Identifier | Data Encoding Rule | Justification | Data Verification Rule (UID) | Remarks |
NDB-101 | The NDB.designator attribute is mandatory. | Minimum AIP data setTBD | AIXM-5.1_RULE-1A3348 | |
NDB-102 | The NDB.name attribute is mandatory. | Minimum AIP data set | TBD | |
NDB-103 | The NDB.frequency attribute is mandatory. | Minimum AIP data setTBD | AIXM-5.1_RULE-1A334A | |
NDB-104 | The NDB.location property is mandatory. | Minimum AIP data setTBD | AIXM-5.1_RULE-1A333E | |
NDB-105 | The NDB.magneticVariation attribute is mandatory. | Minimum AIP data set | TBD | |
NDB-105 | The NDB.dateMagneticVariation attribute should be provided. | PANS-AIM | TBD | |
NDB-106 | The NDB.magneticVariationAccuracy attribute should be provided. | PANS-AIM | TBD | |
NDB-107 | The NDB.designator shall not be duplicated within 600 NM of the location of the NDB. | EAD / ICAO Annex 11 | TBD | |
NDB-108 | The value of the NDB.frequency must be in the interval '190' to '1750' 'KHz'. | EAD / ICAO Annex 10 | TBD | |
NDB-109 | If NDB.class equal-to 'L' and related RadioFrequencyArea.type equal-to 'COV' then CircleSector.outerDistance cannot exceed 60km. | EAD | TBD |
Coding examples can also be found in the DONLON AIXM 5.1.1 AIP data set file:
No. | Description | XPath Expression |
NAV-EX-03 NDB-EX-01 | NDB (enroute) | //aixm:NavaidTimeSlice [@gml:id ='NAV_NDB_DON'] | //aixm:NavaidTimeSlice [@gml:id ='NDB DON'] |
NAV-EX-04 NDB-EX-02 | NDB (Locator) | //aixm:NavaidTimeSlice [@gml:id ='NAV_KL'] | //aixm:NDBTimeSlice [@gml:id ='NDB_KL'] |
NAV-EX-05 NDB-EX-03 | NDB collocated with Marker Beacon | //aixm:NavaidTimeSlice [@gml:id ='NAV_SCN'] | //aixm:NDBTimeSlice [@gml:id ='NDB_SCN'] | //aixm:MarkerBeaconTimeSlice [@gml:id ='NDB_SCN'] |