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  • The objective of this scenario is to support the encoding of contamination information about individual runways, taxiways or aprons, as foreseen to be contained in SNOWTAM messages as of 05 November 2020;
  • Several runways,  taxiways and aprons can be included in the surface condition report;
  • The content of the SNOWTAM report is considered as described in ICAO Doc 10066 - Aeronautical Information Management, First Edition, 2018, Appendix 4 - SNOWTAM Format
  • This scenario does not support the encoding of the information about airport, runway closure due to contamination. That information should be encoded using the dedicated AD.CLS or RWY.CLS scenarios.


  • AirportHeliport BASELINE as specified in the Basic Data for Airport/Heliport,

  • Runway BASELINE according to the coding rules for Basic Data for Runway;

  • Taxiway BASELINE which contains as a minimum a designator and an association with the AirportHeliport; (warning)No AIP Data Set specific rules identified.

  • Apron BASELINE which contains as a minimum a designator and an association with the AirportHeliport; (warning)No AIP Data Set specific rules identified.



Data encoding rule


The surface condition report shall be encoded as:

  • a new Event with a BASELINE TimeSlice (encoding=”DIGITAL”, scenario=”SFC.CON”, version=”2.0”), for which a PERMDELTA TimeSlice may also be provided; and

  • a TimeSlice of type TEMPDELTA for the each affected Runway feature, for which the "event:theEvent" property points to the Event instance created above.

  • if applicable, additional TEMPDELTA TimeSlices for the affected Taxiway and Apron features as detailed below. Such TimeSlice shall have the "event:theEvent" property points to the Event instance created above.


Each TEMPDELTA TimeSlice and the Event featureLifetime.beginPosition shall have TimePeriod.beginPosition same as the Runway.RunwayContamination.observationTime.


Each TEMPDELTA TimeSlice and the Event featureLifetime.endPosition shall have TimePeriod.endPosition set 8h after the TimePeriod.beginPosition.

(Alternatives: 1) the 8h should be put as estimated end of validity or 2) the end of validity is to be an input from the operator)


Only the following values shall be used for the RunwaySectionContamination.section:

  • 1_THIRD
  • 2_THIRD
  • 3_THIRD

Only the following values shall be used for RunwaySectionContamination.SurfaceContaminationLayer.type:

  • NONE
  • ICE
  • DAMP

Only the following values shall be used for Runway.overallContaminant.SurfaceContaminationLayer.type:

ER-07If presence of snow banks adjacent to the runway are indicated, this shall be encoded as RunwayContamination.Ridge.annotation having purpose="REMARK" and note="Snow banks present adjacent to the runway".
ER-08If the assessment is including Taxiway information, TEMPDELTA TimeSlices shall be encoded for each affected Taxiway feature. This shall include Taxiway.SurfaceCharacteristics.surfaceCondition and TaxiwayContamination.Ridge, as available.
ER-09If presence of snow banks on the taxiway are indicated, this shall be encoded as TaxiwayContamination.Ridge.annotation having purpose="REMARK" and note="Snow banks present on the taxiway"

ER-10If the assessment is including Apron information, TEMPDELTA TimeSlices shall be encoded for each affected Apron feature. This shall include the Apron.SurfaceCharacteristics.surfaceCondition.

Only the following values shall be used for Runway.RunwayContamination.frictionDevice:

  • GRT
  • MUM
  • RDB
  • RFT
  • SFH
  • SFL
  • SKH
  • SKL
  • TAP
ER-12The maximum value of SurfaceContaminationLayer.layerOrder is 2.

In case of multiple SurfaceContaminationLayer.layerOrder, only the following combinations are allowed:

  • layerOrder=1, type=DRY_SNOW and layerOrder=2, type=COMPACT_SNOW
  • layerOrder=1, type=DRY_SNOW and layerOrder=2, type=ICE
  • layerOrder=1, type=WATER and layerOrder=2, type=COMPACT_SNOW
  • layerOrder=1, type=WET_SNOW and layerOrder=2, type=COMPACT_SNOW
  • layerOrder=1, type=WET_SNOW and layerOrder=2, type=ICE