- en-route or
- forming part of an ILS system.
In AIXM en-route marker will be coded as Navaid feature. In general, marker forming part of an ILS facility (e.g. outer marker, middle marker) will not be coded as own Navaid feature but as navaidEquipment for the Navaid with type equal-to 'ILS ', 'ILS_DME' or 'LOC', 'LOC_DME' (see also topic Navaid Equipment).
For a marker, PANS-AIM requires some specific properties as part of the minimum AIP data set. These are
The diagram below shows the AIXM classes, including the relevant data types, needed to encode that information. The main class is the MarkerBeacon which is a specialisation of the NavaidEquipment.
Marker Beacon Designator & Name
- Inner marker (IM): dots only,
- Middle marker (MM): Alternate dot and dash,
- Outer marker (OM): 2 dashes,
- Backcourse marker (BCM): shall be clearly distinguishable from the inner, middle and outer marker beacon identification.
In En-route Markers and in some States also ILS markers may have alphanumeric designators.
the data type for Navaid.designator and also MarkerBeacon.designator viz. CodeNavaidDesignatorBaseType only allows the following pattern ([A-Z]|\d)* and is limited to 4
As a workaround the designator (in case it is only morse code) may be coded as 'O' for outer marker, 'M' for middle marker,'I' for inner marker, 'B' for backourse marker with the runway designation as sufix (e.g. O27L, M18)characters. Hence it can only be used for the designator of en-route markers.
For markers forming part of an ILS facility the MarkerBeacon.auralMorseCode attribute has to be used to code the identifier.
The long name given to the marker is coded using the MarkerBeacon.name attribute.
Identifier | Data Encoding Rule | Justification | Data Verification Rule (UID) | Remarks | |||||
MKR-101 | The MarkerBeacon.designator attribute is mandatory for en-route markers. | Minimum AIP data set | TBD | ||||||
The MarkerBeacon.auralMorseCode attribute is mandatory for markers forming part of an ILS facility. | Minimum AIP data se | TBD | |||||||
MKR-102 | The MarkerBeacon.name attribute is mandatory. | Minimum AIP data set | TBD |
| |||||
MKR-103 | The MarkerBeacon.frequency attribute is mandatory. | Minimum AIP data set | TBD | ||||||
MKR-104 | The MarkerBeacon.location attribute is mandatory. | Minimum AIP data set | TBD | ||||||
MKR-105 | The NDB.designator shall not be duplicated within 600 NM of the location of the NDB. | EAD / ICAO Annex 11 | TBD | ||||||
MKR-106 | The value of the MarkerBeacon.frequency must be '75' 'MHz'. | EAD | TBD | ||||||
MKR-107 | The value of the NavaidComponent.markerPosition must be different for each MarkerBeacon that is used as NavaidComponent of the same Navaid instance which type is equal-to 'ILS' or 'ILS_DME' or 'LOC' or 'LOC_DME' . | EAD | TBD | ||||||
NDB-108 | The geographical distance between the MarkerBeacon.location and the NDB.location used as NavaidEquipment for the same Navaid instance must be less than 100 metres. | EAD | TBD | ||||||
MKR-109 | No more than one MarkerBeacon may be co-located with same NDB. | EAD | TBD |