Service Definition Identification
service definition identification | title | Service definition for the Aeronautical Aerodrome Map Request Service |
edition | 00.01.00 |
reference date | 2023-04-14 |
Service Identification
service identification | service name | Aeronautical Aerodrome Map Request Service |
Service Abstract
service abstract | The Aeronautical Aerodrome Map Request Service provides a capability for on-request aeronautical aerodrome maps that are generated from aerodrome mapping data.
Note: Aerodrome mapping data are based on the ICAO Annex 15 notion of aerodrome mapping data and the related aerodrome mapping datasets. Aeronautical aerodrome maps are a graphical representation of aerodrome mapping data.
The service generates aeronautical aerodrome maps from current or next AIRAC cycle aerodrome mapping data available in the service back-end.
The service encodes the aeronautical aerodrome maps in a graphical format.
The consumer of the service can specify in the aerodrome map request:
- the individual aerodrome,
- the aerodrome map layers to be included, and
- the geographical area of interest.
The provided aeronautical aerodrome map is used in visualisation contexts as a backdrop map. The service capability enables various use cases (e.g. Digital NOTAM overlay in ePIB applications).
The Aeronautical Aerodrome Map Request Service definition provides a common specification for the implementation of Aeronautical Aerodrome Map Request Service instances that conform with EU Implementing Regulation 2021/116 - Common Project One.
Note: In the context of European SWIM deployment the Aeronautical Aerodrome Map Request Service capability realizes the SESAR Deployment Programme Aerodrome Mapping Service – Map part. The capability to request airport layout features (i.e. aerodrome mapping data) is realized by the Aeronautical Information Request Service. |
Service Definition Provider
service definition provider | name | EUROCONTROL |
description | EUROCONTROL is an intergovernmental organisation with 41 Member and 2 Comprehensive Agreement States. |
point of contact | |
Info |
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geographical extent of information |
Service Categories
Service Standard Reference
Info |
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service standard reference
| reference |
implemented options |
deviations/additions |
Operational Environment
operational environment | operational needs | There is a need for aeronautical aerodrome maps in support of integrated digital briefing applications (e.g. ePIB). Aerodrome maps can be used to ensure common situational awareness using them as backdrops in applications that display changes in the availability of the aerodrome infrastructure (e.g. Digital NOTAM overlay). Another example is the use of aerodrome maps in applications in support of aerodrome surface management.
A list of aerodrome map related operational needs is available in Appendix C. The aeronautical aerodrome maps offered by the service satisfy the EU Implementing Regulation 2021/116 - Common Project One. Note: Aerodrome mapping data are based on the ICAO Annex 15 notion of aerodrome mapping data and the related aerodrome mapping datasets. Aeronautical aerodrome maps are a graphical representation of aerodrome mapping data. Note: In the context of European SWIM deployment the Aeronautical Aerodrome Map Request Service capability realizes the SESAR Deployment Programme Aerodrome Mapping Service – Map part. The capability to request airport layout features (i.e. aerodrome mapping data) is realized by the Aeronautical Information Request Service. |
capabilities | The service provides aeronautical aerodrome maps based on service consumer requests (for example, for a specified geographical area, based on a specific map layer or for a specific aerodrome). |
information exchange requirements | |
Service Functions
service functions
| function | name | Discover capabilities
description | The service consumer shall be able to discover the capabilities exposed by the service such as layers and styles. |
real-world effect | The service consumer knows the capabilities of the service. |
function | name | Request aeronautical aerodrome map |
description | The service consumer shall be able to request the aeronautical aerodrome map and be able to select which layers to include on it. |
real-world effect | The service consumer receives the requested map. |
function | name | Request aeronautical aerodrome map by geographic area |
description | The service consumer shall be able to select the geographic area to be used when generating the map. |
