AirportHeliport BASELINE as specified in the Basic Data for Airport/Heliport,
Runway BASELINE according to the coding rules for Basic Data for Runway;
Taxiway BASELINE which contains as a minimum a designator and an association with the AirportHeliport; No AIP Data Set coding rules identified.
- Apron BASELINE which contains as a minimum a designator and an association with the AirportHeliport; No AIP Data Set coding rules identified.
Identifier | Data encoding rule |
ER-01 | The surface condition report shall be encoded as:
ER-02 | The TimeSlice.validTime of the affected Features TEMPDELTAs, the EventTimeSlice.validTime and EventTimeSlice.featureLifetime shall have TimePeriod.beginPosition equal to the latest Runway.RunwayContamination.observationTime. Reason: When reporting on more than one runway and individual dates/times of observation/assessment are indicated by repeated Item B, the latest date/time of observation/assessment is inserted in the abbreviated heading. This is considered the start of the SNOWTAM validity. |
ER-03 | The TimeSlice.validTime of the affected Features TEMPDELTAs, the EventTimeSlice.validTime and EventTimeSlice.featureLifetime shall have TimePeriod.endPosition set 8h after the TimePeriod.beginPosition. Reason: Maximum SNOWTAM validity is 8h. |
ER-04 | All three sections (thirds) shall always be present and each of the following values shall only be used once for the RunwaySectionContamination.section:
ER-05 | Only the following values are allowed for Runway.RunwaySectionContamination.frictionEstimation:
ER-06 | Only the following values shall be used for RunwaySectionContamination.SurfaceContaminationLayer.type:
ER-07 | Only the following values shall be used for Runway.overallContaminant.SurfaceContaminationLayer.type:
ER-08 | In case of multiple SurfaceContaminationLayer.layerOrder, only the following combinations are allowed:
ER-09 | The maximum value of SurfaceContaminationLayer.layerOrder is 2. |
ER-10 | Snow banks adjacent to the runway shall be encoded as Runway.overallContaminant/RunwayContamination.criticalRidge/Ridge.annotation with purpose=WARNING and note="Snow banks present adjacent to the runway" |
ER-11 | When Runway.overallContaminant/RunwayContamination.criticalRidge/Ridge.distance is provided, a Ridge.annotation shall be encoded with propertyName="distance", purpose=DESCRIPTION and note="distance measured from runway centerline" The AIXM definition of the element is being a distance measured from the edge of the movement area and not from its centreline, therefore an interpretation rule is needed. |
ER-12 | If the assessment is including Taxiway information, TEMPDELTA TimeSlices shall be encoded for each affected Taxiway Feature. |
ER-13 | Snow banks present on the taxiway shall be encoded as Taxiway.contaminant/TaxiwayContamination.criticalRidge/Ridge.annotation with purpose=WARNING and note="Snow banks present on the taxiway". |
ER-14 | If the assessment is including Apron information, TEMPDELTA TimeSlices shall be encoded for each affected Apron Feature. |
ER-15 | Only the following values shall be used for Runway.RunwayContamination.frictionDevice:
ER-16 | In case items are NOT REPORTED - "NR" nilReason nil=True shall be used. |
under development.