The properties of the Runway Direction subject listed This page contains the mapping for the following data items as defined in PANS-AIM, chapter
h) Runway Direction (designator, true bearing, threshold, TORA, TODA, ASDA, LDA,);
These properties, which are considered as minimum AIP data set for Runway direction are mapped to the following main AIXM 5 features:
PANS-AIM | Description (PANS-AIM) | AIXM 5 | Definition (AIXM 5.1.1) | Remarks | ||||||
Designator | The full textual designator of the landing and take-off direction. Examples: 27, 35L, 01R. | //aixm:RunwayDirection//aixm:designator RunwayDirection.designator | RunwayDirection: One of the two landing and take-off directions of a runway for which attributes like Take-off Run Available (TORA), Take-off Distance Available (TODA), Landing Distance Available (LDA), etc. may be defined. designator: A designator for one of the two possible landing and/or take-off directions of a runway or Final Approach and Take-off Area (FATO). | |||||||
True bearing | The true bearing of the runway. | //aixm:RunwayDirection//aixm:RunwayDirection.designator.trueBearing |and //aixm:RunwayDirection//aixm:trueBearingAccuracyRunwayDirection.designator.trueBearingAccuracy | trueBearing: The accuracy of the measured angle between the runway direction and True North at a given position. trueBearingAccuracy: The measured angle between the runway direction and Magnetic North at a given position. | |||||||
Threshold - Position | Geographical location for runway threshold | //aixm:RunwayCentrelinePoint//aixm:location/aixm:ElevatedPoint | //aixm:RunwayCentrelinePoint//aixm:location/aixm:ElevatedPoint/aixm:horizontalAccuracy | For more information see Geometry (Overview) RunwayCentrelinePoint.location.ElevatedPoint and RunwayCentrelinePoint.location.ElevatedPoint.horizontalAccuracy | RunwayCentrelinePoint: An operationally significant position on the centre line of a runway direction. A typical example is the runway threshold. location: Geographical position of the runway centreline point. horizontalAccuracy:The difference between the recorded horizontal coordinates of a point and its true position referenced to the same geodetic datum expressed as a circular error at 95 percent probability. | ||||||
Threshold - Elevation | Elevation of the runway threshold | //aixm:RunwayCentrelinePoint//aixm:location/aixm:ElevatedPoint/aixm:elevation | //aixm:RunwayCentrelinePoint//aixm:location/aixm:ElevatedPoint/aixm:verticalAccurracy | The "verticalAccurracy" encoded refers to both the "elevation" and the "geoidUndulation" RunwayCentrelinePoint.location.ElevatedPoint.elevation and RunwayCentrelinePoint.location.ElevatedPoint.verticalAccuracy | elevation: The vertical distance of the point measured from Mean Sea Level (MSL). verticalAccuracy: The difference between the recorded elevation of a point and its true elevation referenced to the same vertical datum expressed as a linear error at 95 percent probability. | ||||||
Threshold - Geoid undulation | WGS-84 Geoid undulation at runway threshold position | //aixm:RunwayCentrelinePoint//aixm:location/aixm:ElevatedPoint/aixm:geoidUndulation | //aixm:RunwayCentrelinePoint//aixm:location/aixm:ElevatedPoint/aixm:verticalAccurracy | The "verticalAccurracy" encoded refers to both the "elevation" and the "geoidUndulation" RunwayCentrelinePoint.location.ElevatedPoint.geoidUndulation and RunwayCentrelinePoint.location.ElevatedPoint.verticalAccuracy | geoidUndulation: The distance of the geoid above (positive) or below (negative) the mathematical reference ellipsoid at the location of the point. | ICAO Annex Annex 14 requires the Geoid undulation of the threshold for precision approach runways and for non-precision approaches runways of aerodromes used by international civil aviation.
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Threshold - Type | The indication if the threshold is displaced/ not displaced. A displaced threshold is not located at the extremity of a runway. | //aixm:RunwayCentrelinePoint//aixm:roleRunwayCentrelinePoint.role | role: The role of an operationally significant position on the centre line of a runway direction. | When encoded "role" = "THR" role equal to 'THR' the threshold is not displaced. When encoded "role" = "DISTHR" role equal to 'DISTHR' the threshold is displaced. | ||||||
Threshold - Displacement | Distance of displaced threshold Note: If displaced threshold | //aixm:RunwayCentrelinePoint//*[aixm:role="DISTHR"]/aixm:associatedDeclaredDistance/aixm:RunwayDeclaredDistance[aixm:type="DTHR"]/aixm:declaredValue/aixm:RunwayDeclaredDistanceValue/aixm:distance | //aixm:RunwayCentrelinePoint//*[aixm:role="DISTHR"]/aixm:associatedDeclaredDistance/aixm:RunwayDeclaredDistance[aixm:type="DTHR"]/aixm:declaredValue/aixm:RunwayDeclaredDistanceValue/aixm:distanceAccuracy | Tip | | ||||||
