The following actors are involved in this information exchange:
- The Information Provider is the AISP
- The Information Consumer is the so called next intended user, which could be an AU, ANSP, other AISP (including both Civil and Military stakeholders)
- Purpose (of the information exchange)
- Operational Needs (E.g. Pre-flight Briefing)
- Information (that is the "what" is exchanged)
- Information Elements (E.g. Aeronautical Information events including runway closure)
- Interaction (that specify how information is exchanged)
- Information Exchange Triggers ( E.g. whenever required by information consumer, whenever information changes,... )
- Information Exchange Frequency (E.g. Monthly as a result of new AIRAC publication )
- Performance
- Criticality
- Constraints (additional considerations that influence the exchange of information)
- Technical Constraints (E.g. AIXM)
- Operational Constraints
- Legal Constraints
See (work in progress) for scope of information exchanged. It based on data sets but it is possible to create a 'non-ICAO' dataset.