For both attributes a dedicated attribute to provide accuracy information is available, lengthAccuracy and widthAccuracy.
According to ICAO Annex 14, Volume Im the runway Strip is:
A defined area including the runway and stopway, if provided, intended:
- to reduce the risk of damage to aircraft running off a runway; and
- to protect aircraft flying over it during take-off or landing operations
In AIXM 5 dedicated attributes are used to code the strip dimension (viz. lengthStrip and widthStrip). This information is not part of the minimum/conditional AIP data set, but mentioned here in order to differentiate runway dimension form strip dimension.
The surface specification of a runway is related to the complete runway as a physical element and not related to the different runway directions.