service definitions

Digital NOTAM Subscription and Request Service - Service Definition

Service Definition Identification

service definition identification


Service Definition for the Digital NOTAM Subscription and Request Service



reference date


Service Identification

service identification

service name

Digital NOTAM Subscription and Request Service

Service Abstract

service abstractThe Digital NOTAM Subscription and Request Service allows the service consumer to get aeronautical information in accordance with the Digital NOTAM Specification. The aeronautical information conforms to the event scenarios that are supported by Digital NOTAM such as runway closures.

The service consumer may subscribe to the service, specifying the event scenarios of interest. It is also possible to send a direct request to the service to get the aeronautical information.

The information returned is in the form of an AIXM 5.1.1 message.

This supports the integration of the latest information into an existing aeronautical information store in the various ATM systems.

Service Definition Provider

service definition provider

descriptionEUROCONTROL is an intergovernmental organisation with 41 Member and 2 Comprehensive Agreement States.
point of

Geographical Extent of Information

Explanatory note

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geographical extent of information

Service Categories

service categories

category category name

regulated information exchange




categorycategory nameinformation domain
category category name

business activity




category category name

intended service consumer


category category nameintended service provider
categorycategory nameservice type

categorycategory nameservice type

Service Standard Reference

service standard reference

referenceDigital NOTAM Specification
implemented optionsThe information scope offered by the service supports the requirements of the Digital NOTAM Specification.

Operational Environment

operational environmentoperational needs

Air traffic management is defined by ICAO as the "dynamic, integrated management of air traffic and airspace including air traffic services, airspace management and air traffic flow management - safely, economically and efficiently - through the provision of facilities and seamless services in collaboration with all parties and involving airborne and ground-based functions".

Stakeholders involved in air traffic management need aeronautical data concerning the establishment, condition or change in any aeronautical facility, service, procedure or hazard, the timely knowledge of which is essential for flight operations.

This service satisfies this need by allowing clients to subscribe to event scenarios and to be notified when the aeronautical data described in the event scenario is affected.

The aeronautical data can be used, e.g., in pre-flight information bulletins. It can also be used to improve decision making thus positively impacting the efficiency of their planning and flight executions, enabled through automatic data verification and graphical visualisation. The aeronautical data is also used in other systems such as those used for airspace reservations (ARES). A list of these is available in Appendix C.

This service satisfies this need by offering the aeronautical data (in the form of event features) as regulated by ICAO Annex 15 - Aeronautical Information Services.

The scope covers the event encodings outlined in the Digital NOTAM Specification including aerodrome data for the 18 airports listed in EU Implementing Regulation 2021/116 - Common Project One.


The service offers subscription and request capabilities to distribute aeronautical data based on event scenarios. 

information exchange requirements

Service Functions

service functions

functionnameSubscribe to event scenario

descriptionThe service consumer shall be able to subscribe/unsubscribe in order to receive information based on an event scenario.
real-world effectService consumer subscribes to information offered by the service.
functionnameRequest a Digital NOTAM
descriptionThe service consumer shall be able to request aeronautical information in the form of a Digital NOTAM.
real-world effectService consumer receives the Digital NOTAM.
descriptionWhen new data is available, it shall be distributed to the subscribers.
real-world effectService consumer is notified when a change happens based on an event scenario.
functionnameCheck distribution list
descriptionThe service consumer shall be able to check if it has received all the distributions expected to be received.
real-world effectService consumer has an understanding of the distributions.
functionnameRequest Digital NOTAM reissue
descriptionThe service consumer shall be able to request the redistribution of a Digital NOTAM (if, for example, the original distribution was not received).
real-world effectService consumer receives a Digital NOTAM.

Service Access and Use Conditions

Explanatory note

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service access and use conditions

legal constraints

service policies

business policy

operational policy

technical policy

service consumption constraints

Security Constraints

security constraints


The service may offer unauthenticated/public use.

