Excerpt |
This page details how to represent the information definition outlined in Complex and simple types using DCAT2. For example, the queryDatasets operation may return DCAT structured data. |
Info |
DCAT 2 is used in https://www.europeandataportal.eu/en |
Table of Contents |
Info |
DCAT2 Elements
Info | ||
| ||
Property names marked in bold are where the two DCAT mappings are not harmonised. Some work needs to be done here. |
Identification of the dataset (eg a URI)
The identification is unique within a service instance
Title of the dataset
Free text providing a short description of the dataset
Indication the main content of the dataset.
Note: with list coming from ICAO Annex 15
The type of data contained in the dataset
Example: Obstacle Data Set
Scope of the dataset expressed as a list of subjects .
The values will need to be represented as URIs
Use the PANS AIM data catalogue terms (from App1-1) as URLs:
http://icao.int/pans/aim/subject/airspaceIndication on how far the dataset has full content or represents an update.
Example: Baseline or Delta
(Note: dct:format is an element of the wider Dublin Core metadata set)Indication that the dataset has been updated according to the AIRAC System.
Note: with literal "AIRAC"
Uses an instance of prov:Activity with attribute:
- prov:used
Free text clarifying limitations with regard to the use of the dataset.
Uses an instance of odrl:Prohibition with attribute:
- odrl:action
Standard encoding of the data
Note: this on the distribution.
Start of the validity period for the dataset
Uses an instance of dct:PeriodOfTime with attributes:
- dcat:startDate (effective date)
- dcat:endDate (end of validity)
End of the validity period for the dataset. When absent, no end is specified.
Uses an instance of dct:PeriodOfTime with attributes:
- dcat:startDate (effective date)
- dcat:endDate (end of validity)
Date at which the dataset became available.
id of the corresponding dataseries
Note: https://dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/#isPartOf
Relates the dataset to the Series
The locations defining the scope of the dataset
Uses an instance of dct:Location with Dublin Core, vCard, and AIXM attributes:
- dct:type (values: Airport, State, or Airspace)
- aixm::name (name Airport and Airspace)
- aixm:designator (designator for Airport and Airspace)
- aixm:designatorIATA (iataCode for Airport)
- aixm:type (type of Airspace)
- vcard:country-name (name for State)
- vcard:locality (territory for State)
- vcard:postal-code (code for State)
Uses an instance of a dcat:Distribution with attribute:
- dcat:downloadURL
Example values:
Identification of the dataset series (eg a URI)
The identification is unique within a service instance
Title of the dataset series
Enumeration indicating the main content of the dataset
Data subject as defined in ICAO PANS-AIM
Free text clarifying limitations with regard to the use of the datasets
Standard encoding of the data
Note: this on the distribution.
The locations defining the scope of the dataset series
id of the corresponding data product specification
Note: Need to decide on the type of relationship
Identification of the data product specification
The identification is unique within a service instance
Title of the data product specification
Uses an instance of a dcat:Distribution with attribute:
- dcat:downloadURL
Example values:
Identification of the dataset file
The identification is unique within a service instance
Name of the file
Format of the file
Size of the file in Bytes.
Examples (following Renato)
Describing the Dataset Series
Code Block |
"@id": "http://donlon.aero/dataset/aerodrome.json",
"@type": "dcat:Catalog",
"dct:identifier": "aerodrome-series-2020",
"dct:title": "Donlon Aerodrome Dataset Series 2020",
"dct:type": "Aerodrome Dataset",
"dcat:theme": "http://icao.int/pans/aim/subject/aerodrome",
"dct:conformsTo": "AIXM 5.1.1",
"dct:dataset": ["http://donlon.aero/dataset/aerodrome/2020/Jan.json",
"dct:isReferencedBy": "http://donlon.aero/dps/aerodrome.json",
"dct:spatial": "http://donlon.aero/location/donlon.json"
} |
Describing the Location
Code Block |
"@id": "http://donlon.aero/location/donlon.json",
"@type": "Airport",
"dct:spatial": [
"aixm:name": "Donlon International Airport",
"aixm:designator": "DONDON",
"aixm:designatorIATA": "ZZZZ"
} |
Describing the May 2020 Dataset
Code Block |
"@id": "http://donlon.aero/dataset/aerodrome/2020/May.json",
"@type": "dcat:Dataset",
"dct:identifier": "aerodrome-donlon-2020-may",
"dct:title": "Donlon Aerodrome Dataset - May 2020",
"dct:type": "Aerodrome Dataset",
"dcat:theme": "http://icao.int/pans/aim/subject/aerodrome",
"dct:format": "Baseline",
"prov:wasGeneratedBy": [
"@type": "prov:Activity",
"prov:used": "AIRAC"
"odrl:hasPolicy": [
"@type": "odrl:Prohibition",
"odrl:action": "operational-use"
"dct:conformsTo": "AIXM 5.1.1",
"dct:temporal": [
"@type": "dct:PeriodOfTime",
"dct:startDate": "2020-05-01",
"dct:endDate": "2020-06-30"
"dct:issued": "2020-04-01",
"dct:spatial": "http://donlon.aero/location/donlon.json",
"dct:isPartOf": "http://donlon.aero/dataset/aerodrome.json",
"dcat:distribution": [
"@type": "dcat:Distribution",
"dcat:downloadURL": "http://donlon.aero/dataset/aerodrome/2020/May/data.xml"
} |
Describing the Data Product Specification
Excerpt |
This page lists metadata profiles that can be used by an implementer to represent the Aeronautical Data Set Information Definition. |
Table of Contents |
Based on | ||
1 | ISO 19115 | ISO 19115 Profile |
2 | DCAT3 | https://airservicesaustralia.github.io/dcat-profile/ |