Title: | XML Schema Mapping | |
Owner: | POROSNICU Eduard | |
Creator: | POROSNICU Eduard | 2018 Dec 21 |
Last Changed by: | POROSNICU Eduard | 2019 Jan 10 |
Tiny Link: (useful for email) | https://swim-eurocontrol.atlassian.net/wiki/x/fwKrD | |
Export As: | Word · PDF |
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Children (9)
Abstract model - TimeSlices and Metadata
Classes with <<feature>> stereotype
Classes with <<object>> stereotype
Association to <<feature>> class
Associations to <<object>> class
Classes with <<choice>> stereotype
Associations Classes
Classes with <<datatype>> stereotype
Classes with <<codelist>> stereotype
Abstract model - TimeSlices and Metadata
Classes with <<feature>> stereotype
Classes with <<object>> stereotype
Association to <<feature>> class
Associations to <<object>> class
Classes with <<choice>> stereotype
Associations Classes
Classes with <<datatype>> stereotype
Classes with <<codelist>> stereotype
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Outgoing Links
AIXM Concepts (1)
XML Schema Mapping