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For more details see topic Landing Systems & Navaid Collocation.

Navaid Collocation

ADME may be co-located with one and only one VOR or NDB. In this case the corresponding  Navaid feature will reference the DME as navaidEquipment. as

In the AIP, collocated VOR and DME Navaids are usually referred to as VOR/DME or DVOR/DME.

There are certain ICAO rules regarding the relative distance between the VOR and the DME, frequency pairing and coded identifier. They are mentioned as coding rules.

A DME (and VOR) may only maintain a single collocation relationship at a time, which means that it is not possible to collocate a VOR with two different DMEs, and vice versa. The same is valid for a DME and NDB collocation.

A particular DME may also be defined as a part (NavaidEquipment) of a Navaid of  type 'ILS' or 'MLS'. A single DME can be part of more than one ILS/MLS, but each ILS can have just one assigned DME.

For more details see topic Landing Systems & Navaid Collocation.

Coding Rules for DME

IdentifierData Encoding RuleJustificationData Verification Rule (UID)Remarks
DME-101The DME.designator attribute is mandatory.Minimum AIP data setAIXM-5.1_RULE-1A3350
DME-102The attribute is mandatory.Minimum AIP data setTBD
DME-103The attribute is mandatory.Minimum AIP data setTBD
DME-104For DME ElevatedPoint.elevation is mandatory.Minimum AIP data setTBD
DME-115The DME.location property is mandatory.Minimum AIP data setAIXM-5.1_RULE-1A3321
DME-105For DME ElevatedPoint.accuracy should be provided.PANS-AIMTBD
DME-106For DME ElevatedPoint.verticalDatum should be provided.PANS-AIMTBD
DME-107No more than one DME may be co-located with same VOR.EAD / Data consistencyTBD
titleOpen Question
Shall there be the same rule for DME and NDB?
DME-108A DME and a TACAN cannot be collocated to the same VOR.EAD / Data consistencyTBD
DME-109The DME.designator shall not be duplicated within 600 NM of the location of the DME.EAD / ICAO Annex 11TBD
DME-110If is not specified, then DME.ghostFrequency must be specified.EADTBD
DME-111DME.ghostFrequency cannot be specified if the DME is collocated with a VOR or is part of an ILS or MLS system.EAD / ICAO Annex 11TBD
DME-112DME.ghostFrequency must be consistent with the value, according to Table A, ICAO Annex 10, Vol. 1.EAD / ICAO Annex 11TBD
DME-113The value of the must be paired with the VOR.frequency of the related VOR, as described by Table A, ICAO Annex 10, Vol.1.EAD / ICAO Annex 10TBD

The geographical distance between the DME.location and the VOR.location which are used to compose the same Navaid must be:

a) less than 30 metres if the VOR is located at an aerodrome/heliport (connected through Navaid.servedAirport) and has VOR.type equal-to 'DVOR';

b) less than 80 metres if the VOR is located at an aerodrome/heliport (connected through Navaid.servedAirport) and has VOR.type equal-to 'DVOR';

c) less than 600 metres if the VOR is not located at an aerodrome/heliport (not through Navaid.servedAirport).