If the use is authenticated, the service shall ensure consumer authentication in accordance with the EUROCONTROL Specification for SWIM Technical Infrastructure (TI) Yellow Profile through the use of a X.509 certificate or the use of a username/password (SASL).

The service shall ensure provider authentication in accordance with EUROCONTROL Specification for SWIM Technical Infrastructure (TI) Yellow Profile through the use of a X.509 certificate.


The service shall ensure that satisfactory authorisation is put in place according to EUROCONTROL Specification for SWIM Technical Infrastructure (TI) Yellow Profile requirement SWIM-TIYP-0070.


The service shall ensure point-to-point confidentiality in accordance with EUROCONTROL Specification for SWIM Technical Infrastructure (TI) Yellow Profile through the use of Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.2 or above.


The service shall ensure point-to-point integrity in accordance with EUROCONTROL Specification for SWIM Technical Infrastructure (TI) Yellow Profile through the use of Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.2 or above.

Quality of Service

quality of service



The service shall achieve a quality that is sufficient to ensure the service is fit for purpose.

response timeThe service shall achieve a quality that is sufficient to ensure the service is fit for purpose.


The service shall achieve a quality that is sufficient to ensure the service is fit for purpose.

recoverabilityThe service shall achieve a quality that is sufficient to ensure the service is fit for purpose.


The service shall ensure confidentiality by using SWIM Technical Infrastructure (TI) Yellow Profile bindings.

integrityThe service shall ensure integrity by using SWIM Technical Infrastructure (TI) Yellow Profile bindings.

Quality of Data

quality of data

The aeronautical data offered by the service shall satisfy the applicable sections of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/373 of 1 March 2017.

The aeronautical data offered by the service shall be encoded according to the event scenarios given in the Digital NOTAM Specification.

The aeronautical data offered by the service shall apply the AIXM 5.1.1 coding guidelines. This includes:

Source of Information

source of information


The service provider shall ensure that the aeronautical data offered by the services is received from the appropriate authorised originating sources. This includes:

Service Validation Information

service validation information

descriptionThe service definition is based on work carried out in SESAR.

No further validation has taken place on this service definition.

Application Message Exchange Pattern

application message exchange pattern

Service Behaviour

service behaviour

typical behaviour
The service behaviour shall be in accordance with the patterns detailed in Message Exchange Patterns: Identification Guidelines.
The interfaces have different behaviour. A combination of an AMQP 1.0 implementation and an OGC Web Feature Service 2.0 Interface Standard implemetation shall be used for the basic behaviour.

The typical behaviour for PUBLISH_SUBSCRIBE means that:

  • A request-reply implementation handles the subscription. See the Digital NOTAM Subscription and Request Service Subscription Interface.
  • An AMQP 1.0 implementation handles the distribution of the messages. See the Digital NOTAM Subscription and Request Service Distribution Interface.

For SYNCHRONOUS_REQUEST_REPLY (used in the Digital NOTAM Subscription and Request Service Request Interface), the typical behaviour is as follows:

  • The request message is sent from the service consumer to the service
  • The service consumer remains blocked while awaiting the reply
  • The service remains blocked while processing the reply
  • The AIXM Basic Message, the reply message, is sent from the service to the service consumer.

Service Monitoring

service monitoring

A service monitoring mechanism shall be made available to service consumers.

Service Interfaces

service interfaces


Digital NOTAM Subscription and Request Service Subscription Interface

descriptionAllows the service consumer to select and subscribe to event scenarios of interest. It allows the service consumer to manage the subscriptions e.g. to pause a subscription of to unsubscribe.
provider/consumer sideProvider side
interfacenameDigital NOTAM Subscription and Request Service Distribution Interface
descriptionAllows the service provider to distributes AIXM Basic Messages based on the event scenario that has triggered the need for the service consumer to be updated.
provider/consumer sideProvider side

Digital NOTAM Subscription and Request Service Request Interface

descriptionAllows the service consumer to request an AIXM Basic Message based on filters which are linked to the event feature.
provider/consumer sideProvider side

SWIM TI Profile and Interface Bindings

Digital NOTAM Subscription and Request Service Subscription Interface

SWIM TI profile and interface bindings

profile name

EUROCONTROL Specification for SWIM Technical Infrastructure (TI) Yellow Profile

profile version


selected service interface binding


selected network interface bindingThe service shall use the network bindings of the SWIM Technical Infrastructure (TI) Yellow Profile.

