The following table provided a complete overview of the AIXM 5 features/objects and properties relevant for the coding of airspaces which will be published as part of an PANS-AIM defined AIP data set.
The table also gives an indication if the property is mandatory for an AIP data set and under which conditions.
Currently, a Property Coding Checklist is only provided for the airspace subjects. It is a test page for review, to see if such a checklist is useful. In case the feedback is accordingly a corresponding Property Coding Checklist may be created also for other subjects of the AIP data set.
AIXM Feature/Object | AIXM Feature/Object Property | Complex Type or xlink:href to other Feature | AIP data set |
Airspace | type | Mandatory | |
designator | Mandatory | ||
localType | Optional | ||
name | Mandatory | ||
designatorICAO | Mandatory For FIR and UIR and other airspaces that have an ICAO location indicator (DOC 7910) | ||
controlType | Optional | ||
upperLowerSeparation | Optional | ||
class | AirspaceLayerClass | Mandatory For ATS Airspaces | |
protectedRoute | xlink:href -> Route | Optional | |
geometryComponent | AirspaceGeometryComponent | Mandatory | |
activation | AirspaceActivation | Mandatory For Special Activity Airspaces | |
annotation | Note | Optional | |
AirspaceLayerClass | timeInterval | Timesheet | Optional |
annotation | Note | Optional | |
specialDateAuthority | xlink:href -> OrganisationAuthority | Optional | |
classification | Mandatory For ATS Airspaces | ||
associatedLevels | AirspaceLayer | Optional | |
AirspaceLayer | upperLimit | Optional | |
upperLimitReference | Optional | ||
lowerLimit | Optional | ||
lowerLimitReference | Optional | ||
altitudeInterpretation | Optional | ||
discreteLevelSeries | xlink:href -> StandardLevelColumn | Optional | |
annotation | Note | Optional | |
AirspaceGeometryComponent | operation | Mandatory For Airspace Aggregation (i.e. more than one AirspaceVolume) | |
operationSequence | Mandatory For Airspace Aggregation (i.e. more than one AirspaceVolume) | ||
annotation | Note | Optional | |
theAirspaceVolume | AirspaceVolume | Mandatory | |
AirspaceVolume | upperLimit | Mandatory For airspaces with one Airspace Volume and Airspace Aggregation by copying the geometry | |
upperLimitReference | Mandatory if upperLimit is specified (except for UNL) | ||
maximumLimit | Optional | ||
maximumLimitReference | Optional | ||
lowerLimit | Mandatory For airspaces with one Airspace Volume and Airspace Aggregation by copying the geometry | ||
lowerLimitReference | Mandatory if lowerLimit is specified (except for GND) | ||
minimumLimit | Optional | ||
minimumLimitReference | Optional | ||
width | Mandatory For Airspace corridor | ||
horizontalProjection | Surface | Mandatory For airspaces with one Airspace Volume and Airspace Aggregation by copying the geometry | |
centreline | Curve | Mandatory for Airspace corridor | |
contributorAirspace | AirspaceVolumeDependency | Mandatory for Airspace Aggregation by referencing | |
annotation | Note | Optional | |
AirspaceVolumeDependency | dependency | Mandatory for Airspace Aggregation by referencing | |
annotation | Note | Optional | |
theAirspace | xlink:href -> Airspace | Mandatory for Airspace Aggregation by referencing | |
Surface | horizontalAccuracy | Mandatory for airspaces with one Airspace Volume and Airspace Aggregation by copying the geometry | |
annotation | Note | Optional | |
… including all GM_Surface properties | see gml:Surface | Mandatory for airspaces with one Airspace Volume and Airspace Aggregation by copying the geometry | |
Curve | horizontalAccuracy | Mandatory for Airspace corridor | |
annotation | Note | Optional | |
… including all GM_Curve properties | see gml:Curve | Mandatory for Airspace corridor | |
AirspaceActivation | timeInterval | Timesheet | Conditional for Special Activity Airspaces |
annotation | Note | Optional | |
specialDateAuthority | xlink:href -> OrganisationAuthority | Optional | |
activity | Mandatory for Special Activity Airspaces | ||
status | Mandatory for Special Activity Airspaces | ||
levels | AirspaceLayer | Optional | |
user | xlink:href -> OrganisationAuthority | Conditional for Aerial Sporting Activities airspaces | |
aircraft | AircraftCharacteristic | Optional | |
AirTrafficControlService | flightOperations | Optional | |
rank | Optional | ||
compliantICAO | Optional | ||
name | Optional | ||
location | ElevatedPoint | Optional | |
serviceProvider | xlink:href -> Unit | Conditional (for ENR 2.1 and AD 2.17/AD 3.16 airspaces) | |
call-sign | CallsignDetail | Conditional (for ENR 2.1 and AD 2.17/AD 3.16 airspaces) | |
radioCommunication | xlink:href -> RadioCommunicationChannel | Conditional (for ENR 2.1 and AD 2.17/AD 3.16 airspaces) | |
groundCommunication | ContactInformation | Optional | |
availability | ServiceOperationalStatus | Conditional (for ENR 2.1 and AD 2.17/AD 3.16 airspaces) In some cases rather the availability of the RadioCommunicationChannel may be coded, instead. | |
annotation | Note | Optional | |
radarAssisted | Optional | ||
dataLinkEnabled | Optional | ||
dataLinkChannel | Optional | ||
type | Optional | ||
clientAirport | xlink:href -> AirportHeliport | N/A | |
clientAirspace | xlink:href -> Airspace | Conditional (for ENR 2.1 and AD 2.17/AD 3.16 airspaces) | |
clientRoute | RoutePortion | N/A | |
clientProcedure | xlink:href -> Procedure | N/A | |
clientHolding | xlink:href -> HoldingPattern | N/A | |
clientAerialRefuelling | xlink:href -> AerialRefuelling | N/A | |
aircraftLocator | xlink:href -> DirectionFinder | N/A | |
InformationService | flightOperations | Optional | |
rank | Optional | ||
compliantICAO | Optional | ||
name | Optional | ||
location | ElevatedPoint | Optional | |
serviceProvider | xlink:href -> Unit | Conditional (for ENR 2.1 and AD 2.17/AD 3.16 airspaces and other airspaces where required, e.g. ENR 5.3) | |
call-sign | CallsignDetail | Conditional (for ENR 2.1 and AD 2.17/AD 3.16 airspaces and other airspaces where required, e.g. ENR 5.3) | |
radioCommunication | xlink:href -> RadioCommunicationChannel | Conditional (for ENR 2.1 and AD 2.17/AD 3.16 airspaces and other airspaces where required, e.g. ENR 5.3) | |
groundCommunication | ContactInformation | Optional | |
availability | ServiceOperationalStatus | Conditional (for ENR 2.1 and AD 2.17/AD 3.16 airspaces and other airspaces where required, e.g. ENR 5.3) In some cases rather the availability of the RadioCommunicationChannel may be coded, instead. | |
annotation | Note | Optional | |
type | Optional | ||
voice | Optional | ||
dataLink | Optional | ||
recorded | Optional | ||
navaidBroadcast | xlink:href -> VOR | Optional | |
clientAirspace | xlink:href -> Airspace | Conditional (for ENR 2.1 and AD 2.17/AD 3.16 airspaces) | |
clientAirport | xlink:href -> AirportHeliport | N/A | |
clientRoute | RoutePortion | N/A | |
clientProcedure | xlink:href -> Procedure | N/A | |
clientHolding | xlink:href -> HoldingPattern | N/A | |
clientAerialRefuelling | xlink:href -> AerialRefuelling | N/A | |
SearchRescueService | flightOperations | Optional | |
rank | Optional | ||
compliantICAO | Optional | ||
name | Optional | ||
location | ElevatedPoint | Optional | |
serviceProvider | xlink:href -> Unit | Conditional (for ENR 2.1 and AD 2.17/AD 3.16 airspaces) | |
call-sign | CallsignDetail | Conditional (for ENR 2.1 and AD 2.17/AD 3.16 airspaces) | |
radioCommunication | xlink:href -> RadioCommunicationChannel | Conditional (for ENR 2.1 and AD 2.17/AD 3.16 airspaces) | |
groundCommunication | ContactInformation | Optional | |
availability | ServiceOperationalStatus | Conditional (for ENR 2.1 and AD 2.17/AD 3.16 airspaces), In some cases rather the availability of the RadioCommunicationChannel may be coded, instead. | |
annotation | Note | Optional | |
type | Optional | ||
clientAirspace | xlink:href -> Airspace | Conditional (for ENR 2.1 and AD 2.17/AD 3.16 airspaces) | |
clientRoute | RoutePortion | N/A | |
CallsignDetail | callSign | Conditional (for ENR 2.1 and AD 2.17/AD 3.16 airspaces and other airspaces where required, e.g. ENR 5.3) | |
language | Conditional (for ENR 2.1 and AD 2.17/AD 3.16 airspaces and other airspaces where required, e.g. ENR 5.3) | ||
annotation | Note | Optional | |
Unit | name | Conditional (for ENR 2.1 and AD 2.17/AD 3.16 airspaces) | |
type | Optional | ||
compliantICAO | Optional | ||
designator | Optional | ||
military | Optional | ||
position | ElevatedPoint | Optional | |
airportLocation | xlink:href -> AirportHeliport | Optional | |
ownerOrganisation | xlink:href -> OrganisationAuthority | Optional | |
contact | ContactInformation | Optional | |
relatedUnit | UnitDependency | Optional | |
availability | UnitAvailability | Optional | |
annotation | Note | Optional | |
ServiceOperationalStatus | timeInterval | Timesheet | Conditional (for ENR 2.1 and AD 2.17/AD 3.16 airspaces), In some cases rather the availability of the RadioCommunicationChannel may be coded, instead. |
annotation | Note | Optional | |
specialDateAuthority | xlink:href -> OrganisationAuthority | Optional | |
operationalStatus | Conditional (for ENR 2.1 and AD 2.17/AD 3.16 airspaces), In some cases rather the availability of the RadioCommunicationChannel may be coded, instead. | ||
RadioCommunicationChannel | mode | Optional | |
rank | Conditional (for ENR 2.1 and AD 2.17/AD 3.16 airspaces and other airspaces where required, e.g. ENR 5.3) | ||
frequencyTransmission | Conditional (for ENR 2.1 and AD 2.17/AD 3.16 airspaces and other airspaces where required, e.g. ENR 5.3) | ||
frequencyReception | Conditional (for ENR 2.1 and AD 2.17/AD 3.16 airspaces and other airspaces where required, e.g. ENR 5.3) | ||
channel | Optional | ||
logon | Optional | ||
emissionType | Optional | ||
selectiveCall | Optional | ||
flightChecked | Optional | ||
trafficDirection | Optional | ||
location | ElevatedPoint | Optional | |
availability | RadioCommunicationOperationalStatus | Optional | |
annotation | Note | Optional | |
OrganisationAuthority | name | Conditional for Aerial Sporting Activities airspaces (and other airspaces where applicable, e.g. ENR 5.3) | |
designator | Optional | ||
type | Optional | ||
military | Optional | ||
contact | ContactInformation | Conditional for Aerial Sporting Activities airspaces (and other airspaces where applicable, e.g. ENR 5.3) | |
relatedOrganisationAuthority | OrganisationAuthorityAssociation | Optional | |
annotation | Note | Optional | |
ContactInformation | name | Optional | |
title | Optional | ||
address | PostalAddress | Optional | |
networkNode | OnlineContact | Optional | |
phoneFax | TelephoneContact | Conditional for Aerial Sporting Activities airspaces | |
annotation | Note | Optional | |
TelephoneContact | timeInterval | Timesheet | Optional |
annotation | Note | Optional | |
specialDateAuthority | xlink:href -> OrganisationAuthority | Optional | |
voice | Conditional for Aerial Sporting Activities airspaces | ||
facsimile | Optional |