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The surface condition report event scenario describes informations information about contaminations on one or multiple runways,  taxiways and/or aprons at taxiways and/or aprons at one airport.


  • The objective of this scenario is to support the encoding of contamination information about individual runways, taxiways or aprons, as foreseen to be contained in SNOWTAM messages as of 04 November 2021 (ICAO) or 12 August 2021 (EU);
  • Several runways,  taxiways and aprons can be included in the surface condition report;
  • The content of the SNOWTAM report is considered as described in ICAO Doc 10066 - Aeronautical Information Management, First Edition, Amendment No. 2, 2018, Appendix 4 - SNOWTAM Format and CIR (EU) 2017/373 as amended by CIR (EU) 2020/469 and CIR (EU) 2020/1177 - Appendix 3 SNOWTAM Format.
  • This scenario does not support the encoding of the information about airport, runway closure due to contamination. That information should be encoded using the dedicated AD.CLS or RWY.CLS scenarios.

Event data

The following diagram identifies the information items that are usually provided by a data originator for this kind of event.

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Code Block
titleEBNF Code
input = "airport designator" ["airport name"] \n 
"runway_condition"runwayCondition" {"runway_conditionrunwayCondition"} \n
["taxiway designatorcondition" [{"taxiway snow bank presence"]["taxiway surface condition"]] \n
condition"}| "all taxiway poor"] ["apron designatorcondition" {"apron surface condition"] \n
["measured friction coefficient" "friction measuring device"}| "all apron poor"] \n

runwayCondition runway_condition = "assessment date and time" "runway designator" "rwy_section_inputrunwaySectionCondition" {"rwy_section_inputrunwaySectionCondition"}  \n
["reduced runway width"] ["reduced runway length"] ["special conditions"] ["friction measuring device"] \n
["snow bank side" "snow bank distance" {"snow bank side" "snow bank distance"}] \n ["adjacent snow bank presence"] .

runwaySectionCondition rwy_section_input = "runway section" "RWYCC on runway section" ["measured friction coefficient"] \n ["contaminant coverage"] ["loose contaminant depth"] ["contaminant layer order"] "condition description" {["contaminant layer order"] "condition description"}.

taxiwayCondition = "taxiway designator" ["taxiway surface condition"] ["taxiway snow bank presence"].

apronCondition = "apron designator" "apron surface condition".

Data itemDescriptionAIXM MappingICAO SNOWTAM item
(to be deleted later)

Aeroplane performance calculation section

airport designatorThe published designator of the airport/heliport concerned. This information, in combination with eventually the name is used to identify the airport/heliport.


Item A)

Aerodrome location indicator

airport nameThe published name of the airport/heliport. This information, in combination with the designator is used to identify the airport/

assessment date


and time

The date and time of the assessment.


validTime.TimePeriod.beginPosition andRunway.


Item B)

Date-time of assessment

runway designator

The designator of the runway for which the assessment is provided.

Note: In a SNOWTAM message only


the runway direction designator with the lowest number is inserted for each runway

and always the lower number

. The HMI should support the operator in assuring the proper selection of the runway by displaying the full designator for selection.


Item C)

Lower runway designator number

runway section

Indicates the part of the runway for which the assessment is provided. This supports indicating contamination information on each third of the runway length.

Note: the data input template groups the information per runway third. In practice, data originator might prefer to group the information by SNOWTAM item and list all thirds with a "/" separator. The application HMI shall support the operator selection with visual or textual aids so that the order of the thirds are correctly provided i.e. that the first third corresponds with the first third from the RWY side with the lower designator number.

RWYCC on runway section
Runway condition code for each runway third.

Runway.areaContaminant.RunwaySectionContamination.frictionEstimation with values 'OTHER:RWYCC_code'

Item D)

Runway Condition Code (RWYCC) on each runway third

contaminant coverage
The coverage of the contaminant in per cent for each runway third.


Item E)

Per cent coverage contaminant for each runway third

loose contaminant depth
Indicates the depth (mm) of loose contaminant for each runway third

Runway.areaContaminant.RunwaySectionContamination.depth with uom=





Item F)

Depth (mm) of loose contaminant for each runway third

contaminant layer order
Indicates the order of the layer (starting from the uppermost, towards the movement area surface), in case overlapping contaminants are present.Runway.areaContaminant.RunwaySectionContamination.layer/SurfaceContaminationLayer.layerOrder
condition description

Indicated the

condition over the total runway length

contaminant observed on each runway third.


Codelist of values (warning) currently not all supported by AIXM.

Item G)

Condition description over total runway length.

reduced runway width

Width of runway cleared of contamination, if less than the total width.

Runway.overallContaminant.RunwayContamination.clearedWidth with uom="M"


Item H)

Width of runway to which the runway condition codes apply, if less than published width

Situational awareness section

reduced runway length
Length of runway cleared of contamination, if less than the total length of the runway.

