The UML class name is used for the element names in the XML Schema.
Mapping Objects
AIXM objects are encoded as GML objects. For the most part, the XML schema entities are created in the same way as for Features, following the object-property model. However it is important to remember that AIXM objects do not exist outside of a feature and are therefore part of the feature timeslice. TimeSlice types and elements are not created for objects.
For each AIXM Object the following XML schema entities are created:
- ObjectPropertyGroup
- Object
- ObjectType
- ObjectPropertyType
- AbstractObjectExtension
The example will use the City object illustrated below. The object represents the town that is served by an AirportHeliport.
The CityType definition uses the CityPropertyGroup and the extension. It extends AbstractAIXMObjectType
<complexType name="CityType">
<extension base="aixm:AbstractAIXMObjectType">
<group ref="aixm:CityPropertyGroup"/>
<element name="extension" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<element ref="aixm:AbstractCityExtension"/>
<attributeGroup ref="gml:OwnershipAttributeGroup"/>
The City object is then defined as an XSD element of type CityType.
<element name="City" type="aixm:CityType">
<appinfo><gml:description>A city or location that may be served by an airport/heliport.</gml:description></appinfo>
An XSD complex type representing a GML property type is created. A Feature uses this element to include the City object rather than reference it (using xlink:href) because object does not exist without the parent.
<complexType name="CityPropertyType">
<extension base="aixm:AbstractAIXMObjectType">
<element ref="aixm:City"/>
<attributeGroup ref="gml:OwnershipAttributeGroup"/>
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