| associatedDeclaredDistance: The declared distance marked by the RunwayCentrelinePoint. type: The type of a conventional operational distance declared for a runway direction. declaredValue: Schedule of validity for the Declared Distances. distance: The conventional operational distance declared for a runway direction. distanceAccuracy: The accuracy of the value of a conventional operational distance declared for a runway direction. |
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Declared distances - TORA | Take-off run available - The length of runway declared available and suitable for the ground run of an aeroplane taking off. | //aixm:RunwayCentrelinePoint//aixm:associatedDeclaredDistance/aixm:RunwayDeclaredDistance[aixm:type="TORA"]/aixm:declaredValue/aixm:RunwayDeclaredDistanceValue/aixm:distance | //aixm:RunwayCentrelinePoint//aixm:associatedDeclaredDistance/aixm:RunwayDeclaredDistance[aixm:type="TORA"]/aixm:declaredValue/aixm:RunwayDeclaredDistanceValue/aixm:distanceAccuracy | TBD: Is there a specific RunwayCentrelinePoint/role required, e.g. START_RUN? If yes a corresponding verification rule may be defined. RunwayCentrelinePoint.role.associatedDeclaredDistance.RunwayDeclaredDistance.type equal-to 'TORA' .declaredValue.RunwayDeclaredDistanceValue.distance and RunwayCentrelinePoint.role.associatedDeclaredDistance.RunwayDeclaredDistance.type equal-to 'TORA' .declaredValue.RunwayDeclaredDistanceValue.distanceAccuracy | see above | ||||||
Declared distances - TODA | Take-off distance available available - The length of the take-off run available plus the length of the clearway, if provided. | //aixm:RunwayCentrelinePoint//aixm:associatedDeclaredDistance/aixm:RunwayDeclaredDistance[aixm:type="TODA"]/aixm:declaredValue/aixm:RunwayDeclaredDistanceValue/aixm:distance | //aixm:RunwayCentrelinePoint//aixm:associatedDeclaredDistance/aixm:RunwayDeclaredDistance[aixm:type="TODA"]/aixm:declaredValue/aixm:RunwayDeclaredDistanceValue/aixm:distanceAccuracy | TBD: Is there a specific RunwayCentrelinePoint/role required, e.g. START? If yes a corresponding verification rule may be defined. RunwayCentrelinePoint.role.associatedDeclaredDistance.RunwayDeclaredDistance.type equal-to 'TODA' .declaredValue.RunwayDeclaredDistanceValue.distance and RunwayCentrelinePoint.role.associatedDeclaredDistance.RunwayDeclaredDistance.type equal-to 'TODA' .declaredValue.RunwayDeclaredDistanceValue.distanceAccuracy | see above | ||||||
Declared distances - ASDA | Accelerate-stop distance available - The length of the take-off run available plus the length of the stopway, if provided. | //aixm:RunwayCentrelinePoint//aixm:associatedDeclaredDistance/aixm:RunwayDeclaredDistance[aixm:type="ASDA"]/aixm:declaredValue/aixm:RunwayDeclaredDistanceValue/aixm:distance | //aixm:RunwayCentrelinePoint//aixm:associatedDeclaredDistance/aixm:RunwayDeclaredDistance[aixm:type="ASDA"]/aixm:declaredValue/aixm:RunwayDeclaredDistanceValue/aixm:distanceAccuracy | TBD: Is there a specific RunwayCentrelinePoint/role required, e.g. START_RUN? If yes a corresponding verification rule may be defined. RunwayCentrelinePoint.role.associatedDeclaredDistance.RunwayDeclaredDistance.type equal-to 'ASDA' .declaredValue.RunwayDeclaredDistanceValue.distance and RunwayCentrelinePoint.role.associatedDeclaredDistance.RunwayDeclaredDistance.type equal-to 'ASDA' .declaredValue.RunwayDeclaredDistanceValue.distanceAccuracy | see above | RunwayCentrelinePoint.role shall be 'START_RUN' | |||||
Declared distances - LDA | Landing distance available - The length of runway which is declared available and suitable for the ground run of an aeroplane landing. | //aixm:RunwayCentrelinePoint//aixm:associatedDeclaredDistance/aixm:RunwayDeclaredDistance[aixm:type="LDA"]/aixm:declaredValue/aixm:RunwayDeclaredDistanceValue/aixm:distance | //aixm:RunwayCentrelinePoint//aixm:associatedDeclaredDistance/aixm:RunwayDeclaredDistance[aixm:type="LDA"]/aixm:declaredValue/aixm:RunwayDeclaredDistanceValue/aixm:distanceAccuracy | TBD: Is there a specific RunwayCentrelinePoint/role required, e.g. THR or DISTHR? If yes a corresponding verification rule may be defined. | rejected TODA | ||||||
Warning | ||||||||||
| RunwayCentrelinePoint.role.associatedDeclaredDistance.RunwayDeclaredDistance.type equal-to 'LDA' .declaredValue.RunwayDeclaredDistanceValue.distance and RunwayCentrelinePoint.role.associatedDeclaredDistance.RunwayDeclaredDistance.type equal-to 'LDA' .declaredValue.RunwayDeclaredDistanceValue.distanceAccuracy | see above | RunwayCentrelinePoint/role shall be either 'THR' or 'DISTHR'. | |||||||
Declared distances - Remarks | Remarks including runway entry or start point where alternative reduced declared distances have been declared//aixm:RunwayCentrelinePoint//aixm:associatedDeclaredDistance/aixm:RunwayDeclaredDistance/aixm:annotation | RunwayCentrelinePoint.associatedDeclaredDistance .RunwayDeclaredDistance.annotation, or RunwayCentrelinePoint.associatedDeclaredDistance .RunwayDeclaredDistance.declaredValue.RunwayDeclaredDistanceValue.annotation | The Note may be provided for the appropriate declared distance property or class. |