Runway.overallContaminant.RunwayContamination.clearedLength with uom=





Item I)

Reduced runway length, if less than published length

special conditions

Indication of the presence of drifting snow, loose sand and/or chemical treatment on the runway.

Note: The HMI should support the operator by providing only the three options available for input.



Codelist of values (warning) currently not supported by AIXM.

(for larger airports,  where drifting snow occurs on multiple runways, but not all) Runway.overallContaminant.RunwayContamination.layer.SurfaceContaminationLayer.type

Item J) Drifting snow on the runway


Item K) Loose sand on the runway

Item L) Chemical treatment on the runway

snow bank

snowbank side
Indication of the side of the runway relative to its centreline where
snow banks
snowbanks are present.Runway.overallContaminant.RunwayContamination.criticalRidge/Ridge.side
snow bank

Item M)

Snowbanks on the runway (from centreline)

snowbank distance
Indication of the distance from the runway centreline where
snow banks
snowbanks are present.



.distance definition is from the edge of the movement area and not from its centreline, therefore it cannot be used.

Item M)

Snowbanks on the runway (from centreline)

adjacent snow bank

.Ridge.distance with uom="M" and

Ridge.annotation with propertyName='distance', purpose='DESCRIPTION' andnote='distance measured from runway centerline'

adjacent snowbank presence
Indication of the presence of
snow banks
snowbanks adjacent to the runwayRunway.overallContaminant.RunwayContamination
.annotation.Note with purpose='REMARK' , propertyName='criticalRidge' andnote='Snowbanks present adjacent to the runway'

Item O)

Snowbanks adjacent to the runway

taxiway designator
The designator of the taxiway for which the assessment is provided.Taxiway.designator

Item N)

Snowbanks on a taxiway

taxiway snow bank
taxiway snowbank presence
Indication of the presence of
snow banks
snowbanks on a taxiway



.annotation.Note with purpose='REMARK' , propertyName='criticalRidge' and note='Snowbanks present on the taxiway'

taxiway surface condition
Indication of the taxiway surface condition






Item P)

Taxiway conditions

all taxiway poorIndication that all TWY at the airport are in poor condition

AirportHeliport.contaminant.AirportHeliportContamination.annotation.Note with purpose='REMARK' and note='All TWYs poor'

apron designator
The designator of the apron for which the assessment is provided.Apron.

Item R)

Apron conditions

apron surface condition
Indication of the apron surface condition




all apron poorIndication that all apron at the airport are in poor condition

AirportHeliport.contaminant.AirportHeliportContamination.annotation.Note with purpose='REMARK' and note='All aprons poor'

measured friction coefficient

Indication of the measured friction coefficient, according to the State approved means.




Item S)

Measured friction coefficient

friction measuring device
Indication of the friction measuring device, according to the State approved means.Runway.overallContaminant.RunwayContamination.frictionDevice
noteA  free text note that provides further details concerning the surface condition report.
AirportHeliport.contaminant.AirportHeliportContamination.annotation.Note with purpose='REMARK

Item T)


Plain language remarks

Assumptions for baseline data

It is assumed that following BASELINE TimeSlices covering the entire duration of the event exist and have been coded as specified in the Coding Guidelines for the (ICAO) AIP Data Set as available:

The coding rules for the situational awareness section provide two options:

(1) using TEMPDELTA TimeSlices for individual Apron and/or Taxiway  

(2) using annotations

The first option can be used only when the corresponding BASELINE data is also available:

  • Taxiway BASELINE which contains as a minimum a designator and an association with the AirportHeliport(warning)No AIP Data Set specific rules identified.

  • Apron BASELINE which contains as a minimum a designator and an association with the AirportHeliport(warning)No AIP Data Set specific rules identified

Both options are detailed in the coding rules and should be supported in the interface. Option 2 (using annotations) should be enable, at the discretion of the data coding operator, even in the situation when Taxiway and Apron BASELINE data is available.

Data encoding rules

The data encoding rules provided in this section shall be followed in order to ensure the harmonisation of the digital encodings provided by different sources. To the maximum possible extent, the compliance with these encoding rules shall be verified with automatic data validation rules.

Each TEMPDELTA TimeSlice and the Event featureLifetime.beginPosition same as the Runway.RunwayContamination.observationTime.


Data encoding rule


The surface condition report shall be encoded as:

  • a new Event with a BASELINE TimeSlice ( encoding=”DIGITAL”, scenario=”SFC.CON”, version=”2.0”), for which a PERMDELTA TimeSlice may also be provided; and

  • a TimeSlice of type TEMPDELTA for the each affected Runway feature, for which the "event:theEvent" property points to the Event instance created above.
  • if applicable, additional TEMPDELTA TimeSlices for the affected AirportHeliportTaxiway and/or Apron features as detailed below. Such TimeSlice shall have the "event:theEvent" property points to the Event instance created above.

