| Potential service category | Notes |
1 | CodeDocumentType | From older versions of Service Metadata Schema Types of documents. Service Category | Value | Definition |
CodeDocumentType |
| POLICY_DOCUMENT | A policy governing e.g. the access and uses of one or more services. |
| SERVICE_STANDARD | A document, issued by a community of interest, used to harmonize service implementations. |
| QUALITY_OF_SERVICE_DOCUMENT | A document containing statements on the quality of service. |
| SERVICE_MODEL | A model view, expressed using a formal and standardised notation, that formalises the representation of the business logic of its service interfaces, service operations, service behaviour and exchanged information. |
| SERVICE_CERTIFICATION | A service certification. |
| CODE_EXAMPLE | Examples of code exemplifying the implementation of the consuming service interface. |
| SERVICE_BEHAVIOUR_DESCRIPTION | A description of the service behaviour. |
| PROTOCOL_SPECIFICATION | A specification of the service interface protocols. |
| MACHINE_READABLE_SERVICE_DESCRIPTION | A service interface definition in a machine-readable format using a standard service definition formalism/language. |
| SERVICE_SPECIFICATION | A specification used in the implementation of the service. |
| MESSAGE_EXAMPLE | An example of the messages used by the service. |
| SERVICE_VALIDATION_REPORT | A report on the result of the activities whereby a service is checked for conformance with the service objectives and requirements. |
| SEMANTIC_CORRESPONDENCE_REPORT | A report containing the semantic correspondences between an information definition and the ATM Information Reference Model. |
| INFORMATION_DEFINITION | A formal description of exchanged information. |
| 2 | CodeAccessAndUseConditionType | Note: From older versions of Service Metadata Schema |
2 | CodeAccessAndUseConditionType | Types of restrictions on the access and use of a service. Service Category | Value | Definition |
CodeAccessAndUseConditionType |
| LEGAL_CONSTRAINT | Restrictions and legal prerequisites for accessing and using the service. |
| SERVICE_POLICY | A policy governing the access and uses of one or more services. |
| SERVICE_CONSUMPTION_CONSTRAINT | Restrictions on the consumption of the service. |
| SECURITY_CONSTRAINT | Handling restrictions imposed on the service for national security or similar security concerns. |
| 3 | CodePrimitiveMessageExchangePatternType | Note: From older versions of Service Metadata Schema |
3 | CodePrimitiveMessageExchangePatternType | Message exchange patterns that are directly related to the capability of the lower level protocols of the SWIM TI.
Service Category | Value | Definition |
CodePrimitiveMessageExchangePatternType |
| FIRE_AND_FORGET | A primitive message exchange pattern consisting of a message being sent from one infrastructure service to another. |
| SYNCHRONOUS_REQUEST_RESPONSE | A primitive MEP consisting of 1) a message (request) being sent from a consumer infrastructure service to a provider infrastructure service, 2) the consumer infrastructure service remaining blocked awaiting for a response and the provider infrastructure service remaining blocked processing the response and 3) a message (response) being sent from the provider infrastructure service to the consumer infrastructure service. |
| 4 | CodeServiceInterfaceBindingType | Note: From older versions of Service Metadata Schema |
4 | CodeTIYPServiceInterfaceBindingType | Interface bindings that enable services to exchange data with consuming applications. Service Category | Value | Definition |
CodeServiceInterfaceBindingTypeCodeTIYPServiceInterfaceBindingType |
| SWIM_TI_YP_1_0_WS_LIGHT | The WS Light Interface Binding as detailed in the EUROCONTROL Specification for SWIM Technical Infrastructure Yellow Profile, edition1.0. |
| SWIM_TI_YP_1_1_WS_LIGHT | The WS Light Interface Binding as detailed in the EUROCONTROL Specification for SWIM Technical Infrastructure Yellow Profile, edition1.1. |
| SWIM_TI_YP_1_0_WS_SOAP | The WS SOAP Interface Binding as detailed in the EUROCONTROL Specification for SWIM Technical Infrastructure Yellow Profile, edition1.0. |
| SWIM_TI_YP_1_1_WS_SOAP | The WS SOAP Interface Binding as detailed in the EUROCONTROL Specification for SWIM Technical Infrastructure Yellow Profile, edition1.1. |
