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titlePage Table of Content

Introduction & Background

Minimum Data Items

This page contains the mapping for the following data items as defined in PANS-AIM, chapter

b) Special activity airspace (type, name, lateral limits, vertical limits, restriction,



These properties which are considered as minimum AIP data set for Special activities

airspace are mapped to the following main AIXM 5 features:Besides the


Conditional & Optional Data Items

Besides this minimum AIP data set items, additional data items specified in the following sections of Appendix 2 of PANS-AIM - which are marked with #AIP-DS# - are taken into consideration for the mapping. In the context of this mapping, these properties are conditional AIP data set items.

  • ENR 5.1 Prohibited, restricted and danger areas
  • ENR 5.2 Military exercise and training areas and air defence identification zone (ADIZ)

  • ENR 5.3.1 Other activities of a dangerous nature
  • ENR 5.3.2 Other potential hazards
  • ENR 5.5 Aerial sporting and recreational activities
Note"ENR 5.3.2 Other potential hazards" &

"ENR 5.6 Bird migration and areas with sensitive fauna" are not marked as #AIP-DS# in the PANS-AIM.

All other data items listed in the PANS-AIM Aeronautical Data Catalogue are considered optional.


PANS AIM lists


ATS Airspace




Special activity airspaces

". PANS-AIM Appendix 1

(covering basically ENR 5.1 & ENR 5.2, i.e. Prohibited-, Danger-, Restricted Areas, Military Training/Exercise Areas ADIZ and Other).

The PANS-AIM Aeronautical Data Catalogue, in addition also defines


Aerial sporting activities airspace

". Besides the property "operator" all the other properties of Aerial sporting activities airspace can also be found as property for Special activity airspaces

(covering basically ENR 5.5) and Other regulated airspaces (covering basically ENR 5.3 and RVSM, ELT, etc).

For the latter three, most of the properties are the same. Hence, the mapping is done primarily for

all the

Special activity airspaces and only where differences have been encountered additional mappings are provided for

Aerial sporting activities airspace only the additional property "operator" is mapped additionally.

Basic Mapping

the other airspaces.

Compared to the Special activity airspaces the differences are;

1) Aerial sporting activities airspace:

  • No 'Type', 'Name', 'Restriction', 'Activation' and 'Risk of Interception' property,
  • Additional property for 'Operator'.
  • 'Designtor' Property instead of 'Identification'.
  • No accuracy values are defined

2) Other regulated airspaces

  • No 'Risk of Interception' property.
  • No accuracy values are defined
titlePage Table of Content

Table of Contents

Basic Mapping

The properties of the Special activity airspace subject are mapped to the following main AIXM 5 classes:

PANS-AIMDescription (PANS-AIM)AIXM 5Definition (AIXM 5.1.1)Remarks

Type of special activity airspace

Note 1 type: Prohibited Area, Restricted Area, Danger Area, Military Execise Area, Military Training Area, Air Defence Identification Zone (ADIZ), Other




Airspace: A defined three dimensional region of space relevant to air traffic.

type: An indicator of the general structure or characteristics of a particular airspace.

localType: A type designator used locally (inside a State or a Region) for a particular airspace sub-category. 

The localType attribute may be used for those types for which the AIXM attribute Airspace.type does not provide a dedicated value.

For Aerial sporting activities airspace, in the PANS-AIM Aeronautical Data Catalogue no 'Type' property is defined.
Identification/DesignatorThe identification assigned to uniquely identify the airspaceAirspace.designatordesignator: A published sequence of characters allowing the identification of the airspace.
For Aerial sporting activities airspace, the PANS-AIM Aeronautical Data Catalogue does not define a property Identification but 'Designator'.
NameThe name given to the airspace by a responsible authorityAirspace.namename: The name given to an airspace by a responsible authority. It should be written as published, with no significance to upper or lower case letters.
For Aerial sporting activities airspaces and Other regulated airspaces, the PANS-AIM Aeronautical Data Catalogue does not define a 'Name' property.
Lateral limitsThe surface defining the horizontal shape of the airspace














AirspaceVolume: A defined volume in the air, described as horizontal projection with vertical limits.