The TimeSlice.validTime of the affected Features TEMPDELTAs, the EventTimeSlice.validTime and EventTimeSlice.featureLifetime shall have TimePeriod.beginPosition

equal to the latest of all Runway/RunwayContamination.observationTime coded in relation with the Event

Reason: When reporting on more than one runway and individual dates/times of observation/assessment are indicated by repeated Item B, the latest date/time of observation/assessment is inserted in the abbreviated heading. This is considered the start of the SNOWTAM validity.


Each TEMPDELTA TimeSlice and the Event featureLifetime.endPosition The TimeSlice.validTime of the affected Features TEMPDELTAs, the EventTimeSlice.validTime and EventTimeSlice.featureLifetime shall have TimePeriod.endPosition set 8h after the TimePeriod.beginPosition.

(Alternatives: 1) the 8h should be put as estimated end of validity or 2) the end of validity is to be an input from the operator)Reason: Maximum SNOWTAM validity is 8h.


All three sections (thirds) shall always be present and each of the following values shall only be used once for the Runway/RunwaySectionContamination.section:

  • 1_THIRD
  • 2_THIRD
  • 3_THIRD


Only the following values are allowed for Runway/RunwaySectionContamination.frictionEstimation:



Only the following values shall be used for Runway/RunwaySectionContamination/SurfaceContaminationLayer.type:

  • ICE



Only the following values shall be used for Runway.overallContaminant.RunwayContamination.layer.SurfaceContaminationLayer.type and/or for the AirportHeliport.contaminant.AirportHeliportContamination.layer.SurfaceContaminationLayer.type


In case of multiple Runway/RunwaySectionContamination/SurfaceContaminationLayer.layerOrder, only the following combinations are allowed:

  • layerOrder='1', type='DRY_SNOW' and layerOrder='2', type='COMPACT_SNOW'
  • layerOrder='1', type='DRY_SNOW' and layerOrder='2', type='ICE'
  • layerOrder='1', type='OTHER:STANDING_WATER' and layerOrder='2',type='COMPACT_SNOW'
  • layerOrder='1', type='WET_SNOW' and layerOrder='2', type='COMPACT_SNOW'
  • layerOrder='1', type='WET_SNOW' and layerOrder='2', type='ICE'

The maximum value of Runway/RunwaySectionContamination/SurfaceContaminationLayer.layerOrder is 2.

ER-10snowbanks adjacent to the runway shall be encoded as Runway.overallContamination.RunwayContamination.annotation.Note with purpose='REMARK' , propertyName='criticalRidge'  and note='Snowbanks present adjacent to the runway'

When snowbanks are present on the runway, their presence shall be encoded as Runway.overallContaminant.RunwayContamination.criticalRidge/Ridge.side='LEFT', 'RIGHT' or 'BOTH'

When Runway/RunwayContamination/Ridge.distance is provided, a Ridge.annotation shall be encoded with propertyName='distance', purpose='DESCRIPTION' and note='distance measured from runway centerline'

The AIXM definition of the element is being a distance measured from the edge of the movement area and not from its centreline, therefore an interpretation rule is needed.

ER-12If the assessment is including Taxiway information, TEMPDELTA TimeSlices shall be encoded for each affected Taxiway Feature.
ER-13Snowbanks present on the taxiway shall be encoded as Taxiway/TaxiwayContamination.annotation.Note with purpose='REMARK' , propertyName='criticalRidge' and note='Snowbanks present on the taxiway'.
ER-14If the assessment is including Apron information, TEMPDELTATimeSlices shall be encoded for each affected Apron Feature.

Only the following values shall be used for Runway.overallContamination.RunwayContamination.frictionDevice:

  • GRT
  • MUM
  • BRD
  • RFT
  • SFH
  • SFL
  • SKH
  • SKL
  • TAP


In case the following items are NOT REPORTED - "NR",  xsi:nil='True',  nilReason='inapplicable' shall be used for the corresponding AIXM element:

  • (runwayCondition) (runwaySectionCondition) contaminant coverage (Runway.areaContaminant.RunwaySectionContamination.proportion)
  • (runwayCondition) (runwaySectionCondition) loose contaminant depth (Runway.areaContaminant.RunwaySectionContamination.depth)
  • (runwayCondition) (runwaySectionCondition) condition description (Runway.areaContaminant.RunwaySectionContamination.layer/SurfaceContaminationLayer.type)
ER-17The AirportHeliport concerned by the surface condition report shall also be coded as concernedAirportHeliport property in the Event.
ER-18The system shall automatically identify the FIR where the AerodromeHeliport is located. This shall be coded as corresponding concernedAirspace property in the Event.
