given to location at the site of the outer marker beacon.
For a ILS & Localiser system PANS-AIM requires some specific properties as part of the minimum AIP data set. These are
frequency... identification, name, ..., hours of operation, magnetic variation, frequency/channel, position, elevation, magnetic bearing, true bearing, ...
...type of supported operation for ILS/MLS, ... and for VOR/ILS/MLS also station declination ...used for technical line-up of the aid;
...If the operating authority of the facility is other than the designated governmental agency, the name of the operating authority shall be indicated in the remarks column. Facility coverage shall be indicated in the remarks column.
The diagram below shows the AIXM classes, including the relevant data types and code lists, needed to encode that information The main classes are Localizer and Glidepath which are specialisation of the NavaidEquipment.
For the range indication one up to three instances of MarkerBeacon will be coded, each of them having a different NavaidComponent.markerPosition value, i.e. 'OUTER', 'MIDDLE', 'INNER', see also topic Marker Beacon.
In case the ILS/Lolalizer can also be flown backcourse an additional MarkerBeacon with NavaidComponent.markerPosition equal-to 'BACKCOURSE'.