Common NOTAM Production rules
This chapter contains text NOTAM generation rules that are common to different scenarios. This includes general rules for the production of the items Q, A, B, C, D, F, G of the NOTAM messages. It also includes rules for the production of geometry, schedules, vertical limits descriptions when they appear in item E.
More specific rules might be included in each scenario, if applicable.
Important note
The text production rules for items D, E, F G use a normal "Sentence case" format. The corresponding elements of the Event.notification.NOTAM will also use the Sentence case format. The objective is to improve the readability of pre-flight briefing products, when generated directly form the Digital NOTAM / Event data. Various studies on this topic have demonstrated that Pre-flight Information Bulletins (PIB) written in normal Sentence case have an improved readability as compared to the same PIB written in "All caps" (Upper Case) format.
However, due to the current AFS/AFTN limitations, the generated NOTAM will have to be converted to full upper case for AFTN distribution.