| SWIM_TI_YP_1_0_WS_SOAP_WITH_BASIC_MESSAGE_SECURITY | The WS SOAP with Basic Message Security Interface Binding as detailed in the EUROCONTROL Specification for SWIM Technical Infrastructure Yellow Profile, edition1.0. |
| SWIM_TI_YP_1_1_WS_SOAP_WITH_BASIC_MESSAGE_SECURITY | The WS SOAP with Basic Message Security Interface Binding as detailed in the EUROCONTROL Specification for SWIM Technical Infrastructure Yellow Profile, edition1.1. |
| SWIM_TI_YP_1_0_WS_SOAP_WITH_MESSAGE_SECURITY | The WS SOAP with Message Security Interface Binding as detailed in the EUROCONTROL Specification for SWIM Technical Infrastructure Yellow Profile, edition1.0. |
| SWIM_TI_YP_1_1_WS_SOAP_WITH_MESSAGE_SECURITY | The WS SOAP with Message Security Interface Binding as detailed in the EUROCONTROL Specification for SWIM Technical Infrastructure Yellow Profile, edition1.1. |
| SWIM_TI_YP_1_0_WS_SOAP_WITH_FEDERATED_SECURITY | The WS SOAP with Federated Security Interface Binding as detailed in the EUROCONTROL Specification for SWIM Technical Infrastructure Yellow Profile, edition1.0. |
| SWIM_TI_YP_1_1_WS_SOAP_WITH_FEDERATED_SECURITY | The WS SOAP with Federated Security Interface Binding as detailed in the EUROCONTROL Specification for SWIM Technical Infrastructure Yellow Profile, edition1.1. |
| SWIM_TI_YP_1_0_WS-N_SOAP | The WS-N SOAP Interface Binding as detailed in the EUROCONTROL Specification for SWIM Technical Infrastructure Yellow Profile, edition1.0. |
| SWIM_TI_YP_1_1_WS-N_SOAP | The WS-N SOAP Interface Binding as detailed in the EUROCONTROL Specification for SWIM Technical Infrastructure Yellow Profile, edition1.1. |
| SWIM_TI_YP_1_0_WS-N_SOAP_WITH_BASIC_MESSAGE_SECURITY | The WS-N SOAP with Basic Message Security Interface Binding as detailed in the EUROCONTROL Specification for SWIM Technical Infrastructure Yellow Profile, edition1.0. |
| SWIM_TI_YP_1_1_WS-N_SOAP_WITH_BASIC_MESSAGE_SECURITY | The WS-N SOAP with Basic Message Security Interface Binding as detailed in the EUROCONTROL Specification for SWIM Technical Infrastructure Yellow Profile, edition1.1. |
| SWIM_TI_YP_1_0_WS-N_SOAP_WITH_MESSAGE_SECURITY | The WS-N SOAP with Message Security Interface Binding as detailed in the EUROCONTROL Specification for SWIM Technical Infrastructure Yellow Profile, edition1.0. |
| SWIM_TI_YP_1_1_WS-N_SOAP_WITH_MESSAGE_SECURITY | The WS-N SOAP with Message Security Interface Binding as detailed in the EUROCONTROL Specification for SWIM Technical Infrastructure Yellow Profile, edition1.1. |
| SWIM_TI_YP_1_0_WS-N_SOAP_WITH_FEDERATED_SECURITY | The WS-N SOAP with Federated Security Interface Binding as detailed in the EUROCONTROL Specification for SWIM Technical Infrastructure Yellow Profile, edition1.0. |
| SWIM_TI_YP_1_1_WS-N_SOAP_WITH_FEDERATED_SECURITY | The WS SOAP with Federated Security Interface Binding as detailed in the EUROCONTROL Specification for SWIM Technical Infrastructure Yellow Profile, edition1.1. |
| SWIM_TI_YP_1_0_AMQP_MESSAGING | The AMQP_MESSAGING Interface Binding as detailed in the EUROCONTROL Specification for SWIM Technical Infrastructure Yellow Profile, edition1.0. |
| SWIM_TI_YP_1_1_AMQP_MESSAGING | The AMQP_MESSAGING Interface Binding as detailed in the EUROCONTROL Specification for SWIM Technical Infrastructure Yellow Profile, edition1.1. |
| 5 | CodeServiceValidationType | From Note: From older versions of Service Metadata Schema |
5 | CodeServiceValidationType | Activities whereby a service is checked for conformance with the service objectives and requirements. Service Category | Value | Definition |
CodeServiceValidationType |
| COLLABORATIVE_VALIDATION | A validation of service jointly carried out by the service provider together with service users. |
| INDEPENDENT_VALIDATION | A validation of service carried out by an independent authority. |
| SELF_VALIDATION | A validation of service carried out by the service provider. |
| USER_VALIDATION | A validation of service carried out by service users. |
| NOT_VALIDATED | A statement that no validation of service has taken place. |
| 6 | CodeQualityOfServiceMeasureType | See /wiki/spaces/SCOI/pages/59605387SWIM-SERV-180 Quality of serviceNote: From older versions of Service Metadata Schema |
6 | CodeQualityOfServiceMeasureType | A categorisation of services based on the quality characteristics to be taken into account when evaluating the properties of a service. The scheme can be augmented based on ISO/IEC 25010 (https://iso25000.com/index.php/en/iso-25000-standards/iso-25010).Service Category | Characteristic | Value | Definition |