Surface: A 2-dimensional primitive and is composed of one or more surface patches as specified in ISO 19107:2003.

Curve: A one-dimensional geometric primitive, representing the continuous image of a line.

horizontalAccuracy: The difference between the recorded horizontal coordinates of a surface / curve and its true position referenced to the same geodetic datum expressed as a circular error at 95 percent probability.

width: The width of the corridor, in case the AirspaceVolume has been originally defined as having a corridor shape.

An airspace may have a boundary or also may also be defined as corridor.

The lateral limits of an Airspace may also be defined by an aggregation of

other airspaces. The coding guidelines explain in detail how different geometries are encoded

one or more other airspace(s) (using AirspaceGeometryComponent or AirspaceVolumeDependency). To avoid complexity this is not mapped but explained in detail in the coding guidelines (see coding topic Geometry of Airspace).

In the PANS-AIM Aeronautical Data Catalogue for Aerial sporting activities airspaces and Other regulated airspaces no accuracy values are defined.
Vertical limits - Upper limitThe upper limit of the airspace




upperLimit: The vertical distance of the upper bound (ceiling) of an airspace volume. The vertical distance is measured relative to a separately specified upper limit reference.

upperLimitReference: The reference surface (Mean Sea Level, Ground, standard pressure, etc.) used for the value of the upper limit of an airspace volume.

The vertical limits of an Airspace may also be defined by an aggregation of other airspaces. The coding guidelines explain in detail how different geometries are encodedone or more other airspace(s) (using AirspaceGeometryComponent or AirspaceVolumeDependency). To avoid complexity this is not mapped but explained in detail in the coding guidelines (see coding topic Geometry of Airspace).
Vertical limits - Lower limitThe lower limit of the airspace




lowerLimit: The vertical distance of the lower bound (floor) of an airspace volume. The vertical distance is measured relative to a separately specified lower limit reference. 

lowerLimitReference: The reference surface (Mean Sea Level, Ground, standard pressure, etc.) used for determining the value of the lower limit of an airspace volume.

Contrary to the ATS Airspace subject, no accuracy is required by PANS-AIM.

The vertical limits of an Airspace may also be defined by an aggregation of

other airspaces. The coding guidelines explain in detail how different geometries are encoded

one or more other airspace(s) (using AirspaceGeometryComponent or AirspaceVolumeDependency). To avoid complexity this is not mapped but explained in detail in the coding guidelines (see coding topic Geometry of Airspace).

RestrictionType of restriction or nature of hazardAirspace.activation.AirspaceActivation.activity

AirspaceActivation: Information about the operational status of the airspace.

activity: The primary situation or reason on the ground or in the air, which may have an impact on airspace usage.

For Aerial sporting activities airspace in the PANS-AIM Aeronautical Data Catalogue no 'Restriction' property is defined.

However, in AIXM 5 the datatype for the 'activity' attribute knows also values for sporting activities such as 'PARACHUTE', 'HANGGLIDING' etc.

ActivationInformation on system and means of activation announcements together with information pertinent to civil flights and applicable ADIZ procedures;Airspace.annotation.Note.propertyName equal to  'activation'Note: A general text note for a feature or for one of its properties.
For Aerial sporting activities airspace in the PANS-AIM Aeronautical Data Catalogue no 'Activation' property is defined.
Time of activityTime interval when the special activity takes placeAirspace.activation.AirspaceActivation.timeInterval

timeInterval: A component of the schedule.

Risk of interceptionRisk of interception in the event of penetration


Only : A general text note for a feature or for one of its properties.

Mainly required for Airspace.type equal-to 'ADIZ'.

For Aerial sporting activities airspace & Other regulated airspaces in the PANS-AIM Aeronautical Data Catalogue no 'Risk of interception' property is defined.

Additional Mapping (Advisory Measures & Authority Responsible for the Provision of Information)

PANS-AIM ENR 5.3 .1 Other activities of a dangerous nature and other potential hazards, also requires information about

3) advisory measures and ;

4) authority responsible for the provision of information

Corresponding properties are not included of
titlePANS-AIM issue
No corresponding properties can be found in the PANS-AIM Appendix 1Aeronautical Data Catalogue.

Not defined in PANS-AIM Appendix 1. Only relevant for airspaces published in ENR 5.3.1Note: A general text note for a feature or for one of its properties.

There are 4 options to code that information

Via Authority For Airspace




Description (PANS-AIM)AIXM 5Definition (AIXM 5.1.1)Remarks
Advisory measuresNot defined as property in the PANS-AIM data calatoguecatalogue.


titlePANS-AIM issue

Authority Responsible for the Provision of Information

Not defined as property in the PANS-AIM data catalogue.

Option 1:




Option 2:


Option 3 (in case Frequency needs to be encoded):




titlePANS-AIM issue
Not defined in PANS-AIM Appendix 1. Only relevant for airspaces published in ENR 5.3.1
titleOpen Question Authority resp for INFO

AuthorityForAirspace: The responsibility that one organisation has for an airspace. This entity will indicate which State is de jure and which State is de facto responsible for the airspace.

assignedAirspace: The airspace that the OrganizationAuthority has assigned authority over.

responsibleOrganisation: The organisation responsible for the airspace.

user: The Organisation that uses the Airspace layer.

OrganisationAuthority: A group of people, businesses, administrative concerns, or other entities that are systematically structured and managed to meet a need or to pursue collective goals on a continuing basis. This group has the ability to delegate roles, responsibilities, and authority over cognizant areas. For example: ATS Organisations, Aircraft Operating Agencies, States, Groups of States, companies, government entities, etc.

Service: The provision of tangible goods, information, instructions, guidance, etc. to pilots, flights, aircraft operators and other personnel and institutions concerned with flight operations.

clientAirspace: The Airspace about which the information is provided.

serviceProvider: The Unit that provides the Service.

ownerOrganisation: The Organisation/Authority to which the Unit belongs.

radioCommunication: The radio frequency on which the service is provided.

titleInfo: Coding Alternatives

There are several options to encode this information

  1. Via AuthorityForAirspace (although the actual purpose is a different one, see definition)
  2. Via  AirspaceActivation
  3. Via Service? Note
    Which should be applied?

Note: In case a


Frequency shall be provided the only way is to go via Service.

Additional Mapping (Operator)

PANS-AIM ENR 5.5 Aerial sporting and recreational activities, also requires information about

3) operator/user telephone number

A corresponding property is included in PANS-AIM Appendix 1, Table A1-2 Airspace data, Aerial sporting activities airspace.

PANS-AIMDescription (PANS-AIM)AIXM 5Definition (AIXM 5.1.1)Remarks
OperatorContact details (Tel. Nr. or Frequency) of operator / user

Option 1:



Option 2 (in case Frequency has to be defined):






user: The Organisation that uses the Airspace layer.

Service: The provision of tangible goods, information, instructions, guidance, etc. to pilots, flights, aircraft operators and other personnel and institutions concerned with flight operations.

clientAirspace: The Airspace about which the information is provided.

groundCommunication: The point of contact on the ground for the service.

radioCommunication: The radio frequency on which the service is provided.

InformationService: A kind of service that consists in the provision of aeronautical, meteorological, traffic and related information to aircraft crew and other actors involved in flight operations, in flight or on the ground.

Only relevant for airspaces published in ENR 5.5

titleOpen QuestionInfo: FrequencyCoding Alternatives

For Frequency the only option is to go via Service. It seems unlikely that for an Aerial sporting activities airspace any of the Services defined in AIXM 5.1.1 will be provided.Shall Service be used anyway (with e.g. Information Service with type OTHER:)?

As Service the specialised InformationService feature may be used.