FIR: Insert the designator of the overlying FIR of the airport indicated in Item A
Q code: Insert the q Q codes as indicated in the dedicated scenario.
traffic: Pre-filled according to ICAO doc 8126 NSC for the selected Q-code
purpose: Pre-filled according to ICAO doc 8126 NSC for the selected Q-code
scope: A
lower limit: 000
upper limit: 999
Geo reference: Insert the coordinations of the ARP (aerodrome reference point) of the airport indicated in Item A
Item A: Insert the airport affected
Item E: Insert the text as indicated in the dedicated scenarios.
As a pure aerodrome NOTAM (scope A) does not allow the use of items F and G and appears for an aerodrome only in PIB,
information about the vertical extend may be added to Item E as follows for those scenarios with an Item F and G: