Purpose and Scope
These pages contain the coding guidelines for the minimum and conditional data for the airspace subjects as defined in PANS-AIM, for both ATS Airspace and Special Activity Airspace.
In PANS-AIM only ATS airspace is defined:
Airspaces of defined dimensions, alphabetically designated, within which specific types of flights may operate and for which air traffic services and rules of operation are specified (PANS-AIM, Appendix 1 Aeronautical Data Catalogue).
According PANS-AIM the follwing types of airspaces are considerd as ATS airspaces:
In an AIP all of them are published in section ENR 2.1, except CTR which is published in AD 2.17.
For all of them the AIXM data type codeAirspaceType provides a corresponding value.
According PANS-AIM, the following types of airspaces are considerd Special Activity Airspaces:
- Prohibited Area
- Restricted Area
- Danger Area
- Military Execise Area
- Military Training Area
- Air Defence Identification Zone (ADIZ)
- Other
In an AIP these types of airspaces are published in the following sections:
- ENR 5.1 Prohibited, restricted and danger areas
ENR 5.2 Military exercise and training areas and air defence identification zone (ADIZ)
- ENR 5.3.1 Other activities of a dangerous nature
- ENR 5.5 Aerial sporting and recreational activities
For Prohibited Area, Prohibited Area, Prohibited Area and Air Defence Identification Zone (ADIZ) the AIXM data type codeAirspaceType provides corresponding values. Other airspaces may be encoded as described in page Basic Data of Airspace.
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ATS Unit providing Service
Restriction & Activation
Hours of applicability / Hours of Service / Time of acitivity
In PANS-AIM different data items are defined for Schedules which are relevant for an airspace or a unit providing service within an airspace.
For ATS airspace, Appendix 1 of PANS-AIM (Aeronautical Data Catalogue) defines the "Hours of applicabiliy" for the airspace and in addtion the "Hours of Service", which are "the operational hours of the station serving the unit".
However, in an AIP the first item is only published for ATS airspaces of section AD 2.17, whereas the latter is only published for ATS airspaces listed in section ENR 2.1.
For Special activity airspaces the "Time of activity" is defined as "Time interval when the special activity takes place".
In the following only those coding rules specfic to the airspace subjects will be discussed.
For the general coding guidelines for the Timesheet refer to Schedule.
Hours of applicabiliy
This information is required for ATS airspaces usually published in "AD 2.17 Air traffic services airspace":
6) hours of applicability;
In AIXM this information will be encoded as Airspace.activation.
Hours of Service
This information is required for ATS airspaces usually published in "ENR 2.1 FIR, UIR, TMA AND CTA":
3) call sign of aeronautical station serving the unit and language(s) used, specifying the area and conditions, when and where to be used, if applicable;
In AIXM this information will be encoded as Service.availability.
Time of activity
This information is required for Sepecial activity airspaces usually published section in "ENR 5":
In AIXM this information will be encoded as Airspace.activation.
Coding Rules for
Coding Examples
Coding Example can be found in the AIXM DONLON ACGAIP file.
No. | Description | XPath Expression |
1 | ATS airspace type FIR | //aixm:Airspace//*[aixm:type='FIR'] |
2 | Special activity airspace type Danger Area | //aixm:Airspace//*[aixm:type='D'] |
3 | Transition Altitude | //aixm:AirportHeliport//aixm:transitionAltitude |