Options: if can't map the datatype
- raise a CR to change AIRM
- explain how to achieve the mapping e.g. I use characterString but expect only numerics. Explain why it is compatible.
- could be that the mapping at concept level is wrong.
- simple mapping e.g. characterString and numeric
- complex mapping such as estimated take-off time
- geometries as a way to better explore compatibility.
- Information concepts are in the IM.
- Data concepts and their Datatypes are in the LM
- Basic type semantics are in the Foundation.
Two use cases - place at the root of this semantic correspondence section:
- technical - near service developers - use LM
- operational - e.g. for information exchange requirements - use IM.
Other notes
- if you have a data type but the AIRM does not you are probably in the wrong AIRM part. Consider looking at the LM.