Digital NOTAM Subscription and Request Service Distribution Interface

SWIM TI profile and interface bindings

profile name

EUROCONTROL Specification for SWIM Technical Infrastructure (TI) Yellow Profile

profile version


selected service interface binding


selected network interface bindingThe service shall use the network bindings of the SWIM TIYP.

AMQP 1.0 shall be used to distribute messages as explained in the Publish/Subscribe Push MEP: Implementation Guidance

Digital NOTAM Subscription and Request Service Request Interface

SWIM TI profile and interface bindings

profile name

EUROCONTROL Specification for SWIM Technical Infrastructure (TI) Yellow Profile

profile version


selected service interface binding


selected network interface bindingThe service shall use the network bindings of the SWIM TIYP.

The OGC Web Feature Service 2.0 Interface Standard shall be used.

The standardised operations for a Basic WFS shall be implemented.

Service Interface Protocols and Data Format

service interface protocols and data format

transport / messaging protocols

The service shall use TLS1.2 or later in accordance with EUROCONTROL Specification for SWIM Technical Infrastructure (TI) Yellow Profile.
data format

This is captured at Service Message level (see below).

Service Operations

Explanatory note

The Operation Environment and Service Functions use the term "event scenario". The Service Operations use the term "topic". This is a more abstract term and is typically used in the context of publish-subscribe services. In this case, the topics are aligned with the event scenarios.

Digital NOTAM Subscription and Request Service Subscription Interface

Service operations


operation name



This operation allows a service consumer to subscribe to event scenarios of interest.


SubscriptionRequest, SubscriptionReply


operation name



This operation allows a service consumer to unsubscribe from event scenarios of interest.


UnsubscriptionRequest, UnsubscriptionReply
operationoperation namepause
descriptionThis operation allows a service consumer to pause the subscription for a particular topic subscription.
messagesPauseRequest, PauseReply
operationoperation nameresume

This operation allows a service consumer to resume a subscription that had been paused.

messagesResumeRequest, ResumeReply
operationoperation namegetSubscriptions
descriptionThis operation allows a service consumer to obtain the list of subscriptions.
messagesGetSubscriptionsRequest, GetSubscriptionsReply
operationoperation namegetSubscriptionDetails
descriptionThis operation allows a service consumer to obtain information on a specific subscription.
messagesGetSubcriptionDetailsRequest, GetSubcriptionDetailsReply
operationoperation namegetTopics
descriptionThis operation allows a service consumer to request the list of topics (event scenarios) available for subscription.
messagesGetTopicsRequest, GetTopicsReply
operationoperation namegetTopic
descriptionThis operation allows a service consumer to obtain information on a specific topic (event scenario).
messagesGetTopicRequest, GetTopicReply

Digital NOTAM Subscription and Request Service Distribution Interface

Service operations


operation name



This operation allows the service provider to publish AIXM Basic Messages to service consumers based on their subscriptions.


AIXM Basic Message

Digital NOTAM Subscription and Request Service Request Interface

Explanatory note

The OGC Web Feature Service 2.0 Interface Standard is used to implement the service operations. It is not the intention to repeat the standardised operations here. However, the table below illustrates how the GetFeature operation would look in the context of this service.

Service operations


operation name



The GetFeature operation returns a selection of AIXM 5.1.1 features from a data store.  It responds to a GetFeature Request message with an AIXM Basic Message that satisfies the query expressions specified in the request. 


