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This section provides ‘AsrnNode’ feature data encoding guidance.

Table of Contents


AMD data encoding can start when the necessary geographic information, aeronautical information and basic knowledge regarding the structure of created feature is available. 

From the geographical point of view, the AsrnNode is a representation of the intersection of two or more aerodrome features related to taxi operations, or other special location such as holding position or entry or exit to a parking area. The key attributes are the longitude, latitude and the elevation in reference with WGS-84.

AMD encoding

AIXM 5.1

Feature AsrnNode Feature AsrnNode is out of scope of the AIXM 5.1 and can not be replaced or substituted by other feature.another feature. Therefore, it is available in the extension.


The geometry of the AsrnNode is point encoded as object ElevatedPoint.

For more information regarding AIXM 5.1 Geometry encoding follow 'AIXM data coding'.

GML considerations:

AIXM 5.1 is based on GML. Hence, obtained geographical locations shall be transferred into a GML geometry object Point.

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Feature AsrnNode shall be established in accordance with coding rules and requirements listed in AIXM 5.1 Temporality Model.

AIXM 5.1 features

AsrnNode is encoded to the AIXM 5.1 extension as ASRNNode features.

All associations are shown in the UML Diagram in Information definition for ASRN extension.

Coding example - Structure of message

Code Block
<AIXMBasicMessage  ...>
    <asrn:ASRNNode gml:id="uuid.190eb7f6-59e8-4a02-aa88-891f362a3333">
    <aixm:AirportHeliport gml:id="uuid.0b7a2688-ab95-47e6-82c2-23fe321c4a48">
    <aixm:TaxiwayMarking gml:id="uuid.190eb7f6-59e8-4a02-aa88-891f362acd79">
    <aixm:RunwayCentrelinePoint gml:id="uuid.190eb7f6-59e8-4a02-aa88-891f362a7275">
    <aixm:TaxiHoldingPosition gml:id="uuid.190eb7f6-59e8-4a02-aa88-891f362a5ebc">
    <aixm:Taxiway gml:id="uuid.3ae48a00-5f20-42c4-bb60-032252a56aa6">
    <aixm:Runway gml:id="uuid.3ae48a00-5f20-42c4-bb60-032252a56bc6">

Coding example - ASRNNode

Code Block
 <asrn:ASRNNode gml:id="uuid.1e1f1b27-5df4-42f9-86ae-8afe00598abd">
   <asrn:ASRNNodeTimeSlice gml:id="uuid.b0a75e73-0ca4-412f-8979-0015dda202ba">
      <gml:endPosition indeterminatePosition="unknown"/>
      <gml:endPosition indeterminatePosition="unknown"/>
    <asrn:associatedAirportHeliport xlink:href="#01599e2b-b3a5-4401-b44f-b24f584bf32c" xlink:title="EDDR"/>
     <aixm:ElevatedPoint gml:id="uuid.c2ad7d8e-c44b-41d8-ab0c-7c6273f06e7f" srsName="urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326">
      <gml:pos>49.2149808430863 7.11040145654952</gml:pos>

Download feature ASRNNode:
