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For Route Segment, PANS-AIM requires some basic properties as part of the minimum AIP data set. This is

...,from point, to point, track, distance, upper limit, lower limit, MEA, MOCA, ...

The diagram below shows the AIXM classes, including the relevant data types, needed to encode that information:

From Point & To Point

ICAO defines a route segment as

A portion of a route to be flown usually without an intermediate stop, as defined by two consecutive significant points.

In AIXM 5, the start and the end properties of the RouteSegment class are used to define the "From point", i.e. the first point of the route segment and "To point", i.e. the second point of a route segment.

The EnrouteSegmentPoint class used for that purpose is a specialisation of the SegmentPoint. It provides the reportingATC attribute which is used for the indication of the ATS / MET reporting requirement 'COMPULSORY' or 'ON_REQUEST' for the corresponding point.

The actual start or end point of a RouteSegment is defined via the pointChoice property that allows to select a SignificantPoint. Not all available choices of significant points (e.g. RunwayCentrelinePoint, etc.) will make sense to be used for a route segment point (see also page SignificantPoint [SPN] ).

Mainly DesignatedPoint and Navaid will be the start or end point of a RouteSegment. In a few countries, also the airport reference point of an AirportHeliport may be used for that purpose.

For defining that the point used for the route segment is an RNAV waypoint (see also topic Designated Point (Overview)) the EnrouteSegmentPoint.waypoint attribute will be encoded with 'YES'.

In addition, AIXM 5 provides as an option to encode the extend of the route segment as geometrical element, using the Curve class. This data may be used for charting purposes. The curve will be encoded according to the corresponding GML specification (see topic Geometry (Overview)). It will contain the coordinates of the start and end point of the route segment. It shall be ensured that the data (i.e. coordinates) provided in the Curve element(s) match with those provided as start and end of the RouteSegment.

Implicit direction

As every route segment is defined 'from' a start point 'to' an end point, it has an implicit direction. This direction should be consistent with the direction of the route. The start point of a route should also be the 'from' point of the first route segment and the end point of the route should be the 'to' point of the last segment.

The implicit direction of a route segment is relevant when specifying the route availability (see also page Direction of Cruise Levels).

Rules are included in the model to enforce consistency between the general direction of the route and the implicit direction of every segment (see below).

Track & Length

The RouteSegment class provides several attributes to define the initial trueTrack, initial magneticTrack, the initial reverseTrueTrack and the initial reverseMagneticTrack of it.

For "ENR 3.3 Area navigation routes", PANS-AIM explicitly requires that the magnetic bearing of the route segment is provided. For all other routes defined in ENR 3, PANS-AIM requires a track or VOR radial applying the following note

Bearings, tracks and radials are normally magnetic. In areas of high latitude, where it is determined by the appropriate authority that reference to Magnetic North is impractical, another suitable reference, i.e. True North or Grid North, may be used.

Tracks and reverse tracks if any, shall be encoded taking into account the implicit direction of the route segment, i.e. the defined start and end point, (see also above). In this regard, the tracks are from the start point of the segment, whereas the reverse tracks are from the end point of the route segment.


AIXM 5.1.1 does not provide a dedicated value to define if the path between on the route segment is a VOR radial. 'OTHER:VOR_RADIAL' may be used for RouteSegment.pathType.

The length attribute allows to define the distance of the path of the RouteSegment. The length depends on the pathType, which may be a great circle ('GRC'), a rhumbline ('RHL') or a geodesic line ('GDS'). 


According to PANS-AIM, the length of a route segment shall be provided as geodesic distance.

AIXM 5.1(.1) issue_006_RouteSegment.length

PANS-AIM defines an accuracy for the values for the length of an Route Segment. There is no dedicated attribute in AIXM 5.1.1.

Workaround fro AIXM 5.1(.1): A Note may be used to encode that information.

Status AIXM 5.2: See CCB AIXM-269.

Lateral Limits

For "ENR 3.1 Lower ATS routes" and "ENR 3.2 Upper ATS routes", PANS-AIM requires the provision of lateral limits.

The RouteSegment class provides the attributes widthLeft and widthRight to define the lateral limits. These are the distances from the centreline of the route segment to the left and right edge respectively. For example, if the route segment has a defined width of 10 NM for each of the attributes will carry the value '5' uom equal-to 'NM'.

Vertical Limits

PANS-AIM requires that all routes/route segments have at least a lower limit and an upper limit.

