This handbook gives guidance to help ANSPs satisfy the CP1 requirements on eFPL consumption and usage.
Connection to NM B2B
An ANSP shall sign an agreement with NM in order to be able to consume the NM B2B Services.
- Rationale: the FlightManagement service is the NM B2B service that supports the distribution of eFPLs to ANSPs. Its Publish/Subscribe (P/S) interface will push the eFPLs to the client applications having subscribed to the FF-ICE Flight Plan topic. The SubscriptionManagement service provides facilities to create and manage subscriptions, allowing the users to define which kind of data they are interested in receiving via the NM B2B Publish Subscribe Services. The consumption of these two services is therefore necessary for an ANSP in order to receive eFPLs.
- Guidance:
- ...
An ANSP shall develop and test its B2B client application for retrieving eFPLs using the PREOPS platform.
- Rationale: NM deploys the NM B2B services on distinct platforms with distinct purposes, enabled services, data and access. The main purpose of the PREOPS platform is to support the development and testing of B2B client applications without impacting the operations. This platform is also used to validate the correct behaviour of client applications and to assess their readiness to be connected to the Operational platform.
- Guidance:
An ANSP having performed the necessary developments and being technically ready to go operational shall get their client application validated by NM for operational usage.
- Rationale: the operational use of the B2B Services will be allowed only after the ANSP has successfully executed the NM acceptance validation processes. This process is established in order to make sure that only client applications with correct behaviour use the operational system.
- Guidance:
- Any official request to apply the present procedure shall be officially addressed to the NM email address:
- The evaluation will be based on the test case "EFPL FILING (FIXM FORMAT) – TEST CASES" described in NM B2B's Business documentation for Flight Plan Filing
- More details: