This page concerns v2.0 of the Specification. Supporting material on v1.0 is SWIM-SERV-005 Description identification
Title | Service description identification |
Identifier | SWIM-SERV-030 |
Requirement | A service description shall include:
Rationale | This requirement supports the identification and citation of a service description. |
Verification | Completeness: Verify that the 3 elements are included. Consistency: Not Applicable. Correctness: Not Applicable. |
Examples/Notes | Example service description identification:
Note: The edition of the service description is not to be confused with the version of the service. A service description can evolve to a new edition while still describing the same service version. |
Level of Implementation | Mandatory |
The ability to provide an exact citation, a standardised reference to the service description, is very basic.
Verification Support
Completeness | Check that: [ ] The service description has a title. [ ] The service description has an edition. [ ] The service description has a reference date. |
The following example shows the content as a table.
title | Donlon TOBT Setting Service Description |
edition | 0.93i |
reference date | 2020-06-02 |
The following example shows an extract of the content of a JSON file that conforms to the Service Metadata Schema
"descriptionInformation": { "serviceDescriptionIdentification": { "serviceDescriptionTitle": "Donlon TOBT Setting Service Description", "serviceDescriptionEdition": "0.93i", "serviceDescriptionReferenceDate": "2020-06-02" } }
Complete examples are available at Example service description.