real-world effect | The service consumer receives the requested map. |
function | name | Request aeronautical aerodrome map by identifier |
description | The service consumer shall be able to select an individual aerodrome to be used when generating the map. Note: The service shall support ICAO aerodrome location indicators as a minimum. |
real-world effect | The service consumer receives the requested map. |
function | name | Request aeronautical aerodrome map by AIRAC cycle |
description | The service consumer shall be able to specify the AIRAC cycle (current and next) of the aerodrome map request. |
real-world effect | Service consumer receives the requested map. |
Service Access and Use Conditions
service access and use conditions
| legal constraints |
service policies | business policy | Due care should be taken if an application consuming the service is used in cockpit/flight. |
operational policy |
technical policy |
service consumption constraints |
Security Constraints
security constraints
| authentication | The service may offer unauthenticated/public use. If the use is authenticated, the service shall ensure consumer authentication in accordance with the EUROCONTROL Specification for SWIM Technical Infrastructure (TI) Yellow Profile through the use of a X.509 certificate or the use of a username/password (SASL). The service shall ensure provider authentication in accordance with EUROCONTROL Specification for SWIM Technical Infrastructure (TI) Yellow Profile through the use of a X.509 certificate. |
authorisation | The service shall ensure that satisfactory authorisation is put in place according to EUROCONTROL Specification for SWIM Technical Infrastructure (TI) Yellow Profile requirement SWIM-TIYP-0070. |
confidentiality | The service shall ensure point-to-point confidentiality in accordance with EUROCONTROL Specification for SWIM Technical Infrastructure (TI) Yellow Profile through the use of Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.2 or above. |
integrity | The service shall ensure point-to-point integrity in accordance with EUROCONTROL Specification for SWIM Technical Infrastructure (TI) Yellow Profile through the use of Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.2 or above. |
Quality of Service
quality of service | performance | capacity | The service shall achieve a quality that is sufficient to ensure the service is fit for purpose. |
response time | The service shall achieve a quality that is sufficient to ensure the service is fit for purpose. |
reliability | availability | The service shall achieve a quality that is sufficient to ensure the service is fit for purpose. |
recoverability | The service shall achieve a quality that is sufficient to ensure the service is fit for purpose. |
security | confidentiality | The service shall ensure confidentiality by using SWIM Technical Infrastructure (TI) Yellow Profile bindings. |
integrity | The service shall ensure integrity by using SWIM Technical Infrastructure (TI) Yellow Profile bindings. |
Quality of Data
quality of data | The aeronautical aerodrome map offered by the service shall be generated from aeronautical data that satisfies the applicable sections of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/373 of 1 March 2017 The aeronautical aerodrome map offered by the service shall be generated from aeronautical data that applies the AIXM 5.1.1 coding guidelines. This includes: The aeronautical aerodrome map offered by the service shall be generated from aeronautical data that follows: |
source of information | source | The service provider shall ensure that the aeronautical data offered by the services is received from the appropriate authorised originating sources. This includes: |
service validation information | description | The service definition is based on work carried out in SESAR.
A similar service was implemented in the context of the Airport Data Toolkit per-operational trial.
No further validation has taken place on this service definition. |
Application Message Exchange Pattern
Service Behaviour
service behaviour | typical behaviour | The service behaviour shall be in accordance with the Synchronous Request/Reply pattern detailed in Message Exchange Patterns: Identification Guidelines. The OGC Web Map Service 1.3.0 Interface Standard shall be used for the basic behaviour. The typical behaviour is as follows: Synchronous Request/Reply- The request message is sent from the service consumer to the service
- The service consumer remains blocked while awaiting the reply
- The service remains blocked while processing the reply
- The aeronautical aerodrome map, the reply message, is sent from the service to the service consumer.
