The following AIXM UML model diagram indicates the scope of these coding guidelines:
The main class in this model is PropertiesWithScheduleProposal: use the same graphical style for class, attribute, association, etc. as used in the SBVR notation ofr AIXM Business Rules: see https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Q2piVEOXLgshf9TbADPkP_ZqSocmg6hyUG0KyTExf_k/edit#heading=h.37m9eh8ahd6k.
Advantage: no need for quotes or something similar in order to highlight a model element name in the text. This notation also facilitates the understanding of the business rules SBVR notation, that will appear later in the document.Webex 02 FEb: OK, but put the explanation about the notation in the document., which is used through inheritance in all the situations that need a schedule to be associated with a specific group of properties, such as NavaidOperationalStatus, AirportHeliportAvailability, etc. A schedule is then modelled with one or more Timesheet occurrences, which enable the encoding of elements such as start/end time, start/end date.
It is possible that one or more Timesheet composing a schedule depend on public holidays or other special dates. The model allows to indicate explicitly the authority for such special dates, through the appliesSpecialDatesOf association with the OrganisationAuthority class. Note that this is typically a State, but could also be a local authority, such as a military authority which has distinct non-working days from the public holidays of the State.
The Timesheet class has a number of attributes that can be grouped as follows: