
VerticalPolygonalStructure encoding

This section provides ‘VerticalPolygonalStructure’ feature data encoding guidance.


AMD data encoding can start when the necessary geographic information, aeronautical information and basic knowledge regarding the structure of created feature is available. 

From the geographical point of view, the VerticalPolygonalStructure represents all objects with polygonal shape that extend above the surface of the Earth. This object is represented by multiple geographical locations – polygon (e.g. building). Multiple points of the outer border of the polygon need to be captured. The key attributes are the longitude, latitude and the elevation in reference with WGS-84. In the next part the process of converting the geographical information into the GML form thus into geometry information is described.

Based on Aeronatical Data Catalogue the required type of geometry for feature VerticalPolygonalStructure/Obstacle is 'Polygon'. The definition of Polygon can be found in the Table A1-9 Data types of the Aeronautical Data Catalogue.

Feature VerticalPolygonalStructure as part of AMD has close association with Terrain and Obstacle dataset (eTOD). Vertical structures as part of AMD has its own specific role. It is important to understand, that every Obstacle from the eTOD has to be a VerticalStructure in AMD, but not every VerticalStructure from the AMD has to be an Obstacle in eTOD. It means not every VerticalStructures has to be classified as an Obstacle thus be part of the eTOD.

AMD encoding

AIXM 5.1

ED-99 feature VerticalPolygonalStructure is mapped to the AIXM 5.1 as feature VerticalStructure with selected type of geometry - Polygon.


In the AIXM 5.1 the geometry of the VerticalPolygonalStructure is polygon encoded as object ElevatedSurface.

For more information regarding AIXM 5.1 Geometry encoding follow 'AIXM data coding'.

GML considerations:

AIXM 5.1 is based on GML. Hence, obtained geographical locations shall be transferred into a GML geometry object PolygonPatch.

Figure 1 : VerticalPolygonalStructure


Feature VerticalPolygonalStructure shall be established in accordance with coding rules and requirements listed in AIXM 5.1 Temporality Model.

AIXM 5.1 features

VerticalPolygonalStructure is encoded to AIXM 5.1 as feature – VerticalStructure.

All associations are shown in the UML Diagram (see below).

VerticalStructure feature


UML Diagram


Content of example

This is a ficticious example. No feature was present at the aerodrome used.

The following AMD properties are not covered in the AIXM 5.1. coding example: vres, hres, integr. These are covered by an AIXM 5.1. extension.

Coding example - Structure of message

Vertical Polygonal Structure
<AIXMBasicMessage  ...>
    <aixm:AirportHeliport gml:id="uuid.0b7a2688-ab95-47e6-82c2-23fe321c4a48">
    <aixm:ObstacleArea gml:id="uuid.551ebd94-6a02-4935-bf33-d0432bfae7e3">
    <aixm:VerticalStructure gml:id="uuid.98477ba7-274b-4ece-8f59-ad94860e7cc3">

Coding example - VerticalPolygonalStructure

Vertical Polygonal Structure
    <aixm:VerticalStructure gml:id="uuid.98477ba7-274b-4ece-8f59-ad94860e7cc3">
      <gml:identifier codeSpace="urn:uuid:">98477ba7-274b-4ece-8f59-ad94860e7cc3</gml:identifier>
        <aixm:VerticalStructureTimeSlice gml:id="uuid.c7a160ec-f4ec-42f7-bc05-e4e9c62f4408">
            <gml:TimePeriod gml:id="uuid.c8261ece-2615-45a6-a8a7-aff8ac3a35e9">
              <gml:endPosition indeterminatePosition="unknown" />
            <gml:TimePeriod gml:id="uuid.4ed4d9f2-b162-4138-86ac-14648e1fbe48">
              <gml:endPosition indeterminatePosition="unknown" />
          <aixm:name>VERTICAL POLYGONAL STRUCTURE</aixm:name>
            <aixm:VerticalStructurePart gml:id="uuid.30f4d1f3-0a6a-48e8-bc33-7f73ed8d1fd1">
              <aixm:verticalExtent uom="M">15</aixm:verticalExtent>
                <aixm:ElevatedSurface gml:id="uuid.7d304485-11af-44a9-b929-18ef8e820e24" srsName="urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326">
                            <gml:Curve gml:id="uuid.3de82df5-3105-4a04-b882-481a25b11629">
                                <gml:GeodesicString interpolation="geodesic">
                                  <gml:posList>50.11118363 14.2743625 50.11116189 14.27437823 50.11110675 14.2744183 50.11113045 14.27449715 50.1112075 14.27444132 50.11120959 14.27444835 50.11121752 14.27444267 50.11122478 14.27446693 50.1112659 14.2746044 50.11128522 14.27466895 50.11130402 14.27473164 50.11139413 14.27503268 50.11139579 14.27503797 50.11152223 14.27546043 50.11152637 14.27547421 50.11156176 14.27559231 50.11156397 14.27559974 50.11160871 14.27574927 50.11172112 14.27612467 50.1117757 14.27630693 50.11175481 14.27632205 50.11173435 14.27625393 50.11173018 14.27625695 50.11172574 14.27626017 50.11165402 14.27631174 50.11167462 14.27638039 50.11165035 14.27639823 50.11165193 14.27640367 50.11166311 14.27644233 50.11169169 14.2765372 50.11169481 14.27654768 50.11169697 14.27655455 50.11169853 14.27655972 50.11193255 14.27639062 50.11193306 14.27639023 50.11192329 14.27635734 50.11216817 14.27618179 50.11220707 14.27615386 50.11221567 14.27614762 50.11241638 14.27600382 50.11207729 14.274868 50.11186851 14.2741685 50.11187209 14.27416589 50.11187033 14.27416048 50.11186695 14.27416319 50.11186413 14.27416521 50.11186005 14.27416822 50.11181319 14.27401139 50.11181874 14.2740075 50.11182121 14.27400569 50.11182044 14.27400318 50.1117728 14.27384157 50.11174046 14.27386567 50.11171386 14.27388486 50.11170855 14.2738671 50.11170701 14.27386814 50.11155908 14.27397493 50.11151024 14.27401024 50.11150717 14.27401246 50.11151195 14.27403034 50.11148595 14.27404912 50.1114307 14.27408906 50.11132236 14.2741675 50.11131741 14.27415078 50.11126703 14.27418727 50.11121426 14.27422541 50.11121945 14.27424278 50.11116047 14.27428551 50.11118363 14.2743625</gml:posList>
                  <aixm:horizontalAccuracy uom="M">0.1</aixm:horizontalAccuracy>
                  <aixm:elevation uom="M">376</aixm:elevation>
                  <aixm:verticalAccuracy uom="M">0.5</aixm:verticalAccuracy>

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