AIXM Model Overview
The following AIXM UML model diagrams indicates the scope of these coding guidelines.
The main class in this AIXM model is the Airspace containing the basic data, such as the name and type of the airspace.
In addition the airspace model contains associated objects in order to encode the vertical and lateral limits of the airspace.
AIXM 5 provides several possibilities to encode the lateral limits of an airspace
The airspace class may be defined for the whole airspace or layers of it.
Furthermore, within an airspace an ATS unit may provide a service on one or more particular radio communication channel (frequency).
Airspaces and also the service provided by the ATS unit may have certain schedules.
For Special Activity Airspaces also information about the existing type of restriction or nature of hazard, activation process and/or time of activity may be provided.
Basic data (type & name)
The basic data of an Airspace are the type (e.g. 'FIR', 'CTR') and its name (e.g. 'RIGA' FIR, 'LJUBLJANA' CTR).
In addition, for some ATS airspace types such as "FIR" or "Danger Area" a designator will be encoded. In case the designator is published in the ICAO Doc 7190 also the attribute designatorICAO will be encoded accordingly with 'YES'.
In order to indicate that an airspace or area is under military, joint of civil control the controlType attribute will be used.
For ATS airspaces, which may be composed of several parts, AIXM provides a dedicated "Part" type (e.g. 'FIR-P', 'CTR-P', etc.). This allows to encode a whole ATS airspace as a composition of its parts (See Lateral Limits section below).
The following table contains some guidelines for the AIXM 5 encoding of the type of airspaces listed in PANS-AIM:
Coding guidelines for airspace types
PANS-AIM | AIXM 5 Airspace | Remarks | ||||
type | localType | controlType | designator | designatorICAO | ||
FIR | 'FIR', 'FIR-P' | NA | 'CIV' | mandatory | 'YES' | Open Question TBD: controlType to be encoded only for MIL or also for CIV? Open Question TBD: should designatorICAO be encoded? If yes also be encoded with NO or only in case it is YES? This is a general question for YES NO codes. |
UIR | 'UIR', 'UIR-P' | NA | 'CIV' | mandatory | 'YES' | |
TMA | 'TMA', 'TMA-P' | NA | 'CIV' | optional | 'NO' | |
CTA¹ | 'CTA', 'CTA-P', 'UTA', 'UTA-P', 'OCA', 'OTC-P' | NA | 'CIV' | optional | 'NO' | ¹ UTA & OCA are Non-ICAO Recognized types of airspaces but special types of control area which are frequently used and published in AIPs. |
CTR | CTR, CTR-P | NA | as applicable | optional | 'NO' | |
Prohibited Area | 'P' | NA | as applicable | mandatory | 'NO' | |
Restricted Area | 'R' | NA | as applicable | mandatory | 'NO' | |
Danger Area | 'D' | NA | as applicable | mandatory | 'NO' | |
Military exercise and training areas | 'PROTECT', 'MTR'2 | as applicable | 'MIL', 'JOINT' | optional | 'NO' | 2 In general AIXM does not contain military specific airspace codes for the type attribute. 'MTR - Military Training Route buffer' is an exception. |
Air Defence Identification Zone (ADIZ) | 'ADIZ' | NA | 'MIL' | optional | 'NO' | |
Other activities of a dangerous nature | 'D_OTHER' | as applicable | 'CIV' | optional | 'NO' | |
Aerial sporting and recreational activities | PROTECT | as applicable | 'CIV' | optional | 'NO' | |
"not defined" | 'CLASS' | NA | 'CIV' | optional | 'NO' | Some countries publish ATS airspaces in ENR 2.1 according to their class and not as defined types (e.g. AIP Germany). AIXM 5 provides also a dedicated 'CLASS' value for Airspace.type . |
For types of airspaces which are not specifically listed in the CodeAirspacetype class, the 'OTHER' value will be used followed by the code (abbreviation) for the local/regional type of the airspace. In such a case, in addition the localType attribute will be encoded with the full name of the local airspace type (e.g. 'OTHER:HPZ' and 'Helicopter Protected Zone').
Coding rules for basic airspace data
Identifier | Data Encoding Rule | Justification | Data Verification Rule (UID) | Remarks |
ASE-101 | Each Airspace shall have assigned type value | Minimal data | AIXM-5.1_RULE-1A3336 | Open Question TBD: Shall SBVR be used for Data Encoding Rule or free text?. E.g. "The type attribute is mandatory" |
ASE-102 | The attribute is mandatory | Minimal data | TBD | |
ASE-103 | The shall not repeat the type populated in the Airspace.type attribute. | Data consistency | TBD | Open Question TBD: shall disignator be mandator for all types of airspaces or certain types?.AIXM-5.1_RULE-1A33A9 is for all types. It is not required by PANS-AIM. but what if we do not take over this rule for the AIP data set than an AIP Data set provide may not fit into EAD. |
ASE-104 | If Airspace.type has the value 'FIR' or 'UIR', than designatorICAO is mandatory. | Data consistency | AIXM-5.1_RULE-CA648 | Open Quetsion TBD: Or attribute must not have to be encoded at all (as not req by PANS-AIM) Or should always be encoded? Another related AIXM 5 rule AIXM-5.1_RULE-1B11B0 is. " It is prohibited that an Airspace with designatorICAO equal-to 'YES' has designator value not expressed with exactly 4 letters" |
ASE-104 | If Airspace.type='CLASS', than AirspaceLayerClass.clasification is mandatory. | Data consistency | TBD | Open Question TBD: Only if rule ASE-301 is removed. |
Vertical limits
For the encoding of the vertical limits of an airspace the AirspaceVolume class is used.
Besides the upperLimit and the lowerLimit of the airspace AIXM also provides additional attributes to encode a maximumLimit and a minimumLlimit. The latter two are not required for the AIP data set, but may be encoded by the data provider if required.
The figure below illustrates the 4 different kinds of vertical limits using some example values.
Note from the author: Figures to be updated to AIXM 5.1 values
Numerical values
Vertical limits are typically encoded in AIXM as a pair of two attributes:
- a ...Limit attribute, which includes the value and its unit of measurement (as an uom attribute) with the list of valuesUomDistanceVerticalType
- a ...LimitReference attribute, which indicates what reference system is used for the vertical limit value. It uses the following list of values:CodeVerticalReferenceType
The following consistency rules between the uom value and the reference value shall be observed when encoding the data:
Reference | Reference Meaning | Possible uom values |
'SFC' | Height (above surface) | 'FT', 'M' |
'MSL' | Elevation (above mean sea level) | 'FT', 'M' |
'W84' | Ellipsoidal height (above the WGS 84 Ellipsoid) - currently not used for aeronautical operations | 'FT', 'M' |
'STD' | Pressure difference expressed as an equivalent vertical distance | 'FL', 'SM' |
'OTHER:MY_VALUE' | Exact meaning depends on what "MY_VALUE" says | 'FT', 'M' |
Coded values (GND, UNL, etc.)
In addition to numerical values, the ...Limit" attributes can use four coded values:
- 'GND'- meaning "from surface"
- 'UNL' - meaning "unlimited"
- 'FLOOR' - meaning "from the bottom of the airspace/route, whatever that one is"
- 'CEILING ' - meaning "to the top of the airspace/route, whatever that one is"
As the unit of measurement attribute is mandatory in for the AIP data set, the following values are recommended when encoding the data:
Coded value | uom (mandatory) |
'GND' | 'FT' |
'UNL' | 'FT' |
The ...LimitReference attribute shall be left empty in this situation. However, even if another uom is used or even if the ...LimitReference attribute gets a value, they should be ignored by a recipient application because they do not have any meaning in combination with these coded values.
The figure below illustrates the encoding of Flight Level (FL), Above Mean Sea level (AMSL) and Above Ground Level (AGL).
Note from the author: Figures to be updated to AIXM 5.1 values
Coding rules for vertical limits
Identifier | Data Encoding Rule | Justification | Data Verification Rule (UID) | Remarks |
ASE-201 | If lowerLimit is specified, then ValDistanceVerticalType.uom and lowerLimitReference are mandatory. | Data consistency | Open Question First part is actually already covered by general Rule GEN-003. | |
ASE-202 | If VAL_DIST_VER_UPPER is specified, then UOM_DIST_VER_UPPER and CODE_DIST_VER_UPPER are mandatory. | |||
ASE-203 | If the unit of measurement has the value 'FL' or 'SM', then the attribute CODE_DIST_VER_LOWER must have the value 'STD' (standard pressure). | |||
ASE-204 | If the unit of measurement has the value 'FL' or 'SM', then the attribute CODE_DIST_VER_UPPER must have the value 'STD' (standard pressure). | |||
If VAL_DIST_VER_MAX is specified, then UOM_DIST_VER_MAX and CODE_DIST_VER_MAX are mandatory. | ||||
If VAL_DIST_VER_MNM is specified, then UOM_DIST_VER_MNM and CODE_DIST_VER_MNM are mandatory. | ||||
CODE_DIST_VER_MAX should have the value 'HEI' [The distance measured from GND]. | ||||
CODE_DIST_VER_MNM should have the value 'HEI' [The distance measured from GND]. | ||||
When expressed using the same unit of measurement (UOM_DIST_VER_*) and the same vertical reference (CODE_DIST_VER_*), the value of VAL_DIST_VER_UPPER must be higher than VAL_DIST_VER_LOWER and VAL_DIST_VER_MNM. |
Coding rules for class of airspace
Identifier | Data Encoding Rule | Justification | Data Verification Rule (UID) | Remarks |
ASE-301 | The AirspaceLayerClass.classification attribute is mandatory | PANS-AIM | TBD | If the airspace does not have a class or the class is not known classification shall be encoded with 'NIL'. See also rule GEN-001. |
Lateral Limits
There are two main ways to describe the geometry of airspace volumes in AIXM:
- by providing a horizontal border and vertical limits;
- by providing a composition rule by which the airspace is defined as a series of unions, intersections, subtractions of other Airspace, such as in the following examples:
- Airspace of type CTR defined as a “circle of 50 NM from which the portion of airspace situated in a neighboring FIR is subtracted”;
- Airspace of type UIR that has “the same horizontal projection as an FIR”, but different vertical limits;
- Airspace of type CTA which is the result of aggregating some Airspace of type SECTOR;
- etc.
The AirspaceVolume class of the AIXM 5 model was designed in order to support the encoding of such aggregated Airspace. Note that the “operation” property of the AirspaceGeometryComponent is used.
The model gives the possibility for using several approaches for the encoding of airspace aggregations/dependencies. The use of a particular method, from the ones described further in this section, depends on the intended use of the data. Details encoding description of the GML elements used by AIXM 5 can be found in OGC® document: 12-028r1 "Use of Geography Markup Language (GML) for Aviation Data".
Airspace geometry by horizontal border
Airspace geometry - One AirspaceVolume
Airspace geometry by composition (more than one AirspaceVolume)
Types for Airspace Geometry Components
More than one AirspaceVolume
Option 1a: coping geometry
Option 1b: “pure geometry components”
Option 2: referencing
Geoborder & Significant Point
Airspace boundaries may be based on national borders or on other geographical features, such as shorelines, rivers, etc.
A particularity of this situation is that official definitions of the airspace, as provided in the Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP) or in NOTAM messages, do not include the actual geometry of the referenced geographical border. It is left for the end users to derive the actual geometry of the airspace by using a source of geographical border data.
The UML model of AIXM shows a “dependency” association between Surface and GeoBorder in order to cater for such situations
The encoding is possible in two ways: either with a simple annotation (and copy of all necessary points) or by reference. See the AIXM GML Guidelines for details.
Significant Point
Coding rules for lateral limits
Identifier | Data Encoding Rule | Justification | Data Verification Rule (UID) | Remarks |
ASE-410 | An AIRSPACE instance, which has a geometry defined by aggregation (the related AIRSPACE_DERIV_GEOMETRY is related to one or more instances of AIRSPACE_AGGREG_COMP), cannot have any value specified for VAL_DIST_VER_LOWER, VAL_DIST_VER_UPPER, VAL_DIST_VER_MNM and VAL_DIST_VER_MAX. | |||
An AIRSPACE for which the lower and upper limit are not specified, must be the child in at least one AIRSPACE_ASSOCIATION having CODE_TYPE = 'BOM' (Bill Of Material). | ||||
If CODE_TYPE='PART', then the airspace must be the parent in one or more associations of type 'BOM' (relationship 'the parent in AIRSPACE_ASSOC_M' is mandatory, the related AIRSPACE_ASSOC_M must have CODE_TYPE='BOM'). | ||||
If CODE_TYPE is 'ICAO', 'ECAC', 'CFMU', 'IFPS', 'FIR', 'FIR-P', 'UIR', 'UIR-P', 'CTA', 'CTA-P', 'OCA', 'OCA-T', 'UTA', 'UTA-P', 'TMA', 'TMA-P', 'NO-FIR', then the airspace may not be part of an AIRSPACE_ASSOCIATIONS of type 'TIME-DIST'. | ||||
Adjacent airspace of type FIR or UIR should be contiguous (no gaps, no overlapping). | ||||
An AIRSPACE for which the lower and upper limit are not specified, must be the child in at least one AIRSPACE_ASSOCIATION having CODE_TYPE = 'BOM' (Bill Of Material). | ||||
An AIRSPACE that is not related to any AIRSPACE_BORDER must be the child in one or more AIRSPACE_ASSOCIACTION having CODE_TYPE = 'BOM' or 'ABOVE_BELOW'. | ||||
If CODE_OPR = 'BASE', then NO_SEQ must be '1' (first). | ||||
Child Airspace in Airspace Association type BOM cannot have duplicate operation numbers. | ||||
There must exist at least two related AIRSPACE_AGGREG_COMP. | ||||
In any set of AIRSPACE_ASSOCIATION occurences with CODE_TYPE = 'BOM' and having the same child AIRSPACE, there must exist one and only one occurence with CODE_OPR = 'BASE'. | ||||
AIRSPACE with CODE_TYPE='FIR' cannot appear as child in an AIRSPACE_ASSOCIATION of type 'BOM' or 'ABOVE-BELOW'. | ||||
All parent airspace in an association of type 'BOM' must have the same authority. | ||||
Class of airspace
For ATS airspaces PANS-AIM requires the class of airspace.
