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PANS-AIMDescription (PANS-AIM)AIXM 5Definition (AIXM 5.1.1)Remarks
DesignatorThe full textual designator of the landing and take-off direction. Examples: 27, 35L, 01R.


RunwayDirection: One of the two landing and take-off directions of a runway for which attributes like Take-off Run Available (TORA), Take-off Distance Available (TODA), Landing Distance Available (LDA), etc. may be defined.

designator: A designator for one of the two possible landing and/or take-off directions of a runway or Final Approach and Take-off Area (FATO).

True bearingThe true bearing of the runway.




trueBearing: The accuracy of the measured angle between the runway direction and True North at a given position.

trueBearingAccuracy: The measured angle between the runway direction and Magnetic North at a given position.

Threshold - PositionGeographical location for runway threshold




RunwayCentrelinePoint: An operationally significant position on the centre line of a runway direction. A typical example is the runway threshold.

location: Geographical position of the runway centreline point.

horizontalAccuracy:The difference between the recorded horizontal coordinates of a point and its true position referenced to the same geodetic datum expressed as a circular error at 95 percent probability.

Threshold - ElevationElevation of the runway threshold




elevation: The vertical distance of the point measured from Mean Sea Level (MSL).

verticalAccuracy: The difference between the recorded elevation of a point and its true elevation referenced to the same vertical datum expressed as a linear error at 95 percent probability.

Threshold - Geoid undulationWGS-84 Geoid undulation at runway threshold position




geoidUndulation: The distance of the geoid above (positive) or below (negative) the mathematical reference ellipsoid at the location of the point.

ICAO Annex Annex 14

requires the Geoid undulation of the threshold for precision approach runways and for non-precision approaches runways of aerodromes used by international civil aviation.

titleInfo for accuracy

The PANS-AIM Data Catalogue does not define an accuracy for the Geoid undulation but ICAO Annex Annex 14 does.

In AIXM 5 the verticalAccuracy refers to both the elevation and the geoidUndulation.

Hence, if the verticalAccuracy is coded but the accuracy for the Geoid undulation is not known this should be put into a corresponding Note.

Threshold - TypeThe indication if the threshold is displaced/ not displaced. A displaced threshold is not located at the extremity of a runway.RunwayCentrelinePoint.rolerole: The role of an operationally significant position on the centre line of a runway direction.

When encoded role equal to  'THR' the threshold is not displaced.

When encoded role equal to 'DISTHR' the threshold is displaced.

Threshold - Displacement

Distance of displaced threshold

Note: If displaced threshold

RunwayCentrelinePoint.roleequal-to 'DISTHR' .associatedDeclaredDistance.RunwayDeclaredDistance.type equal-to  'DTHR' .declaredValue.RunwayDeclaredDistanceValue.distance


RunwayCentrelinePoint.roleequal-to 'DISTHR' .associatedDeclaredDistance.RunwayDeclaredDistance.type equal to  'DTHR' .declaredValue.RunwayDeclaredDistanceValue.distanceAccuracy

associatedDeclaredDistance: The declared distance marked by the RunwayCentrelinePoint.

type: The type of a conventional operational distance declared for a runway direction.

declaredValue: Schedule of validity for the Declared Distances.

distance: The conventional operational distance declared for a runway direction.

distanceAccuracy: The accuracy of the value of a conventional operational distance declared for a runway direction.

Declared distances - TORATake-off run available - The length of runway declared available and suitable for the ground run of an aeroplane taking off.

RunwayCentrelinePoint.role.associatedDeclaredDistance.RunwayDeclaredDistance.type equal-to  'TORA' .declaredValue.RunwayDeclaredDistanceValue.distance


RunwayCentrelinePoint.role.associatedDeclaredDistance.RunwayDeclaredDistance.type equal-to  'TORA' .declaredValue.RunwayDeclaredDistanceValue.distanceAccuracy

see above

RunwayCentrelinePoint.role shall be 'START_RUN'

Declared distances - TODATake-off distance available - The length of the take-off run available plus the length of the clearway, if provided.

RunwayCentrelinePoint.role.associatedDeclaredDistance.RunwayDeclaredDistance.type equal-to  'TODA' .declaredValue.RunwayDeclaredDistanceValue.distance


RunwayCentrelinePoint.role.associatedDeclaredDistance.RunwayDeclaredDistance.type equal-to  'TODA' .declaredValue.RunwayDeclaredDistanceValue.distanceAccuracy

see above

RunwayCentrelinePoint.role shall be 'START_RUN'

Declared distances - ASDAAccelerate-stop distance available - The length of the take-off run available plus the length of the stopway, if

RunwayCentrelinePoint.role.associatedDeclaredDistance.RunwayDeclaredDistance.type equal-to  'ASDA' .declaredValue.RunwayDeclaredDistanceValue.distance


RunwayCentrelinePoint.role.associatedDeclaredDistance.RunwayDeclaredDistance.type equal-to  'ASDA' .declaredValue.RunwayDeclaredDistanceValue.distanceAccuracy

see above

RunwayCentrelinePoint.role shall be 'START_RUN'

Declared distances - LDALanding distance available - The length of runway which is declared available and suitable for the ground run of an aeroplane landing.

RunwayCentrelinePoint.role.associatedDeclaredDistance.RunwayDeclaredDistance.type equal-to  'LDA' .declaredValue.RunwayDeclaredDistanceValue.distance


RunwayCentrelinePoint.role.associatedDeclaredDistance.RunwayDeclaredDistance.type equal-to  'LDA' .declaredValue.RunwayDeclaredDistanceValue.distanceAccuracy

see above

RunwayCentrelinePoint/role shall be either 'THR' or 'DISTHR'.

Declared distances - RemarksRemarks including runway entry or start point where alternative reduced declared distances have been declared






The Note may be provided for the appropriate declared distance property or class.