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A schedule is a description of a series of discrete time periods, which occur within the overall validity time of an Event. Some examples of schedules are:
- daily from 09:00 to 17:00;
- every Monday from 13:00 to sunset;
- every week from Friday 17:00 till Monday 07:00;
- etc.
AIXM supports the encoding of schedules that contain both repetitive time periods and occasional occurrences. The coding guidelines concerning the schedules/timetables topic and how it is addressed in AIXM can be found in: AIXM Coding Overview - Common Coding Rules - Schedule [TSH]. With respect to Digital NOTAM, only a subset of schedules is allowed to be used for temporary events published by NOTAM, as detailed in the OPADD document and in this current Digital NOTAM Specification.
Due to their non-repetitive character, the following time periods do not really qualify as schedules and could to be encoded as individual Events:
- on 1, 2, 15 and 25 of October;
- on 1/10 09:00-15:00 and on 3/10 10:00-12:00;
- etc.
However, banning non-repetitive times from Event schedules does not seem realistic because:
- the OPADD document allows them in the specification for item D;
- it could increase the workload of the input operators, as they would have to encode more identical events. However, this can be solved with a good HMI, which would allow the operator to view all such identical Events as a single one, with an applicability schedule.
Therefore, this specification accepts non-repetitive time periods as part of a schedule, with the limitations described further down in this section.
Schedule data
The following diagrams identify the information items that may occur in the definition of schedules for Digital NOTAM Events. There are three types of schedules:
- daily schedules, e.g. "daily from 09:00 to 17:00";
- date based schedules, e.g. "1/10 09:00-15:00 and on 3/10 10:00-12:00"
- weekday based schedules, e.g. "every Monday from 13:00 to sunset".
Each of these schedule types is detailed in one diagram. Combining different schedule types in a single NOTAM is forbidden. It is considered that such combined schedules could become too complex for being understood and would have a high potential for providing conflicting information. For example, "daily 0900-1700 and each MON 1900-2300" would not have a clear meaning. Is the schedule for Mondays just 1900-2300, or is it both 0900-1700 and 1900-2300? Therefore, such combined schedules are not supported.
Note that the concept of "weekday ranges" (such as "MON-WED") is also not supported in this specification because it does not have a direct mapping in the current AIXM model for Timesheets and because sometimes there are confusions between MON-FRI and "working days". However, the automatic NOTAM generation rules for item D ensure that a set of consecutive weekdays with a similar start/end time will generate a "weekday range", according to the OPADD recommendations. This does not exclude implementing an HMI that allows the input of weekday ranges, for efficiency reasons. They will have to be converted into individual weekday records in AIXM.
Finally, schedules in the form "from date & time" - "to date & time" (such as "MAR 02 09:00 - 09 16:00") are definitively not supported. This type of schedules do not fit easily in the Timesheet class of AIXM, because the startTime and endTime properties are, by definition, related only to day and/or dayTill. The AIXM definitions could be changed, but that would also change the meaning of the existing schedules, already encoded for AIXM 4.5 static data. Such semantic changes would significantly complicate the mapping between AIXM 4.5 and AIXM 5.1 data sources. It is also highly questionable if such schedules are really needed, as they can easily be seen as individual occurrences of similar Events.
The table below provides more details about each information item shown in the diagrams. It also provides the mapping of each information item within the AIXM 5.1 structure. The name of the variable (first column) is recommended for use as label of the data field in human-machine interfaces (HMI).
HMI recommendations
Some schedules may be relatively complex and this may lead to difficulties for the operator when trying to get the global picture of what is being encoded. The purpose of this section is to give some recommendations for the developers of schedule coding interfaces, based on the experience gathered in this area through trials and previous projects.
It is recommended that the HMI for schedules encoding enables both:
- "forms based" input - where the operator enters values in pre-defined fields, and
- "text based" input - where the operator types directly a textual description of the schedules and the application automatically decodes that into structured data; the text based input is expected to be used for simpler but frequently used schedules;
When the form based input is used, the application should generate a text based description of the schedule in real time, in the form that it would appear in a NOTAM item D or E. This would give confidence to the operator that the schedule was correctly encoded.
Additional versus complete hours
The coding guidelines for the ICAO Data Sets include general coding rules for Schedules [PWS]. These are also applicable to Digital NOTAM Events.
However, more restrictive rules apply to NOTAM schedules, such as:
- the first/last time period of a schedule shall start/end at the start/end of validity of the Event. This needs to be verified with business rules;
- excluding the possibility to use 'HOL' and other special dates. This limitations lead to a smaller number of coding patterns for Digital NOTAM Event schedules, which are presented in this section.
Table of Contents |
Supported schedules
There are three types of schedules supported for Digital NOTAM Events:
- daily schedules;
e.g. "daily from 09:00 to 17:00"; - date based schedules, including "on date" and "date range" options;
e.g. "1/10 09:00-15:00 and on 3/10 10:00-12:00"; - days of the week based schedules, including "on weekday", or "from weekday" options;
e.g. "every Monday from 13:00 to sunset".
Not supported schedules
Combining different schedule types in a single NOTAM is forbidden. It is considered that such combined schedules could become too complex for being understood and would have a high potential for providing conflicting information. For example, "daily 0900-1700 and each MON 1900-2300" would not have a clear meaning. Is the schedule for Mondays just 1900-2300, or is it both 0900-1700 and 1900-2300? Therefore, such combined schedules are not supported.
Note that the concept of "weekday ranges" (such as "MON-WED") is also not supported in this specification. However, the automatic NOTAM generation rules for item D ensure that a set of consecutive weekdays with a similar start/end time will generate a "weekday range", according to the OPADD recommendations. This does not exclude implementing an HMI that allows the input of weekday ranges, for efficiency reasons. They will have to be converted into individual weekday records in AIXM.
Also not supported are schedules that use both startTime and StartEvent or both endTime and endEvent, such as "SR or 07:00, whichever is earliest". Such schedules are sometimes encountered for static data, as they need to cover longer time periods. It is not justified to use such combinations in a NOTAM schedule.
In addition, according to the OPADD, item D is not allowed to exceed 200 characters. The application interface should check the length of the item D that results from the schedule encoding and invite the operator to split the NOTAM into two separate events in case this limit is exceeded. The HMI should allow copying a draft event into a second draft event.
UML class diagrams representation
The limitations identified above correspond to a subset of the general AIXM model for schedules. The following UML diagram shows only the classes and properties which may be used for Digital NOTAM coding. For reference, the full AIXM schedules model is described here: AIXM - Schedules).
The data type or the sub-sets of allowable values that may be used in a Digital NOTAM encoding are shown in the following diagram:
Specific coding patterns for Digital NOTAM
The Common coding patterns apply also for Digital NOTAM Event schedules, but with the limitations specified above. This means that only three types of schedules can be used in Digital NOTAM Events - "Daily", "date based" or "Weekday based"
"Daily" based schedules
This applies to schedules that occur every day during the validity period of the data. However, it is possible to exclude specific dates from the applicable times of the schedule. For example:
- "daily from 09:00 to 12:00 and from17:00 to 21:00"
- "daily from SR until 18:00 "
- "daily from 22:00 until 07:00" (past midnight)
- "daily from 07:00 to 23:00 except for 25 Dec and 1st Jan"
The data input elements that are specified for such schedules are indicated in the diagram below:
Code Block | ||||
| ||||
input_daily = "[TSH]" ("'daily'") ("start time" | ("start event" ["rel. start"])) ("end time" | ("end event" ["rel. end"])) "[/TSH]" { "[TSH]" ("'daily'") ("start time" | ("start event" ["rel. start"])) ("end time" | ("end event" ["rel. end"])) "[/TSH]"} \n
{"[TSH]" "excluded date" "[/TSH]"} {"schedule note"}. |
"Date" based schedules
This applies to schedules that occur on specific dates during the validity period of the data, without distinction between weekdays. It is not possible to specify a "date/time period" (such as "from 09 SEP 07:00 until 16 SEP 16:00), only dates can be used (such as "from 09 SEP until 16 SEP and on 18 SEP"). For example:
- "from 09 until 16 SEP and on 18 SEP, daily from SR until 18:00" (note that this would require two separate Timesheets, one for 9-16 SEP and one for 18 SEP, as it is not possible to specify multiple startTime/endTime on a single Timesheet).
Although it would theoretically be possible to exclude dates from a date range, that might result into confusing item D values. Therefore, the possibility to exclude dates/days from this type of schedule is removed.
The data input elements that are specified for such schedules are indicated in the diagram below:
Code Block | ||||
| ||||
input_date = "[TSH]" (("start date" "end date") | "on date") ("start time" | ("start event" ["rel. start"])) ("end time" | ("end event" ["rel. end"])) "[/TSH]" { "[TSH]" (("start date" "end date") | "on date") ("start time" | ("start event" ["rel. start"])) ("end time" | ("end event" ["rel. end"])) "[/TSH]"} {"schedule note"}. |
"Days of the week" based schedules
This applies to schedules that occur with a weekly pattern, during the validity period of the data. It is possible to specify both individual weekdays (MON, TUE, etc.) and weekday periods (from FRI 17:00 to MON 07:00). It is possible to exclude specific dates (but not holidays or other special dates!) from the applicable times of the schedule. For example:
- "MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI from 13:00 to sunset; SAT, SUN. from 13:00 to 15:00" (this requires seven distinct Timesheet);
- "SUN, 2300 (2200) to MON, 0500 (0400)"
- "MON to FRI, 09:00 to 17:00, excluding 09 SEP" ("MON to FRI" is coded as five distinct Timesheet, but which have identical values for all fields, except for the day property)
The data input elements that are specified for such schedules are indicated in the following diagram:
Code Block | ||||
| ||||
Input_Weekdays = ("weekday" | "week_period") {"weekday" | "week_period"}.
weekday = "[TSH]" "on weekday" ("start time" | ("start event" ["rel. start"])) ("end time" | ("end event" ["rel. end"])) "[/TSH]" { "[TSH]" "on weekday" ("start time" | ("start event" ["rel. start"])) ("end time" | ("end event" ["rel. end"])) "[/TSH]"} \n
{"[TSH]" "excluded date" "[/TSH]"} {"schedule note"}.
week_period = "[TSH]" "from weekday" ("start time" | ("start event" ["rel. start"])) "to weekday" ("end time" | ("end event" ["rel. end"])) "[/TSH]" { "[TSH]" "from weekday" ("start time" | ("start event" ["rel. start"])) "to weekday" ("end time" | ("end event" ["rel. end"])) "[/TSH]"} \n
{"[TSH]" "excluded date" "[/TSH]"} {"schedule note"}. |
Data input elements
The following table provides the mapping of each information item within the AIXM 5.1.1 structure. The name of the variable (first column) is recommended for use as label of the data field in human-machine interfaces (HMI).
Data Item | Coding | Comments |
[TS] and [/TS] | All the elements that appear between [TS] and [/TS] are encoded as a single timesheet | |
daily | day='ANY' | Timesheet.startDate and Timesheet.endDate should be left empty. If the end time is 24:00, then the convention for "end of day' needs to be applied (coded as 00:00 of the next day or date), which means that dayTil='ANY' If the value of "end time" or "end event" is before the value of "start time" or "start event", then it means that the Timesheet spans over midnight, which shall be coded with both day='ANY' and dayTil='ANY' |
start date | Timesheet.startDate'ANY' | |
end date | Timesheet.endDate | Timesheet.dayTil should be left empty, unless:
on date | Timesheet.startDate and Timesheet.endDate'ANY' | "on date" needs to be coded with both startDate and endDate having the same value, unless the end time is 24:00, in which case the convention for "end of day' needs to be applied and the endDate gets the value of the next date after the startDate Timesheet.dayTil should be left empty, unless the end time is 24:00, then the convention for "end of day' needs to be applied (in which case dayTil = 'ANY') |
on weekday | | Timesheet.dayTil should be left empty, unless the end time is 24:00, then the convention for "end of day' needs to be applied:
from weekday | | |
to weekday | Timesheet.dayTil | If the end time is 24:00, then the convention for "end of day' needs to be applied (coded as 00:00 of the next day) |
start time | Timesheet.startTime | |
start event | Timesheet.startEvent | |
relative start | Timesheet.startTimeRelativeEvent | Positive values indicate that the actual start time is after the event. |
end time | Timesheet.endTime | If the end time is 24:00, then the convention for "end of day' needs to be applied (coded as 00:00 of the next day or date) |
end event | Timesheet.endEvent | |
relative end | Timesheet.endTimeRelativeEvent | Positive values indicate that the actual end time is after the event. |
excluded date | Timesheet | Each excluded date is coded as a separate Timesheet with excluded='YES', startDate equal the "excluded date", endDate equal to "excluded date +1 day", day='ANY', dayTill='ANY', startTime='00:00', endTime='00:00', timeReference='UTC+/-X' (local time as UTC zone). |
schedule note | Note associated with the class that owns the schedule | The Note shall have propertyName='timeInterval' and purpose='REMARK'. |
HMI aspects
Grouping of similar daily schedules
As it can be seen from the examples provided for each Digital NOTAM coding pattern for schedules, when several weekdays or several dates have the same daily schedule, the coding requires a separate Timesheet for each of these days or dates. For example:
- "from 09 until 16 SEP and on 18 SEP, daily from SR until 18:00" - requires two separate Timesheets, one for 9-16 SEP and one for 18 SEP, as it is not possible to specify multiple startTime/endTime on a single Timesheet).
- "MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI from 13:00 to sunset; SAT, SUN. from 13:00 to 15:00" - requires five distinct Timesheet, but which have identical values for all fields, except for the day property)
Human operators using an HMI for coding/visualising schedules would expect to be able to input and see the data in a compact form, not as individual Timesheets. A similar grouping needs to be done for NOTAM production of schedules that appear in Item D, E - Schedules.
TEMPDELTA - additional versus complete hours
As explained in the general coding rules for schedules - Relation with TimeSlice validity, a TEMPDELTA shall contain a complete description of the operating times.
Schedules are usually used when encoding availability or activation information, such as in the SAA.ACT, RTE.CLS, AD.CLS, etc. scenarios. In this situation, it is recommended that the input interface provides a "calendar/level" view of the activation/availability, enabling the operator to graphically visualise the status of the feature different times and levels (if applicable), such as in the example below:
In the calendar view, the
BASELINE information that remains valid during the Event validity time shall be visibly identified from the information that is specific to the Event, for example by using a different color and fill pattern.
The TEMPDELTA shall contain the complete definition of the activity times, including any eventual time ranges that are recuperated from the BASELINE schedules. Note that according to the OPADD, notification of a schedule modification by NOTAM shall be done by including the new schedule in item E, not in item D. Therefore, the list of Event Scenarios has to include separate scenarios for such situations.
End of day format
According to ICAO Annex 15, Appendix 6, NOTAM Format, “the end of a day shall be indicated by ‘2359’”. However, in static data (AIP) the end of the day is usually indicated by “2400”. In addition, feedback from developers having used the AIXM Temporality Concept show that using “23:59” as end of day in digital data is problematic because it requires a special interpretation for comparison operators: 23:59:01 is numerically higher than 23:59 and therefore is numerically after the end time. However, in the NOTAM practice, 23:59:01 is still considered inside a time interval that ends at 23:59.
To avoid such problems, the end of the day in digital data shall be indicated as 24:00. However, in order to remain compliant with the ICAO Annex 15 requirements for NOTAM format (item C in particular), this shall be translated into “2359”, when the NOTAM is generated automatically.
Data encoding rules
The data encoding rules provided in this section shall be followed in order to ensure the harmonisation of the digital encodings provided by different sources. The compliance with some of these encoding rules can be checked with automatic data validation rules (see next section).
Suggested for inclusion in common coding rules
When encoding schedules, the following needs to be taken into account:
Data verification rules
The data verification rules provided in this section shall be followed in order to ensure the harmonisation of the digital encodings provided by different sources. These rules shall be used as complementing the General coding rules for Schedules defined in AIXM Coding Overview - Common Coding Rules - Common coding patterns. In case of contradiction, the rules described below are superseding the general ones.
Identifier | Data encoding rule | Remarks (column to be deleted at the end) |
TSH.EVT-01 | Any Timesheet that is part of a TimeSlice associated with an Event that isNotifiedBy NOTAM shall have timeReference='UTC' (except if has excluded='Yes') | In NOTAM is mandatory to use UTC times only. |
TSH.EVT-02 | Any Timesheet that is part of a TimeSlice associated with an Event that isNotifiedBy NOTAM shall have daylightSavingAdjust='NO' | In NOTAM it is not allowed to use auto-adjusted summer time values. |
TSH.EVT-03 | Any Timesheet that is part of a TimeSlice associated with an Event that isNotifiedBy NOTAM and that has assigned values for startDate and endDate, must have day equal-to 'ANY'. | In NOTAM it is not possible to mix date ranges with week days. |
TSH.EVT-04 | Any Timesheet that is part of a TimeSlice associated with an Event that isNotifiedBy NOTAM cannot use 'WORK_DAY', 'BEF_WORK_DAY', 'AFT_WORK_DAY', 'HOL', 'BEF_HOL', 'AFT_HOL' and 'BUSY_FRI' as day or dayTill values. | HOL and similar are not allowed in NOTAM schedules |
| ||
new | The startTimeRelativeEvent@uom cannot be other-than 'MIN' | proposed by Indra/Avitech, based on OPADD 4.1, section |
new | The endTimeRelativeEvent@uom cannot be other-than 'MIN' | proposed by Indra/Avitech, based on OPADD 4.1, section |
new | The startTimeRelativeEvent value cannot be higher-than 99 | proposed by Indra/Avitech, based on OPADD 4.1, section |
new | The endTimeRelativeEvent value cannot be higher-than 99 | proposed by Indra/Avitech, based on OPADD 4.1, section |
new | It is not allowed to have both startTime and startEvent in the same Timesheet | following comments made in the decoding scenarios |
new | It is not allowed to have both endTime and endEvent in the same Timesheet | following comments made in the decoding scenarios |
new | It is not allowed to code annotations for Timesheet. | there is no obvious way for decoding such notes in relation with a pareticular element of the item D, knowing that the note itself would go in item E. Any schedule notes should be coded at the level of the parent object. |