d) Route segment

Introduction & Background

Due to the extent of the AIXM 5 diagrams, the mapping of the PANS-AIM Route segment subject is divided into several parts.

Minimum Data Items

The first part contains the basic mapping, i.e. mainly those properties that are listed in PANS-AIM Chapter "AIP data set" and are hence considered as the minimum AIP data set to be provided. These are

d) Route segment (navigation specification, from point to point, track, length, upper limit, lower limit, minimum en-route altitude (MEA), minimum obstacle clearance altitude (MOCA), direction of cruising level, required navigation performance);

Conditional & Optional Data Items

The other parts contain the mapping for the additional data items identified in the section marked as #AIP-DS# in PANS-AIM Appendix 2 "Contents of the Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP)". In the context of this mapping, these properties are conditional AIP data set items.

Page Table of Content

Basic mapping

The properties of the Route segment subject listed in PANS-AIM are mapped to the following AIXM 5 features:

In AIXM 5, a SignificantPoint is used as start and end point of a Route Segment. The diagram below shows the choice of all the possible AIXM 5 classes that can be used as Significant Point.


Not all choice classes for SignificantPoint make sense to be used as EnRouteSegmentPoint for a RouteSegment. For the mapping only Navaid, DesignatedPoint and AirportHeliport are considered.

PANS-AIMDescription (PANS-AIM)AIXM 5Definition (AIXM 5.1.1)Remarks
Navigation specification

Designation of the navigation specification(s) applicable to a specified segment(s) -  There are two kinds of navigation specifications:

Required navigation performance (RNP) specification. A navigation specification based on area navigation that includes the requirement for performance monitoring and alerting, designated by the prefix RNP, e.g. RNP 4, RNP APCH.

Area navigation (RNAV) specification. A navigation specification based on area navigation that does not include the requirement for performance monitoring and alerting, designated by the prefix RNAV, e.g. RNAV 5, RNAV 1.


RouteSegment: A portion of a route to be flown usually without an intermediate stop, as defined by two consecutive significant points.

navigationType: Classification of the Route Portion for navigational purposes. Examples: conventional, RNAV.

AIXM 5.1.1 issue_005:RouteSegment.navigationType

PANS-AIM makes reference to PBN (Performance Based Navigation) classification. 

The current AIXM 5.1.1 version does not support all PBN values. The navigationType attribute of AIXM only provides as values 'RNAV', 'CONV' and 'TACAN', but no PBN specifications (such as RNAV 10 , RNP 4 etc).

Most missing PBN values can be coded using navigationType equal to 'RNAV' or 'OTHER:RNP' and requiredNavigationPerformance with the navigation accuracy value, e.g. '10' or '4'.

AIXM 5.2 Improvement

A change proposal (AIXM-472) for the next AIXM 5.2 version has been approved by the AIXM Change Control Board, which aligns the list of values for navigationSpecification with the ICAO PBN Manual.

The coding guidelines provided here are aligned with the forward/backward conversion rules contained in the AIXM-472 Change Proposal.

From point - Designator

Reference to the first point of a route segment

The coded designators or name-codes of significant point




start: The start EnRouteSegmentPoint for the Route Segment

EnRouteSegmentPoint: Indicates a point associated with a defined EnRoute segment.


For the mapping the assumption is made that RunwayCentrelinePointTouchDownLiftOff, AirportHeliport and Point are not used as "From" point.

From point - ReportingIndication of ATS / MET reporting requirement “compulsory” or “on-request”


reportingATC: An indicator of the type of position report (e.g., compulsory or on request ) required by an ATC Unit.
To point - Designator

Reference to the second point of a route segment.

The coded designators or name-codes of significant point




end: The end EnRouteSegmentPoint for the Route Segment


For the mapping the assumption is made that RunwayCentrelinePointTouchDownLiftOff, AirportHeliport and Point are not used as "To" point.

To point - ReportingIndication of ATS / MET reporting requirement “compulsory” or “on-request”RouteSegment.end.EnRouteSegmentPoint.reportingATCsee above

Track, VOR radial or magnetic bearing of a route segment








trueTrack: The initial true track.

reverseTrueTrack: The reverse initial true track.

magneticTrack: The initial magnetic track.

reverseMagneticTrack: The reverse initial magnetic track.

PANS-AIM only requires an accuracy to be defined for terminal arrival departure.
LengthThe geodesic distance between from point and to point 


length: The length of the path (depending on the type of the path)

AIXM 5.1.1 issue_006_RouteSegment.length

PANS-AIM requires a accuracy to be specified for the Airway segments length. AIXM 5.1.1 does not have a dedicated attribute for that purpose.

Workaround for AIXM 5.1(.1): Code a corresponding Note.

Status: For AIXM 5.2 see CCB AIXM-269.


For ENR 3.2 Area navigation routes PANS AIM states

3) ... geodesic distance... between defined end-points and distance between each successive designated significant point;

It reads as if 2 distances are required. However, as in the Aeronautical Data Catalogue only one length attribute is defined the geodesic distance, only this distance is considered for the mapping.

Upper limitThe upper limit of the route segment




upperLimit: The vertical position of the route segment ceiling.

upperLimitReference: The reference surface used for the value of the upper limit. For example, Mean Sea Level, Ground, standard pressure, etc..

Lower limitThe lower limit of the route segment




lowerLimit: The vertical position of the route segment floor.

lowerLimitReference: The reference surface used for the value of the lower limit. For example, Mean Sea Level, Ground, standard pressure, etc..

MEAMinimum en-route altitude (MEA). The altitude for an en-route segment that provides adequate reception of relevant navigation facilities and ATS communications, complies with the airspace structure and provides the required obstacle clearance.



value equal-to 'minimumEnrouteAltitude'

minimumEnrouteAltitude: The altitude for an en-route segment that provides adequate reception of relevant navigation facilities and ATS communications, complies with the airspace structure and provides the required obstacle clearance.


Listed as minimum data item in PANS-AIM chapter, but according to the Aeronautical Data Catalogue and PANS-AIM Appendix 2 only required for ENR 3.1.

AIXM 5.1.1 issue_007_MEA

PANS-AIM requires a accuracy to be specified for the MEA. AIXM 5.1.1 does not have a dedicated attribute for that purpose.

Workaround for AIXM 5.1(.1): Code a corresponding Note.

Status: For AIXM 5.2 see CCB AIXM-269.

AIXM 5.2 Improvement

A change proposal (AIXM-428) for the next AIXM 5.2 version has been approved by the AIXM Change Control Board, which allows coding of multiple MEA values, based on direction and aircraft equipment.

The coding guidelines provided here are compatible with the backward conversion rules contained in the AIXM-428 Change Proposal.

MOCAMinimum obstacle clearance altitude (MOCA). The minimum altitude for a defined segment of flight that provides the required obstacle clearance.



value equal-to 'minimumObstacleClearanceAltitude'

minimumObstacleClearanceAltitude: The minimum altitude for a defined segment of flight that provides the required obstacle clearance.


Listed as minimum data item in PANS-AIM chapter, but according to the Aeronautical Data Catalogue and PANS-AIM Appendix 2 only required for ENR 3.1.

AIXM 5.1.1 issue_008_MOCA

PANS-AIM requires a accuracy to be specified for the MOCA. AIXM does not have a dedicated attribute for that purpose.

Workaround for AIXM 5.1(.1): Code a corresponding Note.

Status: For AIXM 5.2 see CCB AIXM-269.

Minimum flight altitudeMinimum flight altitude




value equal-to 'minimumObstacleClearanceAltitude'







value equal-to 'minimumEnrouteAltitude'



According to the Aeronautical Data Catalogue and PANS-AIM Appendix 2 only required for ENR 3.4 Helicopter Routes.

Acc. to PANS-AIM Appendix 2: "GEN 3.3.5 Minimum flight altitude"
Shall contain the criteria used to determine minimum flight altitudes.

AIXM 5.1.1 issue-009_Minimum flight altitude

 AIXM 5.1.1 does not have a dedicated attribute for that purpose.

As, in PANS-AIM there is no definition for for Minimum flight altitude. For this mapping it is assumed that it may be the either the MEA or the MOCA for helicopters.

Workaround for AIXM 5.1(.1): Code a RouteSegment.minimumObstacleClearanceAltitude, or RouteSegment.minimumEnrouteAltitude.

Status: To be reported to CCB

Lateral LimitsLateral limits of route




widthLeft: The distance from the centreline of the route segment to the left edge, when considering the direction from the start point to the end point.

widthRight: The distance from the centreline of the route segment to the right edge, when considering the direction from the start point to the end point.


In PANS-AIM required for only for ENR 3.1 & ENR 3.2

AIXM 5.2 Improvements

A change proposal (AIXM-435) for the next AIXM 5.2 version has been approved by the AIXM Change Control Board, which allows adding new attributes to indicate the cardinal directions for the left/right side of a route segment.

The coding guidelines provided here are aligned with forward/backward conversion rules contained in the AIXM-435 Change Proposal.

Direction of cruise levels - Forward

Indication on the direction of the cruising level (even, odd, NIL) from first point to second point of route segment

value equal-to

availability: The operational availability of the RouteSegment.

direction: A code indicating the direction in which the route segment is considered when a specific usage is described, ie. forward or backward.

levels:The level and time block referenced by the usage.

discreteLevelSeries: Restriction of the AirspaceLayer to a number of standard IFR or VFR levels.

series: A code identifying the column. For example, ODD or EVEN.

Direction of cruise levels - BackwardIndication on the direction of the cruising level (even, odd, NIL) from second point to first point of route segmentRouteSegment.availability.RouteAvailability.direction
value equal-to
see above
Class of airspaceClassification of airspace (A, B, … G) which determines the operating rules, flight requirements, and services provided. According to Annex 11, Appendix 4Not applicable: See Remarks

AIXM 5.1.1 issue-012_Class of airspace for Route.Segment

In AIXM 5.1(.1) there is no dedicated attribute for class of airspace for the RouteSegment. The class of airspace has to be derived (by a system) from the Airspace the Route segment is located in.

Workaround for AIXM 5.1(.1): NA

Status AIXM 5.2: A CP was created to provide a corresponding attribute; see CCB AIXM-183

PBN requirements - Navigation performance requirements

Area navigation based on performance requirements for aircraft operating along an ATS route, on an instrument approach procedure or in a designated airspace requirements

The navigation accuracy requirement for each PBN (RNAV or RNP) route segment

RouteSegment.requiredNavigationPerformancerequiredNavigationPerformance: A code indicating the required navigation performance for the route portion

PBN requirements - Sensor requirementsIndication on the sensor requirements including any navigation specification limitationsNA
This data item is defined in the PANS-AIM Aeronautical Data Catalogue but not in ENR 3.3. As such it is considered optional and is not mapped.

RouteSegment.levellevel: A code indicating if the route segment is in the upper airspace, the lower airspace or both.The level of a route segment (Upper, lower or both) is not part of the PANS-AIM chapter nor Appendix 1 (Aeronautical Data Catalogue) nor of Appendix 2. However, it is part of the coding guidelines as it is contained in the ARINC 424 Enroute Airways Records (ER); data field is named "Level (LEVEL)". Another reason is that the level attribute is related to several coding rules.

Additional mapping (Controlling Unit)

Besides the minimum AIP data set items listed in PANS-AIM chapter, additional data items specified in the following sections of Appendix 2 of PANS-AIM - which are marked with #AIP-DS# - are taken into consideration for the mapping:

  • ENR 3.1 Conventional navigation routes
  • ENR 3.2 Area navigation routes

  • ENR 3.3 Other routes

The data items defined for the Controlling unit are mapped to the following main AIXM 5 features and its properties:

PANS-AIMDescription (PANS-AIM)AIXM 5Definition (AIXM 5.1.1)Remarks
Controlling unit
















clientRoute: The route portion for which the information/air traffic control/ search and rescue service is provided.

serviceProvider: The Unit that provides the Service.


AIXM 5.1(.1) does not provide the possibility to directly link a Unit to a RouteSegment. Instead, specialisations of the abstract Services class may reference a RoutePortion as clientRoute. Such a Service isProvidedBy an Unit. A RoutePortion starts and ends at two different SignificantPoint of the same Route.  

AIXM 5.2 Change

A Change Proposal approved by the AIXM CCB for the next version will support the coding of direct associations from InformationService, AirTrafficControlService, AirTrafficManagementService and SearchAndRescueService towards RouteSegment.

See [AIXM-532] Direct associations between certain services and RouteSegment

For the AIP data set the AirTrafficManagementService class is not relevant as it is not an ATS.

Controlling unit - NameName of the unit providing the service








name: The full textual name of a unit. This name must be established according to the rules specified by International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO), and specifically in the official language of the country, transposed into the Latin Alphabet where necessary.

Controlling unit - ChannelOperating channel / frequency of controlling unit
















radioCommunication: The radio frequency on which the service is provided.

frequencyTransmission: The value of the transmission frequency.

frequencyReception: The value of the reception frequency.

channel The identifier of the radio channel on which the communication takes place.

Controlling unit - Logon addressA specified code used for data link logon to the controlling ATS unitTBD

AIXM 5.1(.1) issue_10_Logon address

Currently, there are several options to encode datalink information in AIXM 5.

For TrafficSeperationService two dedicated attributes are provided: dataLinkEnable and dataLinkChannel.

For InformationService only one attribute dataLink is provided.

In addition it is possible to encode datalink information for an Unit via the object OnlineContact using the attributes linkage,  network and protocol.

Workaround: Not defined yet, Waiting for AIXM CCB

Status: To be reported to CCB

Additional mapping (Change Over Point)

Besides the minimum AIP data set items listed in PANS-AIM chapter, additional data items specified in the following sections of Appendix 2 of PANS-AIM - which are marked with #AIP-DS# - are taken into consideration for the mapping:

  • ENR 3.1 Lower ATS routes,
  • ENR 3.2 Upper ATS routes,
  • ENR 3.4 Helicopter routes,

2) ... changeover points;

The Change over point data item is mapped to the following main AIXM 5 features and its properties:

PANS-AIMDescription (PANS-AIM)AIXM 5Definition (AIXM 5.1.1)Remarks
Change over point

The point at which an aircraft navigating on an ATS route segment defined by reference to very high frequency omnidirectional radio ranges is expected to transfer its primary navigational reference from the facility behind the aircraft to the next facility ahead of the aircraft.




distance The distance from the start of the route portion to position of the change over point.

applicableRoutePortion: The Route Portion that the change over point applies to.

location: Location of the change over point.


In PANS-AIM required for ENR 3.1, 3.2 & 3.4 in case of VOR radials.


In AIXM the ChangeOverPoint does not reference a RouteSegment but a RoutePortion.  A RoutePortion starts and ends at a SignificantPoint.

In order to relate a Change Over Point to a Route Portion, the Route Portion concerned has also to be defined in the AIP data set.