Start Point & End Point
Route Segment ICAO defines a route segment as
For defining that the point used for the route segment is an RNAV waypoint (see also topic Designated Point (Overview)) the EnrouteSegmentPoint.waypoint attribute will be encoded with 'YES'.
In addtion AIXM 5 provides as an option to encode the extend of the route segment as geometrical element, using the Curve class. This data may be used for charting purposes. The curve will be encoded according to the corresponding GML specification (see topic Geometry (Overview)). It will contain the coordinates of the start and end point of the route segment. It has to be ensured that the data (i.e. coordinates) provided in the Curve element(s) match with those provided as start and end of the RouteSegment.
Implicit direction
As every route segment is defined 'from' a start point 'to' an end point, it has an implicit direction. This direction should be consistent with the direction of the route. The start point of a route should also be the 'from' point of the first route segment and the end point of the route should be the 'to' point of the last segment.
Rules are included in the model to enforce consistency between the general direction of the route and the implicit direction of every segment (see below).
Track & Lenght
The RouteSegment class provides several attributes to define the initial trueTrack, initial magneticTrack, the initial reverseTrueTrack and the initial reverseMagneticTrack of it.
For "ENR 3.3 Area navigation routes", PANS-AIM explicitly requires that the magnetic bearing of the route segment is provided. For all other routes defined in ENR 3, PANS-AIM requires a track or VOR radial applying the following note
According to PANS-AIM an the length of a route segment shall be provided as geodesic distance.
Lateral Limits
For "ENR 3.1 Lower ATS routes" and "ENR 3.2 Upper ATS routes", PANS-AIM requires the provison of lateral limits.
The RouteSegment class provides the attributes widthLeft and widthRight to define the lateral limits. These are the distances from the centreline of the route segment to the left and right edge respectivley. For example, if the route segment has a defined width of 10 NM for each of the attributes will carry the value '5' uom equal-to 'NM'.
Vertical Limits
PANS-AIM requires that all routes/route segments have at least a Lower lower limit and an Upper upper limit.
For some types of routes, viz. ENR 3.1 (Lower ATS Routes) and ENR 3.4 (Helicopter Routes), also minimum obstacle clearance altitudes and minimum flight altitudes, respectively shall be provided.
The following table gives an overview which vertical limits are required by PANS-AIM for the AIP data set and the corresponding AIXM attributes of the RouteSegment class (Note 1) :
PANS-AIM | AIXM 5.1.1 | |||||||||
Property | Definition/Desription | Relevance | Attribute | Description | Remarks | |||||
Upper limit | The upper limit of the route segment | ENR 3.1-3.4 | upperLimit | The vertical position of the route segment ceiling. | ||||||
Lower Limit | The lower limit of the route segment | ENR 3.1-3.4 (Note 2) | lowerLimit | The vertical position of the route segment floor. |
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Minimum obstacle clearance altitude (MOCA) | The minimum altitude for a defined segment of flight that provides the required obstacle clearance. minimumObstacleClearingAltitude | ENR 3.1 Lower ATS Route |
minimumObstacleClearanceAltitude | Minimum obstacle clearance altitude (MOCA). The minimum altitude for a defined segment of flight that provides the required obstacle clearance. | According to PANS-OPS
In PANS-AIM it is only required for ENR 3.1Lower ATS Routes. The MOC value to be applied in the primary area for the en-route phase of an IFR flight is 300 m (1 000 ft) as a minimum. | ||||||||
Minimum en-route altitude (MEA) | The altitude for an en-route segment that provides adequate reception of relevant navigation facilities and ATS communications, complies with the airspace structure and provides the required obstacle clearance. | ENR 3.1 Lower ATS Route (Note 2) | minimumEnrouteAltitude | Minimum en-route altitude (MEA). The altitude for an en-route segment that provides adequate reception of relevant navigation facilities and ATS communications, complies with the airspace structure and provides the required obstacle clearance. | According to PANS-OPS
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Minimum flight altitude | Minimum flight altitude | ENR 3.4 Helicopter routes | ??? | According to PANS-AIM
In PANS-AIM the term is only used for "ENR 3.4 Helicopter routes" ICAO ANnex 11, 2.22 Minimum flight altitudes
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NA | NA | NA | minimumCrossingAtEnd | The lowermost vertical position at the end point, when flying on the route portion in the direction indicated in the RoutePortionUsage. |
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NA | NA | NA | maximumCrossingAtEnd | The uppermost vertical position at the end point, when flying on the route portion in the direction indicated in the RoutePortionUsage. | Same issue as above. |
Note | ||
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PANS-AIM defines more vertical limits, i.e Area Minimum Altitude (AMA) and Minimum Vectoring Altitude (MVA) which are not considered as part of the AIP Data set and hence are not conatined in the table. |
Info | ||
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In some State AIPs, an additional limit, "overriding" the Lower limit specification is published. To publish this minimum limit, often statements such as " but at least" are used. The Lower limit override always refers to ground e.g. "feet above ground". How to encode this in AIXM 5.1.1? in AIXM 4.5 a dedicated attribute was provided VAL_DIST_VER_LOWER_OVRDE Example: |
Regarding the general encoding guidelines and rules for vertical limits see topic Vertical Limits [VER].
Coding Rules for Basic Data for Route Segment
Identifier | Data Encoding Rule | Justification | Data Verification Rule (UID) | Remarks |
RSG-201 | ||||
ASE-202 | ||||
ASE-203 | ||||
ASE-204 | ||||
Coding Examples
More examples TBD in the scope of the DONLON XML.