Quality of Service MeasureCodeQualityOfServiceMeasureType |
| performance efficiency | capacityCAPACITY | The maximum rate at which a service can process transactions and the maximum message size of responses. Note: Measurements can include the number of items that can be stored, the number of concurrent users, the communication bandwidth, throughput of transactions, and size of messages. |
| performance efficiency | time behaviourTIME_BEHAVIOUR
| A measurement of the processing times of a service. Note: This parameter may be expressed as an indication of a maximum time needed for the service provider to complete the request, measured from the time instant the service provider receives the request to the time instant the service provider sends the response or makes it available. |
| reliability | availabilityAVAILABILITY | The degree to which a service is operational and accessible when required for use. |
| reliability | recoverabilityRECOVERABILITY
| The degree to which, in the event of an interruption or a failure, the desired state of the service can be re-established. |
| security | confidentialityCONFIDENTIALITY | The degree to which a service ensures that data are accessible only to those authorized to have access. |
| security | integrityINTEGRITY | An expression of the assurance that a system, product or component prevents unauthorized access to, or modification of, an information service interface or information. |
| security | authenticityAUTHENTICITY | The degree to which the identity of a subject or resource can be proved to be the one claimed. |
| security | accountabilityACCOUNTABILITY | The degree to which the actions of an entity can be traced uniquely to the entity. |
| 7 | CodeSecurityMechanismType160 Security constraints |
7 | CodeSecurityMechanismType | A list of security mechanism based on the SWIM Technical Infrastructure capability enabling secured information exchange. Service Category | Value | Definition |
Security MechanismCodeSecurityMechanismType |
| authenticationAUTHENTICATION | A security mechanism ensuring that the identity of a subject can be proved to be the one claimed. |
| authorisationAUTHORISATION | A security mechanism for the granting of rights and, based on these rights, the granting of access. |
| integrityINTEGRITY | A security mechanism protecting information from modification by unauthorized parties. |
| confidentialityCONFIDENTIALITY | A security mechanism protecting information from disclosure to unauthorized parties. |
| 8 | CodeInformationExchangeModelType See
8 | CodeInformationExchangeModelType | A list of information exchange models created by communities of interest. Service Category | Value | Definition |
Information Exchange Model | AIXM5.CodeInformationExchangeModelType |
| AIXM_5_1 | Aeronautical Information Exchange Model (AIXM) 5.1 |
| AIXM_5._1._1 | Aeronautical Information Exchange Model (AIXM) 5.1.1 |
| IWXXM_3._0 | ICAO Meteorological Information Exchange Model (IWXXM) 3.0 |
| FIXM_4._2 | Flight Information Exchange Model (FIXM) 4.2 |
| AMXM_2._0 | Aerodrome Mapping Exchange Model (AMXM) 2.0 |
| 9 | CodeDataFormatType | See
9 | CodeDataFormatType | A list of data formats that can be used to exchange information over services. Service Category | Value | Definition |
Data FormatCodeDataFormatType |
| XML | Extensible Markup Language. See: https://www.w3.org/XML/
| JSON | JavaScript Object Notation. See: https://www.json.org/json-en.html
| GRIB2 | GRIdded Binary. See: https://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/grib2/grib2_doc/ |
| Protocol BuffersPROTOCOL_BUFFERS | Protocol Buffers. See: https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/ |
| HDF5 | Hierarchical Data Format. See: http://codes.wmo.int/wmdr/DataFormat/hdf5 |
| ASN._1/_XML | Abstract Syntax Notation One. See: https://www.itu.int/rec/T-REC-X.680/ |
10 | CodeLifeCycleStageType | This will build upon https://reference.swim.aero/information-services/service-categories/CodeLifeCycleStageType.html to cover other lifecycle stages e.g. draft and experimental. Service Category | Value | Definition |
Lifecycle StageCodeLifeCycleStageType |
| draftDRAFT | The status indicating that the service is... |
| experimentalEXPERIMENTAL | The status indicating that the service uses new ideas or methods, and might be modified later if it is unsuccessful. It is made available in order to be assessed for future development. |