In AIXM 5 the class of airspace is encoded by the using the AirspaceLayerClass.classification attribute. The codeAirspaceClassificationType contains a list of value for all classes (A-G).
In AIXM it is possible to encode one class for the whole airspace but also different classes for several layers within an airspace. For the latter the AirspaceLayer class is used.
The airspace layer concept is also used for the activation of Special activity airspaces which may be activated for just a partcular layer of their whole vertical dimension (see Digital NOTAM Specification).
Transition Altitude
ICAO Annex 15 defines Transition altitude as follows:
The altitude at or below which the vertical position of an aircraft is controlled by reference to altitudes.
According to PANS-AIM the transition altitude is only required for airspaces listed in section "AD 2.17 ATS airspace" (e.g. CTR).
ATS Unit providing Service
Restriction & Activation
Hours of applicability / Hours of Service / Time of acitivity
In PANS-AIM different data items are defined for Schedules which are relevant for an airspace or a unit providing service within an airspace.
For ATS airspace, Appendix 1 of PANS-AIM (Aeronautical Data Catalogue) defines the "Hours of applicabiliy" for the airspace and in addtion the "Hours of Service", which are "the operational hours of the station serving the unit".
However, in an AIP the first item is only published for ATS airspaces of section AD 2.17, whereas the latter is only published for ATS airspaces listed in section ENR 2.1.
For Special activity airspaces the "Time of activity" is defined as "Time interval when the special activity takes place".
In the following only those coding rules specfic to the airspace subjects will be discussed.
For the general coding guidelines for the Timesheet refer to Schedule.
Hours of applicabiliy
This information is required for ATS airspaces usually published in "AD 2.17 Air traffic services airspace":
6) hours of applicability;
In AIXM this information will be encoded as Airspace.activation.
Identifier | Data Encoding Rule | Justification | Data Verification Rule (UID) | Remarks |
ASE-310 | AirspaceActivation.activity ="ATS" | NA | ||
ASE-320 | AirspaceActivation.status ="ACTIVE" | NA | TBD: is it necessary to code the status? or is this just for DNOTAM |
Hours of Service
This information is required for ATS airspaces usually published in "ENR 2.1 FIR, UIR, TMA AND CTA":
3) call sign of aeronautical station serving the unit and language(s) used, specifying the area and conditions, when and where to be used, if applicable;
In AIXM this information will be encoded as Service.availability.
Identifier | Data Encoding Rule | Justification | Data Verification Rule (UID) | Remarks |
ASE-360 | ServiceOperationalStatus.operationalStatus ="NORMAL" | NA | TBD: Is it necessary to code the operational status? Or jsut for DNOTAM | |
If CODE_TYPE is 'ICAO', 'ECAC', 'FIR', 'UIR', then CODE_WORK_HR must have the value 'H24'. |
Time of activity
This information is required for Sepecial activity airspaces usually published section in "ENR 5":
In AIXM this information will be encoded as Airspace.activation.
Identifier | Data Encoding Rule | Justification | Data Verification Rule (UID) | Remarks |
ASE-370 | AirspaceActivation.activity is mandatory | NA | As appropriate. | |
ASE-380 | AirspaceActivation.status is madatory | NA | As appropriate,TBD: is it necessary to code the status? or is this just for DNOTAM TBD how to encode will be announced by NOTAM |
Coding Rules for
Identifier | Data Encoding Rule | Justification | Data Verification Rule (UID) | Remarks |
ASE-370 | AirspaceActivation.activity is mandatory | NA | As appropriate. | |
ASE-380 | AirspaceActivation.status is madatory | NA | As appropriate,TBD: is it necessary to code the status? or is this just for DNOTAM TBD how to encode will be announced by NOTAM |
Coding Examples
Coding Example can be found in the AIXM DONLON ACGAIP file.
No. | Description | XPath Expression |
1 | ATS airspace type FIR | //aixm:Airspace//*[aixm:type='FIR'] |
2 | Special activity airspace type Danger Area | //aixm:Airspace//*[aixm:type='D'] |
3 | Transition Altitude | //aixm:AirportHeliport//aixm:transitionAltitude |
Additional Illustrated Coding Examples
Example: Sand Springs