For some types of routes, viz. ENR 3.1 (Lower ATS Routes) and ENR 3.4 (Helicopter Routes), also minimum obstacle clearance altitudes and minimum flight altitudes, respectively shall be provided.

According to ICAO Annex 11:

The minimum flight altitudes determined shall provide a minimum clearance above the controlling obstacle located within the areas concerned.

Whereas, the States should publish, “The criteria used to determine minimum flight altitudes”, in AIP section GEN 3.3.5.

Depending on the purpose and classification of the route different vertical limits may be required by PANS-AIM:

ENR 3.1 (Lower ATS Routes):

  • upper and lower limits or minimum en-route altitudes.
  • minimum obstacle clearance altitudes;
  • Since en-route flights at or above the lowest usable flight level are flown at flight levels, it is suggested that these limits be expressed in flight levels (FL) whenever such flight levels are not likely to fall below the lowest safe altitude; otherwise, they should be expressed in altitude.

ENR 3.2 (Upper ATS Routes):

  • upper and lower limits (usually in flight levels "FL”).

ENR 3.3 (RNAV Routes):

  • upper and lower limits (usually in flight levels "FL”).

ENR 3.4 (Helicopter Routes):

  • upper and lower limits; minimum flight altitudes

ENR 3.5 (Other Routes):

  • No requirements stated regarding vertical limits.

The following table gives an overview which vertical limits are required by PANS-AIM for the AIP data set and the corresponding AIXM attributes of the RouteSegment class (Note 1):

Upper limitThe upper limit of the route segmentENR 3.1-3.4upperLimitThe vertical position of the route segment ceiling.

Lower LimitThe lower limit of the route segmentENR 3.1-3.4 (Note 2)lowerLimitThe vertical position of the route segment floor.

Note 2

According to PANS-AIM for ENR 3.1 Lower ATS Route,

lower limits or minimum en-route altitudes

shall be defined.

In the "old" ICAO Annex 15 it was

lower limits or minimum flight altitudes

Minimum obstacle clearance altitude (MOCA)The minimum altitude for a defined segment of flight that provides the required obstacle clearance. minimumObstacleClearingAltitudeENR 3.1 Lower ATS Route


RouteSegment.annotation.Note.propertyName value equal-to 'minimumObstacleClearanceAltitude'

Minimum obstacle clearance altitude (MOCA). The minimum altitude for a defined segment of flight that provides the required obstacle clearance.

According to ICAO PANS-OPS 

A MOCA is determined and published for each segment of the route.

In PANS-AIM it is only required for ENR 3.1 Lower ATS Routes.

The MOC value to be applied in the primary area for the en-route phase of an IFR flight is 300 m (1 000 ft) as a minimum.

AIXM 5.1.1 issue_008_MOCA

PANS-AIM requires a accuracy to be specified for the MOCA. AIXM does not have a dedicated attribute for that purpose.

Workaround for AIXM 5.1(.1): Code a corresponding Note.

Status: For AIXM 5.2 see CCB AIXM-269.

Minimum en-route altitude (MEA)The altitude for an en-route segment that provides adequate reception of relevant navigation facilities and ATS communications, complies with the airspace structure and provides the required obstacle clearance.ENR 3.1 Lower ATS Route (Note 2)


RouteSegment.annotation.Note.propertyName value equal-to 'minimumEnrouteAltitude'

Minimum en-route altitude (MEA). The altitude for an en-route segment that provides adequate reception of relevant navigation facilities and ATS communications, complies with the airspace structure and provides the required obstacle clearance.

According to ICAO PANS-OPS

The MEA is the greatest of:

  • the MOCA;
  • the minimum altitude for proper reception of the relevant facilities;
  • the minimum altitude for proper reception of ATS communications;
  • the minimum altitude that complies with the ATS structure.

AIXM 5.1.1 issue007_MEA

PANS-AIM requires a accuracy to be specified for the MEA. AIXM 5.1.1 does not have a dedicated attribute for that purpose.

Workaround for AIXM 5.1(.1): Code a corresponding Note.

Status: For AIXM 5.2 see CCB AIXM-269.

Minimum flight altitudeMinimum flight altitudeENR 3.4 Helicopter routes


RouteSegment.annotation.Note.propertyName value equal-to 'minimumObstacleClearanceAltitude'

According to PANS-AIM

The criteria used to determine minimum flight altitudes shall be provided in GEN 3.3.5.

In PANS-AIM the term is only used for "ENR 3.4 Helicopter routes"

ICAO Annex 11, 2.23 Minimum flight altitudes

Minimum flight altitudes shall be determined and promulgated by each Contracting State for each ATS route and control area over its territory. The minimum flight altitudes determined shall provide a minimum clearance above the controlling obstacle located within the areas concerned.

AIXM 5.1.1 issue_009_Minimum fight altitude

 AIXM 5.1.1 does not have a dedicated attribute for that purpose.

As, in PANS-AIM there is no definition for for Minimum flight altitude. For this mapping it is assumed that it may be the either the MEA or the MOCA for helicopters.

Workaround for AIXM 5.1(.1): Code a RouteSegment.minimumObstacleClearanceAltitude, 
or RouteSegment.minimumEnrouteAltitude.

Status: To be reported to CCB

Note 1

PANS-AIM defines more vertical limits, i.e. Area Minimum Altitude (AMA) and Minimum Vectoring Altitude (MVA) which are not considered as part of the AIP Data set and hence are not contained in the table.

Regarding the general encoding guidelines and rules for vertical limits see topic Vertical Limits.


Although this information is not explicitly required by PANS-AIM it should be coded at least for route segments published in an AIP in Section ENR 3.1 Lower ATS routes and  ENR 3.2 Upper ATS Routes, with 'LOWER' and 'UPPER' respectively. This is also relevant as some Coding Rules relate on this information (see below).

Coding Rules for Basic Data for Route Segment 

IdentifierData Encoding RuleJustificationData Verification Rule (UID)Remarks
RSG-101RouteSegment.navigationType is mandatory.Minimum AIP data setAIXM-5.1_RULE-1A3351
RSG-102RouteSegment.start is mandatory.Minimum AIP data setAIXM-5.1_RULE-1B09E2
RSG-103RouteSegment.end is mandatory.Minimum AIP data setAIXM-5.1_RULE-1B09E1

RouteSegment.start.EnRouteSegmentPoint.reportingATC is mandatory.

Minimum AIP data setTBD
RSG-105RouteSegment.end.EnRouteSegmentPoint.reportingATC is mandatory.Minimum AIP data setTBD
RSG-106Either RouteSegment.trueTrack or RouteSegment.magneticTrack shall be provided where RouteSegment.availability.RouteAvailability.direction value equal-to ‘'FORWARD''.Minimum AIP data setTBD
RSG-107Either RouteSegment.reverseTrueTrack or RouteSegment.reverseMagneticTrack shall be provided where RouteSegment.availability.RouteAvailability.direction value equal-to ‘'BACKWARD''.Minimum AIP data setTBD

RSG-108RouteSegment.length is mandatory.Minimum AIP data setTBD
RSG-109RouteSegment.pathType is mandatory.Minimum AIP data setTBD
RSG-110The RouteSegment.pathType should have value equal-to 'GDS'.PANS-AIM ENR 3TBDOnly in case path of the route segment is really a geodesic line.

The accuracy of the length of the route segment shall be encoded as RouteSegment.annotation.Note.propertyName value equal-to 'length'

Minimum AIP data setTBD
RSG-112RouteSegment.upperLimit is mandatory.Minimum AIP data setTBD
RSG-113RouteSegment.upperLimitReference is mandatory.Data consistencyTBD
RSG-114Either RouteSegment.lowerLimit or RouteSegment.minimumEnrouteAltitude shall be provided.Minimum AIP data setTBD
RSG-115If RouteSegment.lowerLimit  is specified, then RouteSegment.lowerLimitReference is mandatory.AIXM Model / Minimal data ruleAIXM-5.1_RULE-1A13DB
RSG-116For ENR 3.1 Lower ATS routes RouteSegment.level shall be equal-to 'LOWER'Data completenessN/ANeeded for other data verification rules
RSG-117For ENR 3.2 Upper ATS routes RouteSegment.level shall be equal-to 'UPPER'Data completenessN/ANeeded for other data verification rules
RSG-118If RouteSegment.level is equal-to 'LOWER' than,  RouteSegment.minimumObstacleClearanceAltitude is mandatory.Minimum AIP data setTBD

MOCA is mandatory for ENR 3.1 Lower ATS Routes

RSG-119 If RouteSegment.level is equal-to 'LOWER'  or 'UPPER' than, RouteSegment.widthLeft and RouteSegment.widthRight is mandatory forPANS-AIM ENR 3.1 & ENR 3.2TBDWidth is mandatory for ENR 3.1 Lower ATS Routes and ENR 3.2 Upper ATS Routes.
RSG-120RouteSegment.widthLeft and RouteSegment.widthRight  shall have the same uom.Data consistencyAIXM-5.1_RULE-D4A71
RSG-121RouteSegment.requiredNavigationPerformance is mandatory.Minimum AIP data setTBD

RSG-122If RouteSegment.minimumCrossingAtEnd is specified, then RouteSegment.minimumCrossingAtEndReference is mandatory.AIXM Model / Minimal data ruleAIXM-5.1_RULE-1A13DC
RSG-123If RouteSegment.minimumCrossingAtEnd is specified, then RouteSegment.minimumCrossingAtEndReference is mandatory.AIXM Model / Minimal data ruleAIXM-5.1_RULE-1A13DC
RSG-124RouteSegment.lowerLimit shall not be equal-to 'FLOOR' or 'CELLING' or 'UNL'.EAD / Data consistency


(Rule does not take into account UNL)


RouteSegment.upperLimit shall not be equal-to 'FLOOR' or 'CELLING' or 'GND'.

EAD / Data consistency


(Rule does not take into account GND)

RSG-126RouteSegment.minimumObstacleClearanceAltitude shall not be equal-to 'FLOOR' or 'CELLING' or 'UNL'.EAD / Data consistency


(Rule does not take into account UNL)

RSG-127RouteSegment.minimumEnrouteAltitude shall not be equal-to 'FLOOR' or 'CELLING' or 'UNL'.EAD / Data consistency


(Rule does not take into account UNL)

RSG-128The value 'OTHER' shall not be used for RouteSegment.level.

AIXM4.5 / StandardAIXM-5.1_RULE-C2D31
RSG-129The value 'OTHER' shall not be used for RouteSegment.lowerLimit.uomAIXM4.5 / StandardAIXM-5.1_RULE-C2D38
RSG-130The value 'OTHER' shall not be used for RouteSegment.upperLimit.uomAIXM4.5 / StandardAIXM-5.1_RULE-C2D39
RSG-131The value 'OTHER' shall not be used for RouteSegment.widthLeft.uomAIXM4.5 / StandardAIXM-5.1_RULE-C2D3D
RSG-132The value 'OTHER' shall not be used for RouteSegment.widthRight.uomAIXM4.5 / StandardAIXM-5.1_RULE-C2D3E
RSG-133The value 'OTHER' shall not be used for RouteSegment.length.uomAIXM4.5 / StandardAIXM-5.1_RULE-C2D3F

 Each RouteSegment shall have assigned routeFormed value.

AIXM Model / Minimal data ruleAIXM-5.1_RULE-1A33EF
RSG-135If the RouteSegment.lowerLimit.uom has the value 'FL' or 'SM', then the attribute RouteSegment.lowerLimitReference must have the value 'STD'.AIXM 4.5 Business Rules / Data consistencyAIXM-5.1_RULE-1A4E62
RSG-136If the RouteSegment.upperLimit.uom has the value 'FL' or 'SM', then the attribute AirspaceVolume.upperLimitReference must have the value 'STD'.AIXM 4.5 Business Rules / Data consistencyAIXM-5.1_RULE-1A4E68
RSG-137If the RouteSegment.minimumCrossingAtEnd.uom has the value 'FL' or 'SM', then the attribute RouteSegment.minimumCrossingAtEndReference must have the value 'STD'.AIXM 4.5 Business Rules / Data consistencyAIXM-5.1_RULE-1A4E6B
RSG-138If the RouteSegment.maximumCrossingAtEnd.uom has the value 'FL' or 'SM', then the attribute RouteSegment.maximumCrossingAtEndReference must have the value 'STD'.AIXM 4.5 Business Rules / Data consistencyAIXM-5.1_RULE-1A4E6F
RSG-139When translated to use the same unit of measurement and the same vertical reference, RouteSegment.lowerLimit must be lower than or equal to RouteSegment.upperLimit.Data consistencyTBD
RSG-140The EnRouteSegmentPoint.pointChoice used as RouteSegment.start or RouteSegment.start may not be other than a DesignatedPoint or a Navaid or an AirportHeliport.Data consistencyTBD
RSG-141The accuracy value of the RouteSegment.length shall be 0.1 km or less.PANS-AIMN/ACan only be coded as annotation for the length attribute.
RSG-142The value of the RouteSegment.length shall be published with at least 1 decimals of KM or NM resolution.PANS-AIMTBD
RSG-143The accuracy value of the RouteSegment.minimumEnrouteAltitude shall be 50 m or less.PANS-AIMN/ACan only be coded as annotation for the length attribute.
RSG-144The accuracy value of the RouteSegment.minimumObstacleClearanceAltitude shall be 50 m or less.PANS-AIMN/ACan only be coded as annotation for the length attribute.
RSG-145The value of the RouteSegment.minimumEnrouteAltitude shall be published with at least 50 m or 100 ft resolution.PANS-AIMN/A
RSG-146The value of the RouteSegment.minimumObstacleClearanceAltitude shall be published with at least 50 m or 100 ft resolution.PANS-AIMN/A

Two consecutive route segments (of the same Route) should have vertical limits that, if not overlapping, should not be further away than 1000 FT. For example, if segment 1 is FL245 to FL295 and segment 2 is FL310 to FL490, (this rule will need to be adjusted based on operational experience).



The angle between two consecutive segments of the same route cannot exceed 90 degrees.

RSG-903At the border (defined as a buffer area of 2 km on each side) between two areas of responsibility, route segments should be continued by route segments of the same or another Route.EAD Rule


This rule is based on the areas of responsibility defined in EAD. Shall there be a similar rules for the AIP data set based e.g.on FIR/UIR?

RSG-904Route segments of the same Route should be consecutive (no gaps): not more than two significant points should be either the start or the end of a single route segment.EAD RuleTBD

According to the rule definition the rule is violated, because four significant points "KPT", "TGO", "KRH" and "ECCHO" are used only once, either as start or end point of a route segment.

RSG-905Route segments of the same Route should be consecutive: no segment should be described in the opposite order of significant points (start instead of end and vice-versa) compared to the adjacent segments.EAD RuleTBD

In the given example the rule is violated, because route segment "ECCHO - ANEKI" is described in the opposite order of the adjacent segments.

RSG-906Route segments of the same Route should be consecutive (no multiple branches): no significant point should appear on 3 or more segments, either as start or as end point.EAD RuleTBD

According to the rule definition the rule is violated, because ANEKI appears on three route segments.

Subsequently this results in multiple branches; "ANEKI - ECCHO" and ANEKI - RUDUS".


The position of the SignificantPoint used as the beginning of the RouteSegment must be separated by at least 30m (1 sec of arc) from the position of the SignificantPoint used as the end of the RouteSegment.

RSG-908widthLeft and widthRight must have a value between 0.5 NM and 10 NM.EAD RuleTBD


The value of EnRouteSegmentPoint.reportingATC for RouteSegment.start and RouteSegment.end of any two consecutive segments of the same route must be consistent.

EAD RuleTBDIn case of FIR BRDY points there are situations when the source data of the concerned neighbouring countries do not match. For example on routes crossing the border between Latvia and Sweden, the report at the border points is specified 'on request' in the Sweden AIP and as 'compulsory' in the Latvia AIP.

The difference between length and the calculated length of the related RouteSegment cannot exceed 5 KM.


PANS-AIM requires an accuracy of 1/10 KM. Shall the rule be changed accordingly?


The difference between Initial trueTrack and the calculated initial true track of the related RouteSegment cannot exceed 2 degrees.

The difference between reverseTrueTrack and the calculated reverse initial true track of the related RouteSegment cannot exceed 2 degrees.


Coding Examples

The figure below gives a simple example of the encoding of the route segment from "DINKI" to "LNO".

The figures below give an example of the encoding of the route segment (from "BARIM" to "WOB"), including the mapping from AIXM UML to AIXM XML.

More coding examples can be found in the AIP Data Set - Specimen (DONLON).

No.DescriptionXPath Expression



Route segment of Lower ATS route (incl.  MEA)

Route segment of Lower ATS route (incl. MOCA)

//aixm:RouteSegmentTimeSlice[@gml:id='RSG_A6_BOR_ROB'] |


RSG-EX-02Route segment of Upper ATS route//aixm:RouteSegmentTimeSlice[@gml:id='RSG_UA4_BARIM_WOB']
RSG-EX-03Route segment of RNAV route//aixm:RouteSegmentTimeSlice[@gml:id='RSG_UL123_ABOLA_ILURU']


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