Request, AIXM Basic Message

Service Messages

service messages



AIXM Basic Message


A response message from the service containing a collection of AIXM 5.1.1 event features and any related AIXM 5.1.1. features and time slices.

The structure is explained in the Digital NOTAM Specification.

The message serves the purpose of Digital NOTAM.

data formatAIXM 5.1.1 XML Schema including the event extension



descriptionRequest message submitted to the service containing query expressions for the GetFeature operation. 
data format

descriptionRequest message to subscribe to an event scenario of interest.
data format

descriptionReply message to a subscription request.
data format

descriptionRequest message to unsubscribe to an event scenario of interest.
data format

descriptionReply message to an unsubscription request.
data format

descriptionRequest message to pause a subscription.
data format

descriptionReply message to an pause request.
data format

descriptionRequest message to resume a subscription.
data format

descriptionReply message to a resume request.
data format

descriptionRequest message to get a list of subscriptions.
data format

descriptionReply message to a get subscriptions request.
data format

descriptionRequest message to get the details on a specific subscription.
data format

descriptionReply message to a get subscription details request.
data format

descriptionRequest message to get a list of topics (event scenarios) that are available for subscription.
data format

descriptionReply message to a get topics request.
data format

descriptionRequest message to get the details on a specific topic (event scenario).
data format

descriptionReply message to a get topic request.
data format

Information Definition (Minimum) and (Extended)

information definition

The service shall expose the event scenarios found in Appendix B. These reflect the Digital NOTAM Specification

The event scenarios use features that are in the Aeronautical Information Exchange Model (AIXM) 5.1.1 and the AIXM Event Extension.

The AIXMBasicMessage that is returned by the service shall contain an event feature and the related AIXM features and time slices.

Filter Encoding

filter encoding

The Digital NOTAM Subscription and Request Service Request Interface shall support filtering based on the operators defined in the OGC Filter Encoding 2.0 Encoding Standard. The temporal extension (WFS-TE) shall be used to support advanced temporal filtering. As a minimum use case number 4 (Retrieve the BASELINE of a feature valid at a point in time) shall be supported. The other uses cases should be supported.

The Digital NOTAM Subscription and Request Service Subscription Interface shall allow for the selection of event scenarios of interest. These should be organised around e.g. a specific aerodrome or airspace. The considerations given in the General Principles for the Digital NOTAM will help AISP organise the event scenarios.

Machine-Readable Service Interface Definition

Explanatory note

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machine-readable service interface definition


Model View

Explanatory note

This field is left empty.

model view


Abbreviations and Acronyms

abbreviations and acronyms

termAeronautical Information Service Provider
termAeronautical Information Exchange Model
termAdvanced Message Queuing Protocol
termAirspace Reservation
termAir Traffic Management
termNotice to Airmen
termOpen Geospatial Consortium
termSimple Authentication and Security Layer

Single European Sky ATM Research

termSystem Wide Information Management
termTechnical Infrastructure
termTransport Layer Security 
termWeb Feature Service
termWeb Feature Service - Temporality Extension

Appendix A: References



titleEU Implementing Regulation 2021/116 - Common Project One
version1 February 2021
descriptionCommission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/116 of 1 February 2021 on the establishment of the Common Project One supporting the implementation of the European Air Traffic Management Master Plan provided for in Regulation (EC) No 550/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council, amending Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 409/2013 and repealing Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 716/2014.
document type
referencetitleDigital NOTAM Specification
version"Version 2.0" - WORK IN PROGRESS
descriptionThe Digital NOTAM Specification defines the rules for harmonised encoding of NOTAM information as digital AIXM data sets (version 5.1 or later).
document type
referencetitleCommission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/373
version1 March 2017 (as amended)
descriptionCommission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2017/373 of 1 March 2017 laying down common requirements for providers of air traffic management/air navigation services and other air traffic management network functions and their oversight, repealing Regulation (EC) No 482/2008, Implementing Regulations (EU) No 1034/2011, (EU) No 1035/2011 and (EU) 2016/1377 and amending Regulation (EU) No 677/2011.
document type
referencetitleAIXM Coding - Common coding guidelines
descriptionCoding guidelines for complex AIXM properties such as geometry, schedules, annotations, etc. It also contains general coding guidelines which are not for a particular subject area but applicable for all AIXM features.
document type
referencetitleAIXM Coding - Data coding guidelines
descriptionA set of coding guidelines to promote the interoperability of AIXM 5.1.1 formatted data.
document type
referencetitleAeronautical Information Exchange Model (AIXM)
referencetitleAIXM Event Extension
descriptionThe schema in support of the Event Extension

AIXM 5.1.1 semantic correspondence

descriptionThe report on the semantic correspondence between AIXM 5.1.1 and the ATM Information Reference Model (AIRM)
referencetitleOGC Filter Encoding 2.0 Encoding Standard

This jointly developed OGC and ISO TC/211 International Standard describes an XML and KVP encoding of a system neutral syntax for expressing projections, selection and sorting clauses collectively called a query expression. These components are modular and intended to be used together or individually by other standards which reference this International Standard.

Note: This is equivalent to ISO 19143 - Geographic Information - Filter encoding.

document type
referencetitleOGC Web Feature Service (WFS) Temporality Extension (WFS-TE)
descriptionThis OGC discussion paper provides a proposal for a temporality extension for the WFS 2.0 and FES 2.0 standard.
document type
referencetitleDigital NOTAM Specification - General Principles
descriptionGeneral principles for encoding digital NOTAM.
document type
referencetitleMessage Exchange Patterns: Identification Guidelines.
versionJULY 2nd, 2019
descriptionDocument intended to facilitate the understanding of message exchange patterns from an application and Technical Infrastructure perspective.
referencetitlePublish/Subscribe Push MEP: Implementation Guidance
versionJULY 2nd, 2019
descriptionThis document intends to serve as implementation guidance of the Publish/Subscribe Push Message Exchange Pattern using SWIM-TI Yellow Profile Service Bindings. 
document type

Appendix B: Information Definition for Digital NOTAM Subscription and Request Service

The table below lists the event scenarios outlined in the Digital NOTAM Specification. It gives the identifier and the name of the scenario. It then lists the version of the scenario that shall be used and the level of implementation expected.

event scenario identifierevent scenario nameevent scenario versionmandatory (M) / recommended (R) / optional (O)notes
AD.CLSAerodrome/Heliport - closure (NOTAM)2.0M
AD.LGTGround Light System unserviceable - decoding1.0O
AD.LIMAerodrome/Heliport - limitation (NOTAM)2.0M
AGS.UNSAirport Ground Service unserviceable - decoding1.0O
APE.CLSApron element - closure (NOTAM)2.0R
APE.LIMApron portion - usage limitation change (NOTAM)2.0R
APN.CLSApron - closure (NOTAM)2.0R
APN.LIMApron - usage limitation change (NOTAM)2.0R
ATSA.ACTPublished ATS airspace - activation or deactivation - decoding2.0R
ATSA.NEWAd-hoc ATS airspace - creation - decoding2.0R
DEI.IOPDe-icing in operation1.0O
FFS.CHGRescue and firefighting services change - decoding1.0O
GNSS.UNSGNSS not available - decoding1.0n/aDepends on AIXM 5.2
LVP.IOPLow Visibility Procedures in operation1.0O
NAV.UNSNavaid unserviceable - decoding2.0R
OBL.UNSObstacle lights unserviceable - decoding2.0R
OBS.NEWObstacle new - decoding2.0M
RCP.CHGRunway centreline point - displacement2.0R
RDD.CHGRunway declared distance(s) - change2.0R
RTE.CLSRoute portion closure - decoding2.0R
RTE.OPNRoute portion opening - decoding1.0O
RWY.CLSRunway - closure (NOTAM)2.0M
RWY.LIMRunway - usage limitation change (NOTAM)2.0M
SAA.ACTPublished special activity area - activation (NOTAM)2.0M
SAA.NEWAd-hoc special activity area - creation (NOTAM)2.0M
SFC.CONSurface condition report - decoding2.0M
STAND.CLSAircraft stand - closure (NOTAM)2.0R
STAND.LIM  Aircraft stand - usage limitation change (NOTAM)2.0R
TWY.CLSTaxiway - closure (NOTAM)2.0R
TWY.LIMTaxiway - usage limitation change (NOTAM)2.0R
WLF.HZDWildlife Hazard1.0O
OTHEROther2.0ROTHER Event Scenario that allows for anything even if not tied to an AIXM feature.

Appendix C: Operational Needs


  • Collaborative information sharing is essential for decision making involving multiple actors. Automatic taxi with time and path information on the ground, collaborative decision making during emergencies, de-icing operations and infrastructure availability information are examples that involve multiple actors including the aircraft crew.

By service consumer role

Stakeholder/RoleDescription of stakeholder/roleNeeds for DNOTAMNotes
CIVIL_AIRSPACE_USERA generic term designating an organization operating aircraft and its pilots, the flight operations centres (FOC) responsible for the strategic planning of a flight and the entity responsible for the execution of a flight which is traditionally a flight deck.
  • Retrieve dynamic data to support digital integrated briefing concepts.
  • Ensure safe operations by responding to changes in the situation.
  • Provide in-flight information updates.

Aircraft covers UAV.

MILITARY_AIRSPACE_USERAirspace User under the authority of a military organisation.
  • Retrieve dynamic data to support digital integrated briefing concepts.
  • Ensure safe operations by responding to changes in the situation.
  • Provide in-flight information updates.

There is an assumption that these will be working in DMZ under yellow profile. The AISP needs to meet the security needs.

In general, they have the same needs as civil airspace users.

CIVIL_AIR_NAVIGATION_SERVICE_PROVIDERAny public or private entity providing air navigation services for general air traffic.
  • Ensure safe operations by responding to changes in the status of the infrastructure

MILITARY_AIR_NAVIGATION_SERVICE_PROVIDERAny public or private entity providing air navigation services for military air traffic.Ensure safe operations by responding to changes in the status of the infrastructure
AIR_TRAFFIC_SERVICE_PROVIDERA generic term meaning variously, flight information service, alerting service, air traffic advisory service, air traffic control service (area control service, approach control service or aerodrome control service).
No needs have been identified.
REGULATED_METEOROLOGICAL_SERVICE_PROVIDERAn office designated to provide meteorological service for international air navigation.
No needs have been identified.
AERONAUTICAL_INFORMATION_SERVICE_PROVIDERA service established within the defined area of coverage responsible for the provision of aeronautical information/data necessary for the safety, regularity and efficiency of air navigation.
No needs have been identified.



A provider of CNS services.
No needs have been identified.
PROVIDER_OF_DATA_SERVICESA public or private entity responsible for the management of a Data Service Provision (e.g. to one or several Virtual Centre).
  • Update EFB - electronic flight bags

NETWORK_MANAGERThe organization responsible for enabling the optimum use of airspace and ensure that Airspace Users can operate preferred trajectories while allowing maximum access to airspaces and air navigation services.
  • Create measures - in tactical phase
  • Execute ATFM, ATFCM in tactical phases

AIRPORT_OPERATORThe civilian or military agency, group or individual which exercises control over the operations of the civil airport or military airfield.
  • Surface contamination management and inspection - SNOWTAM, ASHTAM
  • Submit NOTAM proposals
  • Receive NOTAM after AIS processing
  • Local flight briefing/preparation tools (eg in ARO context)
  • Airport capacity management

AIRSIDE_GROUND_HANDLERA stakeholder involved in the services necessary for an aircraft's arrival at, and departure from, an airport, other than air traffic services.
No needs have been identified.

A military defence centre.

Note: these centres, e.g., check for diplomatic clearance.

No needs have been identified.