- the abbreviation NAV.BL. indicates that the corresponding data item must be taken from the Navaid BASELINE, which is valid at the start time of the Event;
- the abbreviation NAV.TD. indicates that the corresponding data item must be taken from the Navaid TEMPDELTA;
- the abbreviation NEQ.BL. indicates that the corresponding data item must be taken from the NavaidEquipment BASELINE, which is valid at the start time of the Event;
- the abbreviation NEQ.TD. indicates that the corresponding data item must be taken from the NavaidEquipment TEMPDELTA;
- Important note: According to encoding rule ER-11, the TEMPDELTA might also include NavaidOperationalStatus elements that have been copied from the BASELINE data for compliance with the AIXM Temporality rules. The current practice is to not include such static information in the NOTAM text. Therefore, all NavaidOperationalStatus that have an associated annotation with purpose=REMARK and the text="Baseline data copy. Not included in the NOTAM text generation" shall be excepted from the text NOTAM generation algorithm!
Several NOTAMs possible
There are several situations that can trigger the need to issue several
NOTAM to ensure that the information appears in the relevant en-route and airport Pre-Flight Information Bulletins (PIB). The Event has an explicit associationEvent to AirportHeliport as defined in ER-12.
- if the Event has an associationEvent to an AirportHeliport, publish a "navaid unserviceable" NOTAM for each airport that is affected, with the corresponding airport designator in item A.
- If more the one navaid is affected, a separate NOTAM shall be created for each NAV.TD. associated with the Event for which at least one of
- its NavaidEquipment also has a NEQ.TD associated with the same Event;
The rules for the
“first NOTAM” and the NOTAM containing the FIR in Item A are indicated below, for any additional NOTAM with scope A, refer to “several NOTAM possible” section.
A better solution would be that such navaid outages are translated into one NOTAM with the FIR in item A. Then, separate Events and separate NOTAM should be published for the affected Procedures, having the airport identifier in item A. This approach will be considered for the further development of this Specification, when the scenario for Procedures unavailability will be included.
Item A
The item A shall be generated according to the geographical location of the Airspace, following the ICAO DOC 8126 and the OPADD rules.