This section lists a number of other requirements which were considered in addition to those found in Annex 15. They were collected from the AIM community.
Identifier | Text | Source |
DP1 | In order to ensure data protection, the metadata exchanged should not allow for an individual to be identified. The preference is therefore to exchange organisation and role names. Note: This was reflected in the implementing instructions for Requirement 1. | AIM community |
IR1 | (Rule)The start of validity of a data set shall be clearly indicated through metadata. Note: This was captured in Requirement 3. | interoperability rules |
IR2 | (Rule) An AIP Data Set that included changes under the AIRAC system shall be clearly identified through the use of the acronym "AIRAC" in the metadata. Note: This was captured in Requirement 4. Note: Justification for this requirement comes from various parts of ICAO Annex 15. | interoperability rules |
FR1 | Some further requirements (taken from the PowerPoint which introduced the need for metadata):
Note: After analysis it was decided not to include requirements for the provision of the metadata with regards to the accuracy, resolution and integrity of the data. |
The measurement of these is part of the "verification of data collected" and is not metadata to be included at the dataset level. | AIM community | |