ID: | AIXM-398 |
target version: | AIXM 5.2 |
version: | 1.0 |
last updated: | 09 MAY 2019 |
status: | APPROVED |
Two new attributes are added to the Runway feature to designate the Aerodrome Reference Code, as specified in the ICAO Annex 14, Volume 1, item 1.6.
At the same time, the coded values in the CodeAircraftWingspanClassBaseType are aligned with the ICAO terminology (A, B, ..F instead of I, II, ...VI).
Rationale for change
See and
ICAO Annex 14, Volume I, 1.6 includes the definition of an aerodrome reference code composed of:
- a number (1 to 4) - corresponding to the aeroplane with the highest reference field length for which the airport is intended
- A letter (A to F) - corresponding to the greatest wingspan of the aeroplanes for which the facility is intended. This letter is also used in many AIS publications in order to specify aircraft usage restrictions (such as “Aircraft code F are subject to a special permission”, etc.)
This new airport reference code also appears in the PANS-AIM (ICAO DOC 10066) data catalogue, in the Aerodrome-Heliport section, as a property of a Runway subject. Some States (such as Norway) already provide this information in their AIP, for each runway separately. In order to support the publication of this code, two new attributes are necessary in the Runway feature, each corresponding to one of the two components of the reference code.
In the current model, there already exists a list of coded values that corresponds to the aeroplane wingspan code - CodeAircraftWingspanBaseClassType. However, its coded values are I, II, III, … , VI, not the letters A to F, as used in the ICAO Annex 14. As the same letters start being using in airport usage restrictions, it is better to align the coded values with the ICAO list, in order to enable the re-use of the same data type for the new airport reference code second component.
Impact assessment
There is no impact on existing implementations as the current[FWD_MAP_1:1] Data mapping is possible and no data loss occurs when data is exchanged from a system (A) that uses AIXM 5.1.(.1) data remains fully valid against 1 for output towards a system (B) that uses AIXM 5.2 . No values are removed from the CodeAircraftWingspanClassBaseType feature, the values to no longer be used are just marked as <<deprecated>>. When receiving data from AIXM 5.2 implementations, current AIXM 5.1(.1) will have to map the new values of the aircraft wing span class, as described in the mapping rules. In addition, if interested in the aerodrome reference code value, this would have to be converted into an annotation, as described in the mapping rulesfor input.
[BWD_MAP_LOSS] Data mapping is possible, but some data would be lost (or converted into Notes) when data is exchanged from a system (B) that uses AIXM 5.2 for output towards a system (A) that uses AIXM 5.1.1 for input.
Change Proposal details
In the UML model, add the following attributes to the Runway feature:
- referenceCodeFieldLength: (data type: CodeAircraftFieldLengthType; definition: “The highest value of the aeroplane reference field lengths of the aeroplanes for which the runway is intended”)
- referenceCodeWingspan: (data type: CodeAircraftWingspanClassType; definition: “The greatest wingspan of the aeroplanes for which the facility is intended”)
In the UML model, add the following data types:
- CodeAircraftFieldLengthBaseType (stereotype <<codelist>>, definition: “A coded value representing the highest value of the aeroplane reference field lengths of the aeroplanes for which the runway is intended”), with the following list of values:
- 1 - “Less than 800 m”
- 2 - “800 m up to but not including 1 200 m”
- 3 - “1 200 m up to but not including 1 800 m”
- 4 - “1 800 m and over”
- OTHER - ‘Other’
- CodeAircraftFieldLengthType (specialisation of CodeAircraftFieldLengthBaseType, stereotype <<datatype>>, definition: “ A complex data type that enables the provision of a NIL reason for any attribute using this type.”), attribute:
- nilReason (type: NilReasonEnumeration)
In the UML model, for the CodeAircraftWingspanClassBaseType:
- Delete the
- following coded values: I, II, III, IV, V, VI
- Add the following coded values:
- A - “Up to but not including 15 m (49 ft)”
- B - “15 (49 ft) m up to but not including 24 m (79 ft)”
- C - “24 m (79 ft) up to but not including 36 m (118 ft)”
- D - “36 m (118 ft) up to but not including 52 m (171 ft)”
- E - “52 m (171 ft) up to but not including 65 m (214 ft)”
- F - “65 m (214 ft) up to but not including 80 m (262 ft)”.
The new attributes and the new or modified data
types are visible on the
UML class diagram
at the right.