Service Monitoring
service monitoring | A service monitoring mechanism shall be made available to service consumers. |
Service Interfaces
service interfaces | interface | name | Aeronautical Aerodrome Map Request Service Interface |
description | The interface is used to group the operations offered by the OGC Web Map Service 1.3.0 Interface Standard. |
provider/consumer side | Provider side |
SWIM TI Profile and Interface Bindings
SWIM TI profile and interface bindings
| profile name | EUROCONTROL Specification for SWIM Technical Infrastructure (TI) Yellow Profile |
profile version | 1.1 |
selected service interface binding | WS_LIGHT |
selected network interface binding | The service shall use the network bindings of the SWIM TIYP. |
description | The OGC Web Map Service 1.3.0 Interface Standard shall be used. All standardised operations for Basic WMS shall be implemented.
All standardised operations for Queryable WMS should be implemented.
Other operations (such as GetLegend) may be implemented. |
service interface protocols and data format
| transport / messaging protocols | The service shall use TLS1.2 or later in accordance with EUROCONTROL Specification for SWIM Technical Infrastructure (TI) Yellow Profile. |
data format | Info |
This is captured at Service Message level (see below). WS_LIGHT does not mandate a data format. The header expresses what is used. |
Service Operations
Info |
The OGC Web Map Service 1.3.0 Interface Standard is used to implement the service operations. The table below illustrates how these would look in the context of this service. |
Service operations
| operation
| operation name | GetMap |
description | The GetMap operation returns an Aeronautical Aerodrome Map that satisfies the query expressions specified in the GetMap Request message. |
messages | Request, Aeronautical Aerodrome Map |
Service Messages
Info |
The OGC Web Map Service 1.3.0 Interface Standard details the basic messages such as request and response messages. The table below provides extra details for the Aeronautical Aerodrome Map. |
service messages
| message | name | Aeronautical Aerodrome Map |
description | This is the map that is generated on the server as a result of the GetMap query to the service.
direction | Out |
data format | It is in a graphical format supported by the OGC Web Map Service 1.3.0 Interface Standard. The desired output format may be included in the query to the service.
If the queryable WMS is implemented, the information that results from the query shall be aligned with the terms and definitions of the AIXM 5.1.1 exchange language. |
information definition | The service shall offer aeronautical aerodrome map layers based on a graphical representation (i.e. portrayal) of aerodrome mapping data (AMD). Note: A map is the result of a request to portray information represented by one or more layers. The service shall conform with the OGC Web Map Service 1.3.0 Interface Standard. The EPSG:3857 coordinate reference system shall be used as a minimum for the projection. If an aeronautical aerodrome map layer corresponds to one of the layers listed in Appendix B, the layer name in Appendix B shall be used to expose the capabilities of the service. If the service consumer requests a combination of layers exposed by the service, the generation of the aeronautical aerodrome map shall be according to the OGC Web Map Service 1.3.0 Interface Standard. Note: The GetCapabilities operation will expose the available layers, styles and coordinate reference systems. Note: The structuring and styling of the layers is a service design decision to be taken when implementing the service. Note: The coordinate reference system and naming of the layers used in the service are subject to the requirements provided in this service definition. |
Filter Encoding
Info |
This field is left empty. The service allows for the selection of layers based on the information definition. No further filtering is required. |
Machine-Readable Service Interface Definition
Info |
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machine-readable service interface definition | reference |
Model View
Info |
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Abbreviations and Acronyms
abbreviations and acronyms
| abbreviation | code | AIRAC |
term | Aeronautical Information Regulation And Control |
abbreviation | code | AIXM |
| term | Aeronautical Information Exchange Model |
abbreviation | code | AMD |
term | Aerodrome Mapping Data |
abbreviation | code | ATM |
term | Air Traffic Management |
abbreviation | code | ePIB |
term | Electronic Pre-flight Information Bulletin |
abbreviation | code | EPSG |
term | European Petroleum Survey Group |
abbreviation | code | EU |
term | European Union |
abbreviation | code | ICAO |
term | International Civil Aviation Organization |
abbreviation | code | NOTAM |
term | Notice to Air Missions |
abbreviation | code | OGC |
term | Open Geospatial Consortium |
abbreviation | code | SASL |
term | Simple Authentication and Security Layer |
abbreviation | code | SESAR |
term | Single European Sky ATM Research |
abbreviation | code | SWIM |
term | System Wide Information Management |
abbreviation | code | TI |
term | Technical Infrastructure |
abbreviation | code | TLS |
term | Transport Layer Security |
abbreviation | code | WMS |
term | Web Map Service |
Appendix A: References
Info |
This is not traced to a requirement. |
| reference
| title | EU Implementing Regulation 2021/116 - Common Project One |
version | 1 February 2021 |
description | The Aeronautical Dataset Services constitute a family of services capable of providing, discovering and retrieving ICAO Annex 15 digital datasets. The information offered by the Aeronautical Information Request Service is aligned with that found in the Aeronautical Dataset Services specification in order to ensure consistency between the two services. |
url | |
document type |
reference | title | Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/37 |
version | 1 March 2017 |
description | Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/373 of 1 March 2017 laying down common requirements for providers of air traffic management/air navigation services and other air traffic management network functions and their oversight, repealing Regulation (EC) No 482/2008, Implementing Regulations (EU) No 1034/2011, (EU) No 1035/2011 and (EU) 2016/1377 and amending Regulation (EU) No 677/2011. |
url | |
document type |
reference | title | AIXM Coding - Common coding guidelines |
version |
description | Coding guidelines for complex AIXM properties such as geometry, schedules, annotations, etc. It also contains general coding guidelines which are not for a particular subject area but applicable for all AIXM features. |
url | |
document type |
reference | title | AIXM Coding - Data coding guidelines |
version |
description | A set of coding guidelines to promote the interoperability of AIXM 5.1.1 formatted data. |
url | |
document type |
reference | title | (ICAO) Aerodrome Mapping Data Sets - Supporting Material |
version |
description | Supporting material for ICAO Aerodrome Mapping Data Sets. |
url | |
document type |
reference | title | Message Exchange Patterns: Identification Guidelines |
version | JULY 2nd, 2019 |
description | Document intended to facilitate the understanding of message exchange patterns from an application and Technical Infrastructure perspective. |
url | |
reference | title | OGC Web Map Service 1.3.0 Interface Standard |
version |
description | The OpenGIS® Web Map Service Interface Standard (WMS) provides a simple HTTP interface for requesting geo-registered map images from one or more distributed geospatial databases. Note: This is equivalent to ISO 19128:2005 Geographic information - Web map server interface. |
url | |
document type |
reference | title | AIXM 5 Temporality Model |
version | 1.1 |
description | Explains the AIXM temporality concept |
url | |
document type |
reference | title | Aeronautical Information Exchange Model (AIXM) |
version | 5.1.1 |
description |
url | |
reference | title | SESAR Deployment Programme |
version | 12 August 2022 |
description | The SESAR Deployment Programme provides a common workplan to all operational stakeholders involved in the deployment of Regulation (EU) n. 2021/116, so called Common Project One (CP1), clearly defining the scope of the implementation activities, the synchronisation needs, as well as the suggested deployment approach. |
url | |
document type |
reference | title | ED-99D - User Requirement for Aerodrome Mapping Information |
version | October 2015 |
description | The information contained in this document has been compiled by industry for the purpose of stating surface mapping information requirements for users such as those described above. |
url | |
document type |
reference | title | Airport Toolkit |
version |
description | A project which sought to establish modernized ways of airport data sharing based on cloud computing, SWIM, service orientation (SOA principles), and collaborative community approaches. |
url | |
document type |
reference | title | European ATM Service Description for the AerodromeMapInformation Service |
version |
description | This document describes the Aerodrome Map Information Service (AMIS) and the relevant architectural elements. The Service aims to publish Aerodrome Map Feature Types as described by EUROCAE in standard ED99C and Aerodrome Map Types as described by EUROCAE in standard ED119B . The service is named Aerodrome Map Information Service, abbreviated AMIS and was identified with the standard operations for the OGC WFS and WMS |
url |
document type |
The tables below list layers that can contribute to an aeronautical aerodrome map provided by an Aerodrome Map Request Service.
They are based on the (ICAO) Aerodrome Mapping Data Sets - Supporting Material that implies only AIXM 5.1.1 AMD features with a geometry are included. Other AIXM 5.1.1 features with a geometry may also be considered as a layer.
The intent of the tables is to reserve the names of the basic aeronautical aerodrome map layers for harmonisation purposes.
The tables group the layers according to the structure of ED-99. They establish the relation between the layer and the corresponding AIXM 5.1.1 AMD feature. In some cases a filter has been added to be more precise on the data to be used to generate the layer assuming that the data is available. The tables include the corresponding ED99-AMXM feature for reference.
Notes have been added to make it clear when an ED99-AMXM feature has not be included as a layer either because it is not covered by a corresponding AIXM 5.1.1 feature or if it is regarded to be outside of the scope of the aeronautical aerodrome map in its role as a backdrop map for applications
The layers constitute a reference used to structure the capabilities of an Aerodrome Map Request Service implementation. This reference does not impose the actual capabilities offered by an Aerodrome Map Request Service. This design step is taken at the implementation level of the service.
Layer name | AIXM 5.1.1 AMD feature and filters | ED99-AMXM feature |
RunwayElement | RunwayElement[NORMAL] | RunwayElement |
RunwayIntersection | RunwayElement[INTERSECTION] | RunwayIntersection |
RunwayShoulder | RunwayElement[SHOULDER] | RunwayShoulder |
RunwayDisplacedArea | RunwayElement[DISPLACED] | RunwayDisplacedArea |
RunwayMarking | RunwayMarking[THR, DTHR, TDZ, AIM, EDGE] when associatedRunway.TYPE=RWY | RunwayMarking |
RunwayCenterlineMarking | RunwayMarking[CL] when associatedRunway.TYPE=RWY | PaintedCenterline |
RunwayExitLineMarking | GuidanceLineMarking[markedGuidanceLine.RWY_EXIT_LINE] | RunwayExitLine |
LandAndHoldShortOperationsMarking | RunwayMarking[LAHSO] | LandAndHoldShortOperationLocation |
RunwayBlastPad | RunwayBlastPad | Blastpad |
Stopway | RunwayProtectArea[STOPWAY] | Stopway |
ArrestingSystemLocation | ArrestingGear[EMAS] | ArrestingSystemLocation |
ArrestingGearLocation | ArrestingGear[!EMAS] | ArrestingGearLocation |
Note: The ED99-AMXM features RunwayThreshold and RunwayCenterlinePoint are not listed. These are not in the scope of the aeronautical aerodrome map in its role as a backdrop map for applications.
Layer name | AIXM 5.1.1 AMD feature and filters | ED99-AMXM feature |
FinalApproachAndTakeOffArea | Runway[FATO]
Note: Runway itself has no geometry; it is available from the corresponding RunwayElement. | FinalApproachAndTakeOffArea |
FinalApproachAndTakeOffAreaMarking | RunwayMarking when associatedRunway.TYPE=FATO | No ED99 Feature |
TouchdownLiftOffArea | TouchDownLiftOff | TouchdownLiftOffArea |
Note: The ED99-AMXM feature HelipadThreshold is not listed. This is not in the scope of the aeronautical aerodrome map in its role as a backdrop map for applications.
Layer name | AIXM 5.1.1 AMD feature and filters | ED99-AMXM feature |
TaxiwayElement | TaxiwayElement[NORMAL, INTERSECTION, HOLDING_BAY] | TaxiwayElement |
TaxiwayShoulder | TaxiwayElement[SHOULDER] | TaxiwayShoulder |
TaxiwayIntersectionMarking | TaxiwayMarking[TWY_INT] | TaxiwayIntersectionMarking |
TaxiwayGuidanceLineMarking | GuidanceLineMarking[markedGuidanceLine.TWY] | TaxiwayGuidanceLine |
FrequencyArea | GroundTrafficControlService | FrequencyArea |
TaxiwayHoldingPositionMarking | TaxiHoldingPositionMarking | TaxiwayHoldingPosition |
Note: The ED99-AMXM features BridgeSide and PositionMarking are not listed. These are not available in AIXM 5.1.1. and are not in the scope of the aeronautical aerodrome map in its role as a backdrop map for applications.
Layer name | AIXM 5.1.1 AMD feature and filters | ED99-AMXM feature |
ParkingArea | ApronElement[PARKING] | ParkingStandArea |
ApronElement | ApronElement[!PARKING] | ApronElement |
DeicingArea | DeicingArea | DeicingArea |
AircraftStandArea | AircraftStand | ParkingStandArea |
AircraftStandLocation | AircraftStand | ParkingStandLocation |
StandGuidanceLineMarking | GuidanceLineLightSystem[markedGuidanceLine.GATE_TLANE] | StandGuidanceLine |
ServiceRoad | Road[SERVICE] | ServiceRoad |
Note: The ED99-AMXM feature AerodromeReferencePoint is not listed. This is not in the scope of the aeronautical aerodrome map in its role as a backdrop map for applications.
Note: The ED99-AMXM feature DeicingGroup is not listed. This is not available in AIXM 5.1.1. and is not in the scope of the aeronautical aerodrome map in its role as a backdrop map for applications.
Vertical Structure
Note: The ED99-AMXM features VerticalLineStructure, VerticalPointStructure and VerticalPolygonalStructure are not listed. These are not in the scope of the aeronautical aerodrome map in its role as a backdrop map for applications.
Construction Area
Layer name | AIXM 5.1.1 AMD feature and filters | ED99-AMXM feature |
WorkArea | WorkArea | ConstructionArea |
Note: The ED99-AMXM feature Water is not listed. This is not available in AIXM 5.1.1. and is not in the scope of the aeronautical aerodrome map in its role as a backdrop map for applications.
Layer name | AIXM 5.1.1 AMD feature and filters | ED99-AMXM feature |
AerodromeHotSpot | AirportHotSpot | Hotspot |
Note: The ED99-AMXM feature ATCBlindSpot is not listed. This is not available in AIXM 5.1.1. and is not in the scope of the aeronautical aerodrome map in its role as a backdrop map for applications.
Aerodrome Surface Routing Network Feature
Note: The ED99-AMXM features AsrnEdge and AsrnNode are not listed. These are not available in AIXM 5.1.1. and are not in the scope of the aeronautical aerodrome map in its role as a backdrop map for applications.
Aerodrome Surface Lighting
Note: The ED99-AMXM feature AerodromeSurfaceLighting is not listed. This is not in the scope of the aeronautical aerodrome map in its role as a backdrop map for applications.
Survey Control Point
Note: The ED99-AMXM feature SurveyControlPoint is not listed. This is not in the scope of the aeronautical aerodrome map in its role as a backdrop map for applications.
Aerodrome Sign
Note: The ED99-AMXM feature AerodromeSign is not listed. This is not available in AIXM 5.1.1. and is not in the scope of the aeronautical aerodrome map in its role as a backdrop map for applications.
Appendix C: Operational Needs
- Collaborative information sharing is essential for decision making involving multiple actors. Automatic taxi with time and path information on the ground, collaborative decision making during emergencies, de-icing operations and infrastructure availability information are examples that involve multiple actors including the aircraft crew.
By service consumer role
Stakeholder/Role | Description of stakeholder/role | Needs for Aerodrome Maps | Notes |
CIVIL_AIRSPACE_USER | A generic term designating an organization operating aircraft and its pilots, the flight operations centres (FOC) responsible for the strategic planning of a flight and the entity responsible for the execution of a flight which is traditionally a flight deck. | - Generate graphical representations needed to support digital briefing concepts.
- Have an up-to-date backdrop for dynamic layers (see SDP).
| Aircraft covers UAV.
MILITARY_AIRSPACE_USER | Airspace User under the authority of a military organisation. | - Generate digital representation of ground operations
- Generate graphical representations needed to support digital briefing concepts.
- Have an up-to-date backdrop for dynamic layers (see SDP).
| There is an assumption that these will be working in DMZ under yellow profile. The AISP needs to meet the security needs. In general, they have the same needs as civil airspace users. |
CIVIL_AIR_NAVIGATION_SERVICE_PROVIDER | Any public or private entity providing air navigation services for general air traffic. | - Remote tower systems use different layers of visualization to highlight movement areas, buildings, etc. for air traffic controllers.
- AMD data can be used to create more accurate restricted zones for geofencing around aerodromes.
MILITARY_AIR_NAVIGATION_SERVICE_PROVIDER | Any public or private entity providing air navigation services for military air traffic. | - Remote tower systems use different layers of visualization to highlight movement areas, buildings, etc. for air traffic controllers.
- AMD data can be used to create more accurate restricted zones for geofencing around aerodromes.
AIR_TRAFFIC_SERVICE_PROVIDER | A generic term meaning variously, flight information service, alerting service, air traffic advisory service, air traffic control service (area control service, approach control service or aerodrome control service). | - Generate digital representation of ground operations
REGULATED_METEOROLOGICAL_SERVICE_PROVIDER | An office designated to provide meteorological service for international air navigation. |
| No needs have been identified. |
AERONAUTICAL_INFORMATION_SERVICE_PROVIDER | A service established within the defined area of coverage responsible for the provision of aeronautical information/data necessary for the safety, regularity and efficiency of air navigation. |
| No needs have been identified. |
| No needs have been identified. |
PROVIDER_OF_DATA_SERVICES | A public or private entity responsible for the management of a Data Service Provision (e.g. to one or several Virtual Centre). | - Update EFB - electronic flight bags
NETWORK_MANAGER | The organization responsible for enabling the optimum use of airspace and ensure that Airspace Users can operate preferred trajectories while allowing maximum access to airspaces and air navigation services. |
| No needs have been identified. |
AIRPORT_OPERATOR | The civilian or military agency, group or individual which exercises control over the operations of the civil airport or military airfield. | - Improved common situational awareness
- Ensure same digital representation of reality e.g. in low visibility operations (LVO)
- Local flight briefing/preparation tools (eg in ARO context)
- Airport capacity management
AIRSIDE_GROUND_HANDLER | A stakeholder involved in the services necessary for an aircraft's arrival at, and departure from, an airport, other than air traffic services. |
| No needs have been identified. |
MILITARY_DEFENCE_CENTRE | A military defence centre. Note: these centres, e.g., check for diplomatic clearance. |
| No needs have been identified. |
Appendix D - Example Configurations
The configuration of Aerodrome Map Request Service capabilities is considered out of scope of the Aerodrome Map Request Service definition. The following examples are given to aid implementers in making decisions.
Example 1 – Implement a web map service for runway mapping based on Appendix B.
Note: in both options the term “Runway” may be used in the layer naming since the term “Runway” is not reserved in Appendix B.
Option a) the web map server capabilities expose some basic layers based on Appendix B grouped into a parent.
Parent | Layer name (from Appendix B) |
| RunwayElement |
RunwayDisplacedArea |
RunwayIntersection |
RunwayShoulder |
RunwayMarking |
RunwayCenterlineMarking |
Note that not all of the layers listed as part of the Runway section in Appendix B are offered in this example.
A typical query would be Getmap(RunwayElement, RunwayIntersection, RunwayShoulder, RunwayMarking). This would result in a map that does not portray RunwayDisplacedArea and RunwayCenterlineMarking.
Option b) the web map server capabilities expose a combined layer that includes selected layers from Appendix B.
Layer name | Combined layers (from Appendix B) |
Runway | RunwayElement, RunwayDisplacedArea, RunwayIntersection, RunwayShoulder, RunwayMarking, RunwayCenterlineMarking |
A typical query would be GetMap (Runway). A typical result: