SWIM Supporting Material

SWIM-SERV-200 Service validation information

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Service validation information




A service description shall include or refer to information about the validation that has occurred indicating:

  • whether a validation of the service, including the quality of the service, has been performed; and if so,
  • the method used;
  • the summary of the validation steps performed;
  • the results achieved; and
  • how the service consumer may obtain the validation evidence.


This requirement ensures the service description contains sufficient statements on the testing done to enable the consumer to have confidence in the service’s ability to deliver the declared capabilities and in the quality of the service.


Completeness: Verify that the validation statement is included.

Consistency: If validation has been performed, verify that the statement includes the method and the results of the validation.

Correctness: Not Applicable.


Example service validation statement:

  • “The service has not been validated yet”.

It is a best practice to use at least at one of the following methods that are listed in the ICAO Information Service Overview:

  • independent validation;
  • collaborative validation;
  • user validation;
  • self-validation.

Level of Implementation



Verification Support


Check that:

[  ] The service description includes or refers to information about the validation that has occurred.

Check that:

[  ] If validation has been performed, that the statement includes the method and the results of the validation.


The following example shows the content as a table.

service validation information

validation performedyes
method usedself-validation
summary of the validation steps performedThe service was validated by a selected group of users.
results achievedThe service adheres to pre-defined validation rules.
how the service consumer may obtain the validation evidenceFor a report of the achieved results, please get in contact with http://www.donlon-airport.com/swim/service-request.

The following example shows an extract of the content of a JSON file that conforms to the Service Metadata Schema

Example of SWIM-SERV-200 using Service Metadata Schema
"generalDescription": {
 "validation": [{
  "type": "SELF_VALIDATION",
  "description": {
   "validationSteps": "The service was validated by a selected group of users.",
   "validationResults": "The service adheres to pre-defined validation rules.",
   "evidence": "For a report of the achieved results, please get in contact with http://www.donlon-airport.com/swim/service-request."

Complete examples are available at Example service description.

Status: Living Material