Each ICAO data set shall be provided together with metadata giving the name of the organizations or entities providing the data set.
Requirement |
Reference |
DS-META-001 |
Element Name |
Name of provider |
Obligation / Condition |
Mandatory |
Multiplicity |
1..* |
ISO 19115 (2003) |
Number |
29 |
Name |
pointOfContact |
Definition |
Identification of, and means of communication with, person(s) and organizations associated with the dataset |
XPath |
gmd:MD_Metadata/gmd:identificationInfo/gmd:MD_DataIdentification/gmd:pointOfContact |
Data type |
CI_ResponsibleParty |
Domain |
Data is a series of CharacterStrings |
Example |
Organization: EAD |
Implementing Instructions |
Only organization name and email address are mandated. It is important to ensure that no person is identified in the data set. |
<gco:CharacterString>+32 02...</gco:CharacterString>
<gco:CharacterString>delivery point 1</gco:CharacterString>
<gco:CharacterString>delivery point 2</gco:CharacterString>
<gco:CharacterString>postal code</gco:CharacterString>
<gmd:CI_RoleCode codeList="./resources/Codelist/gmxCodeLists.xml#CI_RoleCode" codeListValue="resourceProvider">resourceProvider</gmd:CI_RoleCode>