Service Identification
name | Aeronautical Dataset Publication |
version | 1.0.0 |
Service Abstract
The Aeronautical Dataset Publication service allows an aeronautical information service (AIS) to upload and manage ICAO Annex 15 digital datasets and accompanying metadata within a dataset store. The service provides support for the management of dataset series, datasets and data product specifications. The service is part of a series of services that support the concept of aeronautical information product digital data set as defined by ICAO Annex 15.
Service Categories
category | value(s) |
information exchange area | AERONAUTICAL_INFORMATION_EXCHANGE |
business activity | INFORMATION_MANAGEMENT |
Operational Environment
Name | Description |
ICAO Operational Need | Support the publication of the aeronautical digital data sets as defined by ICAO Annex 15:
Extended Operational Need | Support the publication of digital datasets for specific purposes. An example is the provision of airport lighting data in the context of SESAR 2020 PJ03, which is a derivation of the airport mapping dataset containing precise lighting information for a very specific purpose. |
name | description | real world effect |
Add dataset series | Allow a service consumer to add a dataset series with its corresponding metadata. | the dataset series is added |
Add dataset | Allow a service consumer to add a dataset within a dataset series, with its corresponding metadata and files | the dataset is added |
Add data product specification | Allow a service consumer to add a data product specification | the data product specification is added |
Delete dataset series | Allow a service consumer to delete a dataset series with its corresponding metadata. | the dataset series is removed |
Delete dataset | Allow a service consumer to delete a dataset within a dataset series, with its corresponding metadata and files | the dataset is removed |
Delete data product specification | Allow a service consumer to delete a data product specification | the data product specification is removed |
Access and Use Conditions
Service Policies
Pricing policy
The service does not support the possibility to indicate a price for a data set or a data set series.
Security constraints
Consumer side authentication: TBD
Provider side authentication: Authentication is required TBD
The service is subject to authorisation.
Quality of Service
Availability | 99.95 % outside the planned outages Schedule of planned outages: {*}* |
Throughput | 2000 service requests per hour |
Response time | 2s delay for 95% of messages |
abbreviation | term |
AIP | Aeronautical Information Publication |
AIRAC | Aeronautical Information Regulation and Control |
AIRM | ATM Information Reference Model |
AIS | Aeronautical Information Services |
ANSP | Air Navigation Service Provider |
ATM | Air Traffic Management |
DPS | Data Product Specification |
ICAO | International Civil Aviation Organisation |
IER | Information Exchange Requirement |
PJ03a-04 | SESAR 2020 project on "enhanced visual operations" |
SESAR | Single European Sky ATM Research Programme |
SWIM | System Wide Information Management |
UTC | Coordinated Universal Time |
WS | Web Service |
XSD | XML Schema Definition |
name | Publish |
description | The interface allows the publication and management of dataset (series) and dataset files. |
interface provision side | PROVIDER_SIDE_INTERFACE |
network address | N/A (provider-independent) |
message exchange pattern | SYNCHRONOUS_REQUEST_RESPONSE |
service interface binding | SWIM_TI_YP_1_0_WS_LIGHT |
interface binding description | HTTP 1.1. HTTP Messages will indicate the payload content type using the content-type header. HTTP Messages that transport compressed payloads will use deflate/gzip as expressed in the content-encoding header. HTTP will use the chunked transfer encoding and indicate this in the transfer-encoding header. HTTP will use the status header to indicate the status of the response using a code and corresponding meaning phrase. (see exception handling). HTTP GET method is supported. |
name | description | tiProtocol | message - IN | message - OUT | REST - resource |
createDatasetSeries | The operation accepts metadata for a dataset series, stores it as a new dataset series, and returns the stored object. | HTTP POST | CreateDatasetSeriesRequest | CreateDatasetSeriesReply | Resource: /datasetseries
createDataset | The operation accepts metadata for a dataset, stores it as a new dataset, and returns the stored object. | HTTP POST | CreateDatasetRequest | CreateDatasetReply | Resource: /datasetseries/{ID} Output: [0..1] dataset object |
uploadDatasetFile | The operation accepts a file and returns a file object | HTTP POST | UploadDatasetFileRequest | UploadDatasetFileReply | Resource: /datasets/{ID}/files Output: [0..1] file object |
uploadDPSFile | The operation accepts a file and returns a file object | HTTP POST | UploadDatasetFileRequest | UploadDatasetFileReply | Resource: /datasetseries/{ID}/dps Output: [0..1] file object |
updateDatasetSeries | The operation allows a user to update the metadata for an existing dataser series. | HTTP POST | UpdateDataSetSeriesRequest | UpdateDataSetSeriesReply | Resource: /datasetseries |
deleteDatasetSeries | The operation accepts the id of a given dataset series, validates the request and deletes the dataset series together with its data product specification if any. Pre-condition Post-condition | HTTP DELETE | DeleteDatasetSeriesRequest | DeleteDatasetSeriesReply | Resource: /datasetseries/{ID} |
deleteDataset | The operation accepts the id of a given dataset, validates the request and deletes the dataset together with its dataset file(s). Post-condition | HTTP DELETE | DeleteDatasetRequest | DeleteDatasetReply | Resource: /datasets/{ID} |
add dataset series - typical behaviour | A typical sequence is illustrated below (in text and graphically), where the service consumer is an AIS data provider.
add dataset file - typical behaviour | A typical sequence is illustrated below (in text and graphically), where the service consumer is an AIS data provider.
exception handling | The services make use of the standard HTTP status code (details to come later) |
Supporting diagrams
The following diagram summarises the service and its provided interfaces and operations.
The following diagram illustrates the typical behaviour for adding a dataset series.
The following diagram illustrates the typical behaviour for adding a dataset file.
Information definition
name | description | AIRM confromant? | AIRM version |
Information Definition | Description of messages | true | 1.0.0 |
Exchange schema
The service is designed using REST so there is no exchange model - the information is exchanged using the REST resource calls.
Technical Constraint
No known technical constraint.