09 July 2019
Webex meeting
Item | Title | Time |
1 | Welcome | 1500 |
2 | Task updates | 1510 |
3 | Any other business | 1610 |
4 | Close | 1630 |
Panel | |
The objectives of this meeting were:
- work on the tasks agreed for this year
Task updates
The task list is at: Tasks.
Maintain supporting material
Diagram to summarise role of spec.
Out of date urns
Annotation of examples
AIRM review
Discuss the idea of a SWIM Forum for later in the year.
There is a plan to hold some sort of "SWIM Event" 9-11 December. This is in response to the wishes expressed at the "Get into SWIM" session. More information will follow but reserve the dates already.
Deriving a model from the AIRM...
Perform mappings
No new activity here unless IWXXM updateso far. IWXXM mapping is being planned but has not started.
xxxList of users is in the process of being built.
Any other business
Next meeting
Meeting schedule is maintained at: Meetings.