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PANS-AIM requires the change over point (COP) to be encoded in case the path of the route segment(s) is a VOR radial. This is applicable only for conventional routes, i.e. for which appear for example in the AIP sections ENR 3.1 Lower ATS Routes, ENR 3.2 Upper ATS Routes and ENR 3.4 Helicopter Conventional navigation routes.

PANS-AIM defines the COP as:


titleAIP context

In the AIP information about the COP may be published in section ENR 3 or on en-route charts.

Coding Rules for Change Over Point



Coding Examples

Coding Examples can be found in the Sample AIP Data Set - Specimen (DONLON).

No.DescriptionXPath Expression
COP-EX-01Change over point

//aixm:ChangeOverPointTimeSlice[@gml:id ='COP_WOB_EKO']