Mapping AIXM 5.1.1 to AIXM 5.2 (forward)
[MAPC-00] The following algorithm shall be applied:
- For each AircraftCharacteristic.classWingSpan replace its values as follows:
- ‘I’ with ‘A’
- ‘II’ with ‘B’
- ‘III’ with ‘C’
- ‘IV’ with ‘D’
- ‘V’ with ‘E’
- ‘VI’ with ‘F’
Mapping AIXM 5.2 to AIXM 5.1.1 (backward)
[MAPC-02] From the three backward mapping options applicable in this case, the first two (discard the value or use an extension) are straightforward and do not need any further details. The 3rd option (backward mapping into a Note) is detailed in order to provide a complete description of this case and its conversion option. The following mapping into Note algorithm is proposed:
For each Runway that has a specified referenceCodeFieldLength:
- Remove the referenceCodeFieldLength
- Add an annotation.Note associated with the Runway class having:
- translatedNote.LinguisticNote.note=” referenceCodeFieldLength: < referenceCodeFieldLength>”;
For each Runway that has a specified referenceCodeWingspan:
- Remove the referenceCodeWingspan
- Add an annotation.Note associated with the Runway class having:
- translatedNote.LinguisticNote.note=” referenceCodeWingspan: < referenceCodeWingspan>”;
[MAPC-00] The following algorithm shall be applied:
- For each AircraftCharacteristic.classWingSpan replace its values as follows:
- ‘A’ with ‘I’
- ‘B’ with ‘II’
- ‘C’ with ‘III’
- ‘D’ with ‘IV’
- ‘E’ with ‘V’
- ‘F’ with ‘VI’
Mapping example
(Note: for mapping test data see:
AIXM 5.2 | AIXM 5.1(.1) |
message:AIXMBasicMessage message:hasMember Runway gml:identifier = 9e51668f-bf8a-4f5b-ba6e-27087972b9b8 timeSlice RunwayTimeSlice gml:validTime gml:TimePeriod gml:beginPosition = 2017-07-01T00:00:00Z gml:endPosition = interpretation = BASELINE sequenceNumber = 2 featureLifetime gml:TimePeriod gml:beginPosition = 2009-01-01T00:00:00Z gml:endPosition = designator = 09L/27R type = RWY nominalLength = 2800.0 M lengthAccuracy = 1 M nominalWidth = 45.0 M widthAccuracy = 1 M lengthStrip = 2920.0 M widthStrip = 300.0 M referenceCodeFieldLength = 4 referenceCodeWingspan = E message:hasMember Airspace gml:identifier = fdaeffb4-6897-41fb-a33d-8861c2e91980 timeSlice AirspaceTimeSlice gml:validTime gml:TimePeriod gml:beginPosition = 2017-07-01T00:00:00Z gml:endPosition = interpretation = BASELINE sequenceNumber = 2 correctionNumber = 0 featureLifetime gml:TimePeriod gml:beginPosition = 2002-11-30T00:00:00Z gml:endPosition = type = MTR designator = LDMA name = KARASICA activation AirspaceActivation activity = AIRSHOW status = AVBL_FOR_ACTIVATION aircraft AircraftCharacteristic classWingSpan = E ... | message:AIXMBasicMessage message:hasMember Runway gml:identifier = 9e51668f-bf8a-4f5b-ba6e-27087972b9b8 timeSlice RunwayTimeSlice gml:validTime gml:TimePeriod gml:beginPosition = 2017-07-01T00:00:00Z gml:endPosition = interpretation = BASELINE sequenceNumber = 2 featureLifetime gml:TimePeriod gml:beginPosition = 2009-01-01T00:00:00Z gml:endPosition = designator = 09L/27R type = RWY nominalLength = 2800.0 M lengthAccuracy = 1 M nominalWidth = 45.0 M widthAccuracy = 1 M lengthStrip = 2920.0 M widthStrip = 300.0 M annotation Note propertyName = CodeFieldLength purpose = OTHER:BACKWARD_MAPPING translatedNote LinguisticNote note = referenceCodeFieldLength:4 annotation Note propertyName = CodeWingspan purpose = OTHER:BACKWARD_MAPPING translatedNote LinguisticNote note = referenceCodeWingspan:E
message:hasMember Airspace gml:identifier = fdaeffb4-6897-41fb-a33d-8861c2e91980 timeSlice AirspaceTimeSlice gml:validTime gml:TimePeriod gml:beginPosition = 2017-07-01T00:00:00Z gml:endPosition = interpretation = BASELINE sequenceNumber = 2 correctionNumber = 0 featureLifetime gml:TimePeriod gml:beginPosition = 2002-11-30T00:00:00Z gml:endPosition = type = MTR designator = LDMA name = KARASICA activation AirspaceActivation activity = AIRSHOW status = AVBL_FOR_ACTIVATION aircraft AircraftCharacteristic classWingSpan = V ... |