Family 5.6.1 - Flight Information Exchanges (SWIM)


This area contains working material that is at various states of maturity. The content should not be used "operationally".

The pages contain inputs from the various organisations - these inputs are to support the development of the content and should not be considered as binding on the member or any organisation to which they belong.

This site is advisory in nature. It is created as part of the common NM/SDM Implementation Support Initiative on FF-ICE and is maintained by a community of interest bringing together experts from organisations concerned by the FF-ICE implementation in Europe. It evolves over times as the community identifies new content, examples and good practices.


Family 5.6.1 – Flight Information Exchange covers five of the six FF-ICE/R1 Services specified by ICAO ATMRPP, namely the Filing Service, the Flight Data Request Service, the Notification Service, the Data Publication Service and the Trial Service. These five services are already deployed by EUROCONTROL NM as part of the NM B2B service (from Release 26 onwards), and are therefore available for consumption.

This site provides guidance for consuming these services.

Target audience

This site primarily targets the ATM stakeholders mandated by the EU CP1 to consume the FF-ICE/R1 services provided by NM. This includes:

  • Airspace Users having to consume EUROCONTROL NM's Filing Service to file new FF-ICE Flight Plans (eFPLs);
  • Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs) having to consume EUROCONTROL NM's Data Publication Service in order to receive and use eFPLs submitted by eAUs, as well as EUROCONTROL NM's Flight Data Request Service and EUROCONTROL NM's Notification Service.

More generally, this site is relevant to all ATM stakeholders willing to consume the EUROCONTROL NM's FF-ICE/R1 Services, regardless of whether they are impacted by the regulation or not.

Site content

This site is structured as follows:

FF-ICE in the EU CP1 regulation
This section summarises the CP1 regulatory framework, its geographical scope and affected stakeholders, and outlines the expected operational benefits of the FF-ICE implementation in Europe.

FF-ICE in the NM B2B
This section explains which FF-ICE Services have been deployed by NM and explains how the NM B2B services practically enable the related exchanges of information.

Requirements and guidance
This section aggregates, and provide guidance for, the requirements related to the implementation of FF-ICE/R1 that are applicable to the affected Stakeholders. The conformity checklists captured in the Handbook for ANSPs and the Handbook for AUs further identifies the requirements that need to be satisfied in order for a concerned Stakeholder to achieve a particular objective set by CP1 and the SESAR Deployment Programme.

Handbook for ANSPs
This section gives guidance to help ANSPs satisfy the CP1 requirements in relation to FF-ICE/R1.

Handbook for AUs
This section gives guidance to help AUs satisfy the CP1 requirements in relation to FF-ICE/R1.

This section contains resources to help concerned Stakeholders satisfy the requirements.

Working Draft