- Provide all definitions as part of the definitions section and link to them as convenient.
Exchanged information is “information that is shared between actors in the ATM Network”.
- Disambiguate from the examples section. The following are types of Information definitions.
- It could be convenient to provide links to existing information definitions (external references, see AIXM examples)
Data Catalogue Example
UML Model Example
Verification Support
- Check that there is an information definition.
- Check that it covers all of the information that is exchanged between the actors.
- The information definition can be a standalone document or embedded into another document such as a service description. (A set of documents can be provided instead of a single one)
Examples/Best Practice
- Need to agree a format for the examples and a source four the definitions used. The strawman uses ISO 19115 and 19139. Is this acceptable?
Examples of complete information definitions are given at xxx
Add list of examples e.g. ED-254, AIXM, etc.