- The Information Provider is the AISP
- The Information Consumer is the so called next intended user, which could be an AU, ANSP, other AISP (including both Civil and Military stakeholders)
- Operational Needs (E.g. Pre-flight Briefing)
- Information Elements (E.g. Aeronautical Information events including runway closure)
- Information Exchange Triggers ( E.g. whenever required by information consumer, whenever information changes,... )
- Information Exchange Frequency (E.g. Monthly as a result of new AIRAC publication )
- Criticality
- Technical Constraints (E.g. AIXM)
- Operational Constraints
- Legal Constraints
This exchange address the need to disseminate information relative to the AIP and SUP publications.
The information exchanged relates to AIP and SUP publications.
There are several information elements in the scope that correspond with the features of the AIXM and applicable extensions.
*See (work in progress) https://ext.eurocontrol.int/aixm_confluence/display/ACG/Feature+types+allocation+to+data+set for scope of information exchanged. It based on data sets but it is possible to create a 'non-ICAO' dataset.
The information is expected to be exchanged between the identified stakeholder:
- Information Exchange Triggers ( E.g. whenever required by information consumer, whenever information changes,... )
- Information Exchange Frequency (E.g. Monthly as a result of new AIRAC publication )
There is no performance or criticality associated to this information exchange.
This exchange of information is constraint to be performed as follows